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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Merry Christmas everyone! (Well... sort of. We're a little late on the delivery here but things didn't quite happen as we hoped they would.) We've got some nice little previews here for you, including 2 pieces of promotional artwork by myself, Cody, and TheMaverickk, 5 lightly animated promotional signatures for your personal use, and a quick little audio preview showing 4 tracks that you guys have never heard before. It's not quite as much audio content as we wanted to debut, but that's how things go. We hope you all enjoy what we've got to offer! Here goes: Remixes by Draconiator/Flexstyle, Blue Magic, Zyko, and Malcos Custom Sprite Art - Myself and Cody (my edits are on the left, his on the right. Consider this a very small teaser of what will be released with the final project That's all I'm saying there...) Custom holiday art by TheMaverickk 5 Animated Promotional Sigs Happy holidays everyone, hope you all enjoy!!
  2. Maybe the Inverted Song of Time from Majora's Mask would technically count for that, though
  3. Happy 21st man! :-D

  4. "Today is the day you will always remember as the day you almost defeated GeckoYamori." (also, great remix and stuff. You already know my thoughts on how much I love this one, I think it's the best remix you've put out for any Megaman competition, personally. Grats on the mixpost you prolific bastard!)
  5. Your WIP is pretty tight Artem, I like it It really fits the Wild Arms OST style well. I'm sure Jade will agree, it's nice to have more of your chosen genre on the project!
  6. The thought of this makes me so unbelievably happy. THIS MUST HAPPEN!!!
  7. Nothing more to be said about this track that hasn't already been said; it's an instant classic and pretty much the definitive take on a theme that's got a lot of solid remixes of it already. Haunting, atmospheric, and extremely intense. One of Zircon's most accessible remixes ever and one of his best, I think.
  8. Perhaps I'm just being picky, but I took more of an issue with the guitar tone than most of the judges, I felt it was a little bit underwhelming. Still, this song's not without its charm; it channels a pretty neat RHCP vibe, especially with the great bass performance that AMT always seems to excel at. Overall, to me, I feel like this has a lot of room for improvement but it's quite a fun little ditty nonetheless. Great to see this source getting more love too
  9. Hahaha, I wasn't quite sure where this was going and then it sounded like someone slapped zombie sfx from Resident Evil over the acoustic track... then it hit me what I was listening to.

    How strange...

  10. Not just you, Drew - I also had a problem with the volume level on the mix, it's definitely not easy on the ears. However, that critique aside, this mix is pretty much untouchable. Stunning sequencing, as I've come to expect from virt, in a much more unconventional genre than I'm used to seeing him mix in. That combination of virt's usual goodness with an unusual style that you don't hear on OCR everyday really makes for a memorable remix.
  11. The thing about PrototypeRaptor is that he's an incredibly diverse remixer, but he ALWAYS gives it 110% and pretty much goes all out in whatever genre he chooses. This is no exception, it's one of the fullest and most intense orchestral arrangements I've heard, and to think that it was adapted from such a quirky and upbeat source... pretty mindblowing all-around.
  12. Pretty downright impressive just for the sheer effort that went into extrapolating this small source into something so grand and complete. Abadoss left no doors unopened with the orchestration, and James George too deserves high commendations for taking the time to actually perform all of this. Incredible
  13. Of all the vocal songs on Serious Monkey Business (and man there were a lot of them) this is probably the most divisive. Admittedly I'm not a death metal fan but I'm not averse to the genre either so I tried to approach this with an open mind, keeping in mind the context from the game and the parody nature of the remix, and ultimately it was really enjoyable. Humorous if you're listening to the lyrics, but a pretty solid remix on its own. Production isn't as good as Neko's newer remixes but it's not without its charm. Everything was well-performed, particularly the vocals from Brandon And personally, I actually liked the flute at the end - it was highly unexpected but a welcome changeup. Not bad.
  14. Sick. I've been following Navi's solo career closely and find him, as a lyricist and a rapper, to be on-par with a lot of underground rap that I partake in regularly As a fan of the genre, I love seeing remixes like this where lyrics take precedence... creative wordplay, slick flow... what's not to love? Good work man
  15. Hah, no kidding. This mix is really pristine and not overly-busy or crazy at all. Great for chillout music with a bit of a kick to it (pun intended) and though it doesn't really get as crazy with processing, sfx, or arrangement as I've come to expect from Drew, this is still a really quaint arrangement that'll pop up every once and a while on my playlist and put a nice smile on my face.
  16. This really deserves its own post: This mix was pretty much begging to be mashed up with Michael Jackson, and sure enough it happened So cool!
  17. Some peoples ITT arent gettin moar nekkids like they ought to
  18. Needs them drums yo! I feel like that would have really taken this to new heights, but perhaps that's not the direction you were going for. I digress, this is still a great chillout jam and I'm particularly impressed by the sax performance (but what else is new with Brad? At this point I've pretty much come to expect his sax playing to be drop-dead amazing.) Very good album closer!
  19. I can't use the same excuse as Jade, but NO!
  20. Hahaha, love the title here You guys really did a good job of bringing out the melody from the original and doing a lot of expansive work on it without ever losing sight of what you were remixing. The glitchy breakdown at the end rocks too Grats to Bryan/Kater/Insixfour on your debut mix, and grats to Drew on another one for the books!!
  21. Pretty classic tweek material here, it accomplishes pretty much everything it sets out to do; craft a moody, ambient, and cold atmosphere and give the source a bit of energy. There's a constant sense of motion in here with the gated synths and Brian's very recognizable percussion style, but it doesn't ever feel like it's going too fast for my tastes. Highly recommended, every part of this remix really comes together perfectly to form a beautiful and haunting atmosphere.
  22. How's it feel to finally get another mixpost after 6 years, Jason? This track is really incredible, it tackles the ambient feel of the original but beefing it up tenfold with pristine bells and percussive sounds, and some very cool acoustic drumkit work that you wouldn't necessarily think would work as good as it has. I feel like the arrangement does drag on for a little longer than it needs to, but it's great for ambient listening and such. Congrats on the mixpost; to everyone reading, rest assured that this isn't the last you'll hear from Theophany in the near future, he's got some absolutely stