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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Do your tracks for me! Get done early with them, so I can guilt you into taking on even more
  2. Hey man, I'm glad to hear I've left an impact on you, even if that impact comes in the same form as, say, an annoying television ad that's always on no matter what channel you're watching :tomatoface:

    But seriously, I appreciate the congratulations. I had loads of fun doing it and I became a lot more familiar with some of the other people partaking in the festivities that I wouldn't even recognize otherwise (yourself included!)

    As for the track I've requested from OA, I'm keeping it a secret for reasons that will hopefully become apparent within the next month, if all goes as planned ;-) Stay tuned!

  3. Alright, screw it. I've never listened to this song up to this point - I have absolutely no idea why, but for my 200th review I figured I'd do something special and check it out. Hey, I've been missing out! The lead synths are cute as all hell (I never thought I'd use that word to describe an instrument, but dammit it's appropriate here!) and the non-8-bit instruments like the drums, piano, and strings all make this feel like a Halc mix You can tell his ability with creative processing and extra effects has improved since this mix was posted, but even his debut mix is still chock-full of all the awesomeness that makes me love his new mixes so much! Happy 200th December review to me And halc, keep being smexy like this!
  4. Such an amazing take, I'm a sucker for all acoustic guitar solos but this guitar tone is my absolute favorite I agree that it feels really heavy on the lower end of things and some higher notes would have been nice to balance that out, but I guess the kind of mood you've got going lends itself better to lower notes No real complaints here, though I can tell that your recording and production has gotten better based on your FFIV remix! The performance talent has always been there, though
  5. THIS is the definitive Hydrocity Zone remix! The guitar work is incredibly slick and polished, but just rough enough to give it that jazzy feel that you got from the original. The faster parts after 2:40 especially felt like some of the remixer's best work ever! House's mix is a lot more guitar-centric than Dr.Manhattan's take on the same theme, and frankly, when the playing is this exquisite, my preference leans towards this remix. Nice touch having an organ "solo" toward the end - even though it's pretty much just another repetition of the source, it was nice to see that element take the limelight My favorite track from Project Chaos, this couldn't have been any better!
  6. Yeah, OA is pretty much a remixing god. This is uber-poppy; the bubblegum synths set a nice mood but it doesn't really kick in until the 90's-style guitar riffs kick in. That's when I REALLY get into the song. I agree with Willrock that the playing could use a bit more personality to it, but I think it fits alright as is. I have no shame blasting this in my car Sooo good, one of my faves from OA!
  7. Finally, some appropriate use of sound effects in music! I've heard a lot of vocal clips thrown in randomly in ways that don't make sense, and then I've heard a lot of instances where the sound effects are only used during the introduction and then forgotten about later in the mix, but I'm happy to report that this remix has neither of these problems! Great source, the loud drums and cool synths gave life to a track that I didn't know had upbeat potential to it Taking out the bass toward the end threw the soundscape off balance for a bit, but aside from that it's a pretty solid effort all the way throughout. My favorite Siamey track yet!
  8. I absolutely love how mellow this starts out, but the quick shift to something much more intense and dramatic is really the hook for me. I'm a sucker for glitch beats but I'm not used to hearing it applied to guitars and other elements of music like this, so thanks for introducing me to something new! While the arrangement isn't perfect and neither is the glitch technique, as Vig pointed out, I'm still very glad this got to the front page and I've had a ton of fun listening to it since it was put up! This feels very creative and has a great sound to it!
  9. This might just be my favorite Mazedude mix ever! He's mentioned in the past how he finds a different set of sounds for each mix, but I think the one's he's using here work better together than any of his remixes I've heard up to this point. It's so peaceful and serene, but mysterious as well. The piano fits like a glove into the synthy soundscape... honestly, I could keep rambling, but ultimately this is one of my favorite Mazedude mixes and I'd recommend everyone check it out!
  10. This is creepy as all hell, which is exactly what I'd expect from the remixers involved! The insanely-crunchy guitar feels perfect here, though I think the mixing could have been a bit better on it. Overall, just about what I've come to expect from CotMM in terms of ambient soundscapes and trippy effects, but the guitar was a nice surprise too! Good work all around
  11. Hah, yes! Finally some Animal Crossing coverage I can get behind! This one hit my playlist ever since it was on the front page and I've listened to it sporadically ever since. The source is one of my favorites from the game (not surprising, since the melody shows up in a lot of different forms throughout the game) so this sugary-sweet pop ballad arrangement felt entirely appropriate. The whole song reminds me of the feeling of somber sadness as you travel away to another town on a train... even though you're just visiting, it felt like you were saying goodbye to your town for good. I dunno, I get overly reminiscent when it comes to games like Animal Crossing, but let me say that the way you treated this source tune is entirely appropriate! Thanks for doing justice to a severely-underremixed game!
  12. Undeniably brilliant. I honestly would have never guessed that each remixer was in charge of a different section of the song - while there's definite genre differences, the end result is pretty seamless for a collab of such great scope! I don't think I can pick out a single element of the mix that I don't like, although the points where the audio stutters and cuts out seems like a nice idea that didn't fit in with the rest of the mix. Other than that, terrific genre-fusion by three insanely-talented remixers, I can hear each one of their influences on the final product!
