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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. I definitely like the quieter sections where there's just one instrument taking center stage... it sounds almost too cheesy when the full orchestra comes in. Still, I appreciate the arrangement and, while they're not the best, I don't think the sample quality inhibited my enjoyment much, if at all. That being said, I'm also glad that Abadoss has taken advantage of the various collaboration opportunities for projects lately... when his stellar arrangements meet live music/professional-sounding samples, that's when his music really shines and you realize just how talented of an arranger he is!
  2. The orchestral samples stick out like a sore thumb, but all in all I'm not cringing as much as I expected to from one of the earliest remixes on the site The arrangement doesn't always click but for the most part it's pretty, quaint, although just a little bit repetitive. Sample quality be damned, I actually enjoyed this!
  3. The opening... synth thing (I can't identify it) annoys me, but the percussion going on in the intro (and the rest of the mix, really) is decent. I do like the soloing on what I'm pretty sure is supposed to be a guitar toward the end, though. Despite the really poor samples, you can tell djp knew what he was doing from an arrangement perspective right from the start... or at least had a good idea, anyway. This leaves room for improvement but I'm sure it was awesome by the standards from 10 years ago
  4. At first the pacing/timing of the vocals threw me off, but I've REALLY come to like this track a lot. Nicole's backing instrumentation is really mellow and the use of the electric piano especially evokes a very solemn mood that's ultimately reflected in the lyrics. I'll agree that the guitar solo sounded a bit out of place, but only because of the harsh tone compared to the silky smooth texture of the rest of the mix. This one's got me really excited for your collab, "A New Place" off of Serious Monkey Business. You've both set the bar high, but for everybody's sake I hope your next mix is even better!
  5. I actually happen to like this one a lot, compared to some of the other reviews here. It stays close to the source, but past the first 30 seconds I think the vocals were enjoyable and added a lot to the song. The airy section at 2:33 is my favorite part. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's a very old remix and I still think it holds up as a listenable track by my current standards. But that might also be because I'm a whore for DKC music
  6. I agree with the poster who said that this doesn't really evoke any memories of Mario Kart, but it's still a fun mix nonetheless. It's rather unassuming in its arrangement but I think the simplicity gives it a certain charm. Lyrics are probably a high point for me... THOSE definitely feel inspired by Mario Kart Can't wait to hear your work on Serious Monkey Business, Hale - you've got an awesome voice and you always seem to use it well!
  7. This is probably the only song from Chrono Symphonic that I still listen to regularly, it's brimming with emotion and life unlike a lot of other songs on that album, which felt like a good effort but not very inspired. This is extraordinarily beautiful, I love how Reuben's flowing, rolling piano seems to intensify or slow down at the most opportune moments to accentuate the voice. Really stunning, this is a monumental remix for both parties involved and I still cannot find fault with it.
  8. I think OA pretty much nailed it - the dynamics of the source arrangement and the clean instrumentation make this mix listenable, and it's really not bad for its age, but the mix isn't anything particularly special, either. A few parts during the guitar solos shine above the rest, but I think the lack of instrumental variety makes me grow tired with it after a few listens. Not DJP's best but I can find some good parts to it that make it worth listening to occasionally. Even djp on his worst day is above average
  9. What's there to say that hasn't already been said? It's Joshua Morse, it's Castlevania, and it's jazzy as hell. Of course it's gonna be awesome This was one of the 3 tracks from Sonata of the Damned that I recognized the source tune for, so yeah, I'd say that justice has been done to a classic source. My only criticism is that the bells in the introduction went on for too long, I think I was kinda sick of them by the time the guitar came in. Not a dealbreaker, but in the interest of providing some *real* feedback here I thought I'd bring that minor point up.
  10. The drums seem to be a driving force in this remix, which works just fine with me. They might not be the most tightly played/sequenced (I honestly can't tell whether they're real drums or not) but that mixed with the classic rock guitar give this all a very authentic vintage feel. Everything else is pretty well arranged and performed, as well, but the drums especially stood out to me. It's about as far from "vanilla" as you can get with this genre of music. Nice work!
  11. Once finals week is over I'll be able to put some significant time into writing. I've decided to turn my piece from a solo piano mix to a multi-instrumental piece with a flute and violin, so I'm gonna sit down with some friends and try and get a solid arrangement done I might not have anything tangible to show for a little bit, but rest assured I'm working at it Also, if anyone plays piano or violin (I think I've got a flute player lined up but if we can't figure out a good recording setup I might need one of them too ) and would be willing to volunteer their services once I get an arrangement up, let me know!
