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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Excellent work, man The updated version sounds a lot more personalized and unique compared to what I remember hearing, and the sound effects actually add a lot to the mix in this particular case! I haven't listened to this with headphones, but it sounds like there's a lot of fuzziness/clipping when the sfx come in, you might want to listen for that and see if it's too cramped down in those frequency ranges. Is this one going on the DKC-Atlas remix project?
  2. Sixto really killed on Summoning of Spirits... four absolutely stellar tracks all in their own unique style. That being said, I think this one is the weakest of the bunch, stylistically-speaking. The violin adds some flair to it, and it is arranged very intelligently but compared to his other mixes it seems a little generic. It's a stellar track for sure and probably still one of the best ones on the album, and that's saying something about Sixto's level of talent, creativity, and commitment The only thing you can really compare this to is the other three tracks that Sixto himself contributed. Keep at it, dude! EDIT: Also, this hardly even needs to be said because it's basically assumed of his tracks by now, but Sixto really tore it up on the solos here. Just considering that sole aspect of the song, I actually think this might be his strongest effort on the project
  3. This one took a while for me to come around too, I'll be honest. Harpsichord never really sits right with me, so I wasn't a big fan of the intro and honestly I think I skipped over this track initially because of it. It's not any fault of the mixer, I just don't like that sound. Luckily, on subsequent listens I found out that there was more to it, and since then I've actually enjoyed the song a lot! The synergy created between the mellow guitars and the ominous strings is very strong. CPac did a good job not only with playing the instrument, but also creating a great tone that really fits with the mood of the song. Misleading intro aside, I really like this one. Nice work guys
  4. I've been looking forward to this one ever since I saw it queued a while ago. Banjo-Kazooie can't get enough love I can't say I was a fan of the key change at first compared to the source, but in time I was able to forget about that and appreciate the song for what it was worth. Once I made it that far, I actually enjoyed it a lot. It's not quite as edgy as Audix/Neko's BK mix but the energy level definitely suffices. Like DA, it's not my favorite piece from you but it's a wonderful treat from a highly overlooked source.
  5. I don't think I've ever cried at music, movies, television, or games before, but the closest I've ever come was the staff roll of MGS4. I dunno, going through that whole series in such a short period of time, and then having it all end with such a beautiful song was really powerful for me. In terms of moments that made me sad, but not cry, I think anything to do with Saria in Ocarina of Time really hits home for me. Between Link and Saria's final goodbye as he's leaving the Kokiri Forest, and the dialogue after you receive the Forest Medallion (especially "Saria will always be your friend...") is just painfully tragic.
  6. He's set a bad example for the rest of us by making his projects stall for so long
  7. Really killer preview Some highlights would have to be Level 99, ilp0, Theophany, Joker, Hy Bound, VHD, Jovette, Rayza, and this mystery dude (or dudette?) at the beginning. That first song sounds REALLY professional! Thanks for sharing, though! Which were the two tracks that got left off though? Maybe the first post needs to be updated, but I only see DJ Mokram not having a WIP in the preview track Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving
  8. http://compo.thasauce.net/files/BronxRican_-_Wildermess(FBRC2009).mp3 That's a Tallon Overworld remix from the FBRC competition this past August.
  9. I'll listen to your song soon, but I can tell you now that if you wanna change your username, this is where to do it: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9785
  10. http://www.metroidmetal.com/songs/?sort=game&order=ASC Two of the mixes you wanted are on Metroid Metal (and they're both really good, they're not just straight metal covers.) There's 4 Prime songs in all. Sole Signal (Audix) has a Magmoor Caverns remix too: http://reservetank.darkesword.com/downloads.html (track 26)
  11. Hah, I can see why this was worth hyping up with no less than 2 Facebook posts! The amount of attention to detail here is stellar, but I think the drum programming is probably my favorite part of it all for the same reasons mentioned in the sub email. It's awesome to finally see Stemage posted on the site, too!
  12. That's very impressive, you're quite the Renaissance Man :-) I'm enjoying Ivory Chapel a lot though, I hope you submit some of this kind of music to OCR or use it for projects at some point!

  13. Hey, I just downloaded Rainwound's album, and I'm curious... is that really just a one-man band project? I'm really impressed with the album :-)

  14. Um, apologies for the necrobump, but did the musical performance videos ever get posted?
  15. Oh wow, it's that easy? I'll feel a lot more comfortable making it official once I sit down and get a WIP going, but thanks for the tentative hold! EDIT: I just sat down for the last half-hour or so improvising... I think I've got a rough idea of where I'm going with Long Goodbye, though my chord writing needs some work. I'll try to hook you up with a recording tomorrow when the house is quieter EDIT AGAIN: I just finished a 3 minute recording to show you kiiiiinda what I'm going for. I'll have that PM'd to you soon. I recorded it with my digital camera so the quality is crappy and the entire thing was improvised (I hope to have a MIDI keyboard by the time crunch time hits for the project, so I'll have better recording quality and be able to fix the missed notes) but I wanted to get it up ASAP to show you I'm serious about this You've been very inviting to me with the project and I want to reciprocate that by hauling ass to get this done for you
  16. Alright, I'll bite. Long Goodbye is giving me some slight inspiration and I feel like I've significantly improved my piano skills to the point where I might be able to make something passable, so I'll mess around with it for a bit to see what I can do. Is that track even still open, though? I don't want to start putting some serious time into a WIP if someone's already working on it
  17. This is one of the best metal mixes we've had posted recently... Really, this holds no punches and really just goes crazy for 4 and a half minutes, which is exactly what I like to hear Great playing, great arrangement and electronic embellishments... overall great track!
  18. HEY, SECRET PROJECT FINISHERS, SHOW YOURSELVES! But seriously, I don't really mind waiting a bit of extra time, the delay will only make the payoff sweeter
  19. Major props for using the word "heck" in a context that doesn't make it sound completely lame
  20. Which one are we talking about? To me, it doesn't look like any projects are even close to the level of completion that this one is
  21. It depends on whichever character model is better designed and overall looks cooler. Usually it's the female. Like you, it's probably Freudian
  22. Pun intended? ... cuz' Labyrinth Zone is a water themed level? -headdesk- Seriously though, I'm sure Oinkness will throw together something good for the ending medley, he's a talented little bugger
  23. Yeah dude, this is pretty good I like your synth choices and how you use them (particularly the pitch bends, they remind me of AnotherSoundscape's tracks at times.) I'll agree with Willrock that it gets cluttered during that one point, either EQ one of the counterpoints down a bit or just simplify the whole section. Overall though, a killer track with great leads, nice pads, and a really bumpin' bassline that halc made sure I paid specific attention to! I'll be keeping this one on my playlist for a while!
  24. Let's see... I've heard 5 completed tracks (Fishy, Audix, Tepid, Nekofrog, and OA's) 1 almost-complete track (Taucer's) and then at least 20+ minutes worth of preview tracks... So I'd say I'm probably a bit more than 15% spoiled but I'll echo your sentiment This project will be amazing, no question about it.
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