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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I thought Frozen Tears of Angels wasn't bad - had some good songs. I heard Muse's latest album The Resistance a few days ago...now THAT is a crappy album.
  2. And your excuse period is winding down yourself
  3. Thanks everyone for the well wishes - today wasn't an exciting day, but my birthday tends not to be. Maybe I'll do something exciting if I'm in DC this time around next year .
  4. I wasn't even aware this was even around - Taucer had most of the contact with Ross. I would've been happy to take it as a bonus track.
  5. You should chuck Meteos for Planet Puzzle League
  6. Somehow I missed this thread - just ordered a copy. It turns out to be quite expensive, ~$19 ouch.
  7. Somehow I always miss it when there's 3 listed . That's twice I've failed when I've changed the thread title. Happy birthday to you too Xelebes - hope your day doesn't have any mishaps like mine there!
  8. Happy birthday to Tekkaxe and Doni! Hope you two have a nice day
  9. Wha, I didn't comment on any of these DKC 2 mix postings? Oh wait, I guess I kind of did with the director comments. It was a surprise to see David Wise implicitly enthusiastic about this effort to rearrange his own music, and I'm glad he contributed here, as well as bringing in his former colleagues from Rare into this. The song turned out better than I was expecting after the first WIP - it sounds like a complete tribute to himself
  10. I liked this quite a bit - it was worth waiting for Dave to complete this track, resulting in the perfect opening track. In a lot of ways, the song embodies what the album is like, full of a diverse set of styles. I like active orchestral/electronic hybrids, and this song is no exception.
  11. Yikes, the samples! Something about them are pretty grating early on for me. The song smooths out after the minute mark though, although it seems like the song is missing some lower end action i.e. some untz untz untz untz. The ending also seems pretty weak . The song could use some more development after that changeup somewhere around the 2:20 mark - you're led to expect some huge build up for the future, but it doesn't really happen.
  12. This song brings back memories - its been a while since I've last heard it. It's a nice song for the most part, although I wish the volume was brought more forward overall, and the drum scaled back relative to the rest of the song. The samples for the most part are still passable I feel.
  13. I've always felt like the singing wasn't that bad - this song still has some charm to it. The production is where the song suffers though...I wonder if Dave would ever revisit this song
  14. I remember first hearing this at a friend's dorm room - it's a curiously catchy song. The samples are unfortunately outdated - would love to hear this with updated ones.
  15. So I randomly stumbled upon this mix while looking for something to listen to in a panic - this was a pleasant surprise, as Hale-Bopp has a perfect voice for this style. If there's any complaint I have, it's that the song seems too short. On the flip side, this song is nice for looping
  16. I haven't gotten to play this game yet, but this song really sounds fitting given the type of atmosphere that the first portrayed through its visuals and music. The relentless spacey industrial feel of the general environments shines through here, and I can envision it being used in the game as an original. Nice work!
  17. That's a pretty odd pokemon set - what gave you the idea to go those?
  18. It's interesting hearing a remix from a more modern game like Mass Effect, especially of a more background type of track like was used for Noveria. This track is fitting though, as it's a different yet similarly framed as an atmospheric track to be listened to in the background. It adds some more interpretive mechanical instrumentation, strings, and synth action that stretches & warps the music into the mindtrip it is. Nice work!
  19. I don't like how low the volume seems to be overall in this song - it seems like to me that not all of the sounds are crisp, possibly due to some crowding. The song also sounds a bit on the thin side, mainly with the lower frequencies. In this case, I feel like production boosts would help this song immensely for most people's enjoyability. Some nifty ideas in this song though, and I'm surprised to see an absence of Sebastian's cello. A bit short though. I know you can do better Sebastian!
  20. I'll be honest - I was disappointed initially since I had envisioned a large scale epic track for this source that you'd expect from the game's setup in culminating towards the final battle. However, bLiNd gives us his dance sexiness here instead, and it is a fine song regardless of expectations. Keep on trucking Jordan, you bring much guaranteed good listening !
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