  12. The programmed drums immediately stand out to me whenever I listen to this song, killer work on that I like to listen to this one as a pair with your other Phoenix Wright mix, they really complement each other nicely. This one's sugary sweet and really a guilty pleasure song of mine just for the over-the-top happiness factor. Amazing work, as always OA
  13. Heh, it's things like this that make me glad for OCR00001-OCR01000 Quality, arrangement, and everything else goes by the wayside and ends up being completely irrelevant when the song is just so damn funny. I don't know how to properly review something like this, but rest assured the value of the song was not lost on me
  14. Thanks, if that mirror goes down I can host the extended version on Tindeck or something Thanks for sharing Liz! This is really a masterful track, the extended intro was a nice surprise and transitioned pretty well into the meat of the track. The guitar sounds a lot better than it did in some of Vig's earlier tracks, you can tell there was some real improvement on that front. Honestly, this is the kind of thing I can just fall asleep to just because of how chill it is... at least, for the first few minutes of it. After it takes a more dramatic tone, I can't say it's really as enjoyable for me but I can't deny the musical prowess behind all parts of this song I dunno if I would consider this to be Vig's best work, as I still like the instrumental variety of Beneath the Surface better, but in terms of arrangement and just sheer epicness, this one wins out. Absolutely stellar work!
  15. There's a lot of subtlety to this song past the booming guitar, particularly in the piano, that I happen to enjoy a lot That's what I love about ilp0's mixes - he captures your attention with one element at first, but on subsequent listens there's a lot of hidden gems for the listener to pick out, as well. Edgy, refined, and definitely jazzy - this is why I love this man
  16. As awesome as I think this could have been with live solo strings playing some of the parts, I admire what the remixer's done with his resources here. The arrangement is simple but when your source is this good, it's actually preferable that it doesn't get changed up too much The soundscape is mellow and ambient but very engaging and borderline-energetic at times. Congratulations on the debut post, and thanks for bringing Galaxy to the front page!
  17. This is one of my favorite Dhsu remixes. It feels even more emotive than his usual work, and captures that tender sense of longing that was present in the original songs. I can't figure out what's going on with the source tunes here but the whole thing feels like an OoT remix to me. Maybe they're the same melody, I dunno. I'm never sure how to properly review piano solos, even though that's my modus operandi when it comes to remixing myself, but let me assure you that I'm extremely moved and touched by what's been created here. Really, really awesome work, I'm glad I discovered this one!
  18. This is a really insane mix, but it's definitely a bit weak on the production side of things, at least, compared to some of your newer stuff. It's great seeing how far you've come in that area of things, but your arrangements have been awesome from the start
  19. The intro caught me off guard but once you got going into the melody I guess it was okay. Everything sounded too tinny for my tastes though... it was fine for the intro but I don't like how that same quality pervaded throughout the lead used for the whole mix. Too distracting to really enjoy much. I like the sine lead though, that was quirky and enjoyable
  20. The descending piano playing in the intro was a little awkward for me, and the rest of it suffered from really dated samples. Still, I'm definitely a fan of Kaijin's mellow remixes like this. For what it's worth, the arrangement is pretty great and it's easy to relax to this once you get past the sample quality.
  21. Can't say this one caught my interest much. It all felt too thin and amateurish. It's nice to hear this theme getting a more modern treatment, and it sounds like the remixer had some okay ideas but I don't really think this offers anything that the Brawl orchestrated version of the theme didn't. Sorry
  22. I'm the exact opposite of DragonAvenger - much of this song feels underwhelming and certain elements are just a bit "off." However, when all is said and done I really enjoyed it a lot and love leaving this one on repeat while I'm studying, for some reason. The guitar solo is an unquestionable highlight but even before that, everything feels pretty melodic and enjoyable. Not the most unique thing to come out of Voices of the Lifestream but I'll be damned if it isn't still good!
  23. I like the industrial-sounding opening, and the rest of it sounds surprisingly polished for a song that's part of a very rushed album. I think it's one of the most complete-sounding remixes on the project, not just because of the length but also because of the amount of processing and creative enhancements throughout. A particular highlight would be the breathy sound effects that pop in around 2:45. Really good work, BGC!
  24. The ethnic flair was a perfect choice here, I like how you blended classical orchestra with something distinctly eastern... the source tune you chose is really great, reminds me of something from A Link to the Past in terms of its epic nature. The plucked... instrument-thingy that continues through much of the mix, as well as the hand drums, is a nice subtle touch that keeps the arrangement feeling ethnic throughout, even during the more cinematic parts. This would feel right at home in a movie or RPG battle. Good interpretation!
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