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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Some of the breaks where you end up with more exposed instruments reminds me a lot of Vampire Hunter Dan's beautiful orchestral arrangements, especially the flute. I had no idea Shnab did music in this style, but it sounds good! Definitely a change of pace from his normal music but a welcome change!
  2. This is just plain intense, the name Full-Frontal Assault is fitting 'cause it feels like you, as the listener, are being pummeled by a wall of sound. Great take on the battle theme - if we're talking metal Final Fantasy remixes, I don't think it gets much better than this!
  3. Something about the timing of everything in the introduction sounded really off to me. Once the soundscape flattened out a bit this one became more interesting. I like the distortion effects on some of the synths as well, they gave the mix a bit of character. Overall, some nice sounds but still a fairly generic remix when you get right down to it.
  4. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I think I've grown so used to the mixing on the Thieves of Fate version that I can't really stand hearing a version mastered differently, even if it is objectively better. I'm just weird like that, I guess The arrangement is probably my least favorite of your Radical Dreamers songs, but there's still a lot to like about the spy movie-esque bass and the variety of different guitar patterns you've got going on. Very cohesive and well-written, the song doesn't show any age whatsoever, though it's clear that you've only improved since this was created, OA
  5. This is so completely different from everything I've heard from Mazedude, I wouldn't have guessed it was his music in a million years! I dunno what's supposedly wrong with the source tune, I never had any problems with it and I actually enjoyed the Smash Bros. rendition of the tune immensely. However, this is on a whole another level. The complexity of the piano as well as all the other extra instruments involved really create something that blows your hair back as you listen to it. Definitely not what I expected from Mazedude but it's a perfect fit for the Ice Climber music!
  6. Yeah, this has the mood of a time when you'd sit, look out at the sunset, and reminisce over everything you've done that day... a nice close to a long journey home, if you will. Nice guitar work, toward the end when the vocal harmonies are juxtaposed with the soft drumbeats and the acoustic guitar notes, it's pure bliss The ending caught me off guard a little but in a good way. Highly recommended for anyone looking for some very thoughtful, mellow music!
  7. Heh, nice work I used this song as background music for a Physics extra credit video about coefficients of friction, so even though the music was completely irrelevant I can't help but think that the obscurity of the title gave me a few points Really rockin' though, I don't have much more to say but I enjoyed it!
  8. By far Palp's best work, the mood is in-line with the original but with a serious boost in sound quality! The solos toward the end were an unexpected surprise, as well. Not much else to say about this, but I definitely like it! Great work on remixing a track from this underrated soundtrack, too!
  9. I'll be honest, when I went through and mass-downladed all of Halc's mixes a while back, this one didn't necessarily catch my interest. But now that it's on the front page and I've had some motivation to listen to it again, I've realized what a good example of halc's talent it is. This just goes to prove that you can create a beautiful, lush soundscape with very minimal amounts of sounds if you use your samples right Keep making sexy stuff like this, man! x)
  10. I am completely stricken with awe... I'll admit I was a bit turned off by this because of the length when I caught it as part of the Xenogears album, just because I was excited to hear the rest of the album, so my initial review may have been unfairly negative. However, now that I've had a chance to sit back, loop the track and take in just how much effort must have gone into making this all come together, I'm just awestruck. I can tell that parts of this are sequenced but it doesn't lose any of the charm - the sound effects at the beginning are a nice touch to make this feel like it was done live. Monumental track, ziwtra! This and your other Xenogears contributions are all brilliant!
  11. The minimalist intro threw me off a bit, but once you brought the funk, it came in spades! Very islandy, this is the kind of thing I can sit down to and feel perfectly at ease with. No glaring production flaws, a mellow-but-groovin' arrangement (especially at the solos!) I don't really have any bone to pick with this! I'll just throw it on and bask in the sunrays for a couple of minutes
  12. This is my favorite ilp0 track, hands down. I wasn't really sure what to expect from this track at first, hearing the intro compared with the segment I'd heard from the MAGfest preview, I was kind of confused. But once I listened to it all the way through I realized how genius the whole song was. The way it oscillates between rock and jazz segments is really spectacular. One of the highlights of Echoes, I think (although, to be fair, there were a lot of them ) ilp0 had always impressed me with his work prior to this but I think this song brought my respect for him to a whole new level!
  13. Yeah, this one's highly underrated. BGC's soundscape (past the intro) is really light and airy thanks to the plucked strings and oboe. During the faster part of the song the percussion is also really good. I'm not digging the guitar though, I think that could have been replaced with a synth lead and fared a bit better in the end Overall, a solid mix, not necessarily as memorable as some of Jimmy's other stuff but still worth checking out
  14. This is a fun romp, not the most technically proficient and not necessarily the most interesting arrangement, but I enjoy listening to it a lot nonetheless I didn't really take issue with the performance itself - the mistakes gave it that definite "live band" character. Aside from the practically non-existent transitions, this one's good stuff.