  13. This one definitely feels like a funeral march in the rain, you captured that utterly-somber essence perfectly. I agree that this could have really benefitted from a live performance on the other instruments, but I think the piano is enough to carry this one on its own. It's nice to see a less-conventional Stickerbrush Symphony remix on the site - as great as the source tune is, I definitely think it could stand to get a more liberal approach taken, and that's exactly what was done here!
  14. This mix starts out as one big fake-out after another, first with the piano and then the Latin section, but once you get the hip-hop beats going this really becomes the defining Gerudo Valley mix on OCR, in my opinion. Props for pulling off the claps in a way that doesn't annoy me, that seems to be a hard thing to do I'm a huge fan of all your work, Diggi Dis, but this one feels like one of the most polished and overall quality works you've put out in a while! Highly recommended, don't let the genres turn you off if you happen to not be a fan of Latin or Hip-Hop
  15. So, I'm coming down with a cold and I'm sick at home today, so I literally had nothing better to do than review all day. http://imgur.com/UYN4c.png Thanks to everyone else's slackerness, I was able to completely flood the front page of that board with my name Currently I have 188 reviews done (turning terrors is my most recent.) Hey, Jack Polo, we should combine ours and then we'll be exactly at 200! EDIT: There's my 200. It's been fun, thanks for starting this up OA! I've found quite a few mixes that I never would have listened to otherwise I'll keep throwing down reviews from here on out, thanks for getting me in a good habit, haha!
  16. I still don't know why this one is so underreviewed compared to Monstrous Turtles, I think they're both equally full of merit and awesomeness, and it's nice to see two similar but divergent takes done on the same theme. I don't have a preference between these two, but I'll say that the synth work and the arpeggios is astounding here. AeroZ is a master at that, for sure!
  17. All production/technical problems aside, this is a great homage to a theme that really needs more coverage It's nice to get some more full-ensemble remixes going through the front page, even if they're flawed I think the majority of us regular people can still appreciate them for what they're worth!
  18. This one's really good for car rides... it's uplifting and borderline cheesy but I enjoyed all aspects of the mix. It didn't feel repetitive, the soloing was at an appropriate level of craziness for the nature of the song, and all the sounds were cohesive. You've got absolutely no qualms from me, I've grown to like this one a lot! If there is any style that OA can pull off with unquestionable levels of skill, it's pop-rock like this I love it!
  19. I've found myself listening to this one a lot despite the unorthodox nature of the song. It must have taken some vision to pull this off with such refinement and competence, I really like the whispers and low-fi pads. The soundscape is weird, old-school, and very unique - this mix won't be for everyone but I personally enjoyed it a lot!
  20. yeah, I have to agree with Halc on this one. The novelty factor here is through the roof and I enjoy showing this one to friends, but from a more objective standpoint this isn't very engaging past the first 30 seconds or so, once the neatness of the samples wears off. I appreciate the amount of effort that must have gone into making this, but I think I'll have to pass on this one
  21. Great conceptual mix! The extended amounts of distortion and intentionally-"bad" sound are a bit off-putting when I'm just looking for something to casually listen to, but that's not really what your music is good for in the first place. It's a lot more about picking apart the concept and inspiration for the mix and watching something truly unique unfold everytime a new Mazedude song comes up. This is a truly creative concept with brilliant execution, one of my favorites from Chris's vast library!
  22. The brilliance of this one honestly eluded me on my first few listens. Then, I decided to give it a second listen because of what you said in your submission email, and boy am I glad I did! This is really one of your best sleeper-hits, AnSo, and I can see why I didn't find it engrossing right off the bat. The joy of this mix is in the subtleties, like the percussion, for example. This really is a work of brilliance, I'm ashamed to say I didn't notice it sooner but me and Halc have both ranted and raved about how great this is via IM. You're my hero!
  23. The live sax on this is pretty crazy, but I think the most impressive part is how you used so many different sound effects from the organ, guitar, and what sound like synths to help bolster them up That's what it takes to make a truly successful solo mix, and damn did you deliver! My only complaint is that it sounds a little disharmonious when you've got both saxes playing at the same time, but it's only for a few seconds and really a minor issue. Everything about this I just loved!
  24. There's not much subtlety to the arrangement here - everything feels like it's up front-and-center. However, the arrangement makes that approach feel almost appropriate. Despite the somewhat-weak samples, especially on the guitar, I really enjoyed what you did with this short theme, it's very quaint and reminds me of something out of Banjo-Kazooie in terms of how uplifting it can be. Nice debut mix, I still enjoyed it despite the weakness in some areas You can only go up from here, so make it happen!
  25. The intro feels like it was cut right in the middle of something else, I'm not sure if I like how suddenly it starts. Past that though, this one is all about mood and ambience. It's impressive in the aspect that it can somehow do pretty much the same thing for 5 minutes and still hold my attention. It's great study music though, and that scholarly feeling is only heightened by the quotes. Yes, it's cheesy, as OA pointed out, but the message is poignant and you integrated them fairly well into the song. All of your songs feel grungy and dark, yet relaxing at the same time... this one epitomizes that feel Excellent interpretation!
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