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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. You should feel ashamed too, but just in general. Nothing to do with your songs. Good news though, at long last, we've finally got a WAV from HoboKa (with an assist by the fantastic Flexstyle) for Boss Boogie SNES. This updated version is a lot more gritty, taking inspiration on the sound design side of things from soundtracks like DOOM and Quake. We're including the original master from audio fidelity that didn't get past the judges panel on the bonus disc, so you can hear what it sounded like before Flexstyle got his dastardly hands on it Either way, it's a hell of a track in its final form!
  2. No love for a fresh new Vurez track guys? For shame I really dig this, the instrument really toes the line between sounding like a retro piano sample and something very plucked/ethnic. Is this the Tonehammer plucked piano patch by any chance? Like this a lot man!
  3. You have 30 seconds to get back on Aim or I'm just going to pass out. Fair warning bro

  4. Cool avatar bro :-D

  5. Hey, I've always been a fan of your tunes, what've you been up to lately, musically-speaking? :-)

  6. You should PM me your track writeup too dude
  7. Proto: When this project is released, and I'm asked to do a retrospective on my favorite moments from throughout the entire creation process, I'd have to say that your post is the greatest moment of my OCR project directing career. I feel honored to have this moment of brilliance associated with Double the Trouble, and it makes me feel like all of my efforts have not been in vain. ggs. Ninja Edit 3 days later: FINISH YOUR DAMN TRACK ARRGHHHGHGAARARWAERRZGHLGH
  8. Protip: If you really wanted to be tactful about this, sending an alert via Private Message would have been a LOT more discreet than posting about it in the public thread for everyone to see
  9. Oh hells yeah. Been loving this one ever since the early days on the WIP forums, but these live performances put it WAY over the top. Very classy arrangement and performances all around, nice merging of the themes... Definitely one of my favorite mixposts in a loooong time. Dig it!
  10. Man, I was almost about to say how crazy it is that I actually agree on something you posted, and then I read the last 4 words. Tsk tsk
  11. I just want to point out that I'm gonna flip a bitch if this song still doesn't pass the panel in this form It's way too awesome.
  12. Alright, I am ecstatic to report that, as of this moment, we're walking away from our 3-day mastering... fest with 60 final WAVs that are all properly adapted for gapless playback. This is a pretty monumental accomplishment, and we can expect the last 10 songs that we don't quite have mixed down in the next week (with perhaps only one or two exceptions.) Needless to say, the project is VERY close to completion. I'm gonna encode/tag everything tonight and tomorrow and start prepping the final release package for submission to OCR. In the meantime, we'll also be pumping out a final video preview for your listening/viewing pleasure in the next week. You'll also finally see a preview of what we're doing with the artwork, which I can confidently say is the most unique artwork package of any project yet. That's the status so far, everybody's contributions are sounding unbelievably good and me and Flex are both very proud of how it's turning out. Hopefully you'll agree when this drops!
  13. Dude, send us your writeups and any wavs you haven't mastered yet XD
  14. Hey, for all the anticipators out there, me and Flexstyle are spending the weekend at his place doing final prep work on all of the album (minus the few songs that are still in the red... crossing our fingers that those won't hold us up.) But when this weekend is over, we'll have final mastered, encoded, tagged, and (where appropriate,) gapless playback-enabled MP3s and FLACs for about 95% of the project. The rest will come shortly after. We are going to make a huge amount of progress this weekend and be well on our way to release. GET EXCITE!
  15. All the best of luck to you, I really like this mix and hope it passes. If it doesn't, it seems like this has been a great learning experience and we've all still gotten to hear the song regardless. And happy birthday
  16. Just want to state, for the record, that your Team Kenya mix is the BEST MIX EVER. That is all.
  17. No, don't remove the vocals! They sound cool when they're just background ambiance. I'd be sad if those went.
  18. Just wanted to drop in and tell you this is awesome man I love your music and this is one of your most solid remixes to date. Nailed it!
  19. Pretty fun rockout, I wasn't feeling that initial transition at the very beginning but overall this is a pretty nice track. If the source usage checks out, this should be good to go.
  20. Heh, I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but most of the remixes in this style seem to suffer from the same issues - not enough bass (is there even a bassline here?) and the guitars are a little hot on the mids/highs. Some simple EQ work could fix the latter. I can't hear the vocals at all, and I can't tell if that's meant to be a stylistic choice or if they're supposed to be audible lyrics. Gotta say though, there's a lot going for this. Awesome synths, the use of ambiance/pads is also fantastic... Great take on the source, I'm not intimately familiar with the original but I've definitely played more than my fair share of Paper Mario so I'll have to do a source check before you send this one off. This is definitely submission worthy but I'd check on the bass/vocals, and also see about toning down the rhythm/lead guitars so they're a little easier on the ears. Was very pleasantly surprised here though! This is close! EDIT: On repeat listens, I'm hearing a lot of chord usage but I'd like to hear it from you where you've used the source throughout the remix, if you're willing to oblige.
  21. Yeah, unfortunately, my honest opinion is that this needs quite a bit of work. It's not for nothing, but most of the synths are pretty basic and don't really capture me as a listener. DaMonz also hit the nail right on the head when he described the sequencing as "mechanical," cause it's noticeable on pretty much every instrument, particularly the bassline and leads. It's hard to get into a groove as-is. In addition, I definitely feel like the mixing is a little lackluster regardless of which version you go with. Muddiness is a big problem, tone down on the reverb on various synths or consider using samples that have a bit more clarity to them from the start, so things like your bassline will not bleed as much. The drums on the other hand don't feel energetic enough, I don't know how much of this is the writing and how much is the mixing, but the drums definitely sound a little off to me. That's not all I have to say about the mix, but I think trying to re-sequence the track so it has a bit more flow, as well as cleaning up the mixing so certain elements are leveled properly would be a great start for this. It's a great source tune and you did some cool stuff with it, so keep at this one!
  22. Just wanted to point out how much this sounds like Kid Icarus music. These new samples are definitely helping a lot, but the arrangement doesn't really feel dynamic enough. I like the sound you've got going on, but for much of the song it feels like it treks along at the same energy level without ever taking off, which is a shame because I really do feel like this style would sound awesome when coupled with an arrangement that crescendos a bit more. It's probably doable without even changing any of the arrangement, just getting some more booming timpanis and strong brass/string section accompaniment at appropriate times might do the trick. I like this a lot though Can't wait to hear what you do with this!
  23. Yeah, this is right. But thanks for reminding me how awesome this source is. When the pads drop in this sounds really cool Nice work.
  24. This is a really cool style, the shredding reminds me a lot of music you'd find off of Sonic Adventure 2's soundtrack. The arrangement here is quite fun. the synth/rock hybrid is pulled off pretty well. Your synth choices aren't the best in the world but they work pretty well despite being a little bland, and the shredding is awesome, especially on the leads. I don't have any issue with the performances here, they seem pretty good across the board. Though, something sounds a little bit off about the mixing. In my opinion, it sounds like overcompression but it could be something else causing the issue, like too much reverb or a less-than-perfect recording setup. It's minor stuff, I'd personally recommend easing off on the master compression just a little bit and see where that gets you. I'd also like to hear what the mix would be like with a little bit more presence from the bassline or rewriting with a bass sound that has more definition to it, it almost feels like there's a hole in the lower frequencies. Also, that ending is a copout! I'm sure you can do something a little more conclusive than that Let's see if you can polish those few things up a little bit, then I'll check it out for a source check. This one's pretty close and might even be able to pass as-is, but I'd like to see if you could tighten up those issues I mentioned and get a proper ending on here. Cool track dude
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