  15. Not the most captivating remix of Dhsu's, but given the source tune this is about what I'd expect from it. It's moody, barren, and evokes a feeling of desolation, but honestly not a lot of fun to listen to I can admire the good work done on the source, though I don't think I'll be replaying this often.
  16. Hey yourself! :-D Thanks for the heartfelt support from you and Jordan, that's a great thing to have!

  17. Been listening to this one off of your homepage for a while, it's really one of my favorite piano mixes to come along in a while just because there's nothing pretentious or grand about it - it's a very down-to-earth, mellow arrangement that reminds me of Hetcenus' work from Project Chaos. This kind of arrangement gives me hope that I might be able to get some of my stuff up on the front page at some point in the future, because this is exactly like the kind of music I play Love it dude, congrats on getting posted FINALLY!
  18. I don't feel like this one's been sufficiently reviewed enough considering the absolute level of sonic perfection this track reached. This one's amassed more plays on iTunes than any other OCRemix just because it's perfect for so many occasions. It's obviously got the soundscape for chilling out and falling asleep to, and the rainy sound effects make it perfect for long walks/drives... I feel a lot more connected and content with the world while I'm listening to this. Truth be told I don't really feel that much of the source in here, but that's hardly an issue when the end product is this good. Songs in this genre are unfortunately hard to come by, which makes me really sad that The Wingless isn't as prolific as he once was because he completely nailed this genre. If ANY song is good enough to attain the rank of "my favorite SONG ever" (not just remix... favorite SONG) this one is. I absolutely love it to death, I'll probably never stop listening to it.
  19. What can I say? This is my favorite rendition of my favorite video game song ever... it's soooo chill, which stays in line with the original feel of the source, but expands on it in a number of ways with a beautiful piano accompaniment, nice synth choices, and of course... BIRDCUSSION! Seriously, I could rave on and on about this song til I pass out from exhaustion, but instead I'll save you all the trouble and just say it right out - GET THIS SONG! Tunes like this are why I'm such a Protricity fanboy!
  20. Right from the start I thought this was gonna burst out into a rendition of The Final Countdown, but thankfully Dan decided to go with a different approach The opening strings are really breezy, and I couldn't think of a better instrument combo to follow up on that intro with than piano, guitar, and the mellowest drums EVER! I can totally chill out to this! Just when this could have ended with a synth outro, but instead things picked up again with a more fluid drumline that carried the tune nicely for a while before eventually breaking out into trance-mode... kinda I'm writing this stream of consciousness style and honestly I can't pigeonhole this onto one particular genre. That's the beauty of Disco Dan's music - it's multifaceted, hard to pin down, but always AWESOME This is my first time listening to this and I'm really floored by the sounds employed here. Nice, nice work!
  21. The synths entered way too abruptly and I can't say I'm a fan of the distorted piano, but the rest of the minimalist soundscape is handled quite nicely, and the non-distorted piano sounds great! Thanks for reminding me how much I love this tune There's lots to love about this, so even if some elements don't jive with you, you might find that the end product is still something highly listenable!
  22. Wow, this is really over-the-top. I'll be honest, some parts of it sounded like they were just trying too hard to be funky, but that doesn't really lessen the enjoyability factor. The electric piano and the organ particularly work well for me... samples hold up to today's standards, and the arrangement is a great take on a classic source. I don't know if this is one of my favorite djp mixes (there are a lot of them!) but it's definitely worth checking out for anyone looking for a downright fun groove!
  23. One of the most mainstream sounding songs I've heard on OCR in terms of the sound, but these aren't really the kind of lyrics you're likely to hear on the radio. This song combined the kind of professional beats you'd hear from a mainstream rap song with the kind of personal, meaningful lyrics you get from underground hip-hop. I really agree that this one feels like an homage/tribute to Eminem's Mockingbird, but the subject matter of the lyrics combined with the familiar IceCap meldoy makes this one unique enough to hold onto Nice work fellas!
  24. How have I never heard this before? Star has proven himself time and time again to be a pure genius, so it almost makes me wonder why I haven't taken the time to listen to his whole remix catalog before. This captures the essence of 80's pop with some appropriate vocal filtering that fits the concept of the song nicely Star is a master of this kind of loud, punchy music that's full of a ton of intricacies that are impossible to fully comprehend on the first listen. For, like, the 2 of you out there that haven't heard this yet, check it out! It's a really fun romp through a nice theme, what more can you ask for?
  25. Um... well, the two parts stand pretty solidly on their own, and the transition from techno to orchestral isn't bad. But really, the fade between genres could have been a LOT more seamless the first time around. The second one was a little bit better doing it gradually, but I still believe this should have just been two separate mixes. Unknown's orchestration is solid and zircon... well, he's improved a lot but even this isn't too bad, but I'll echo everyone else's sentiments that this was more of a mashup and less of a collab.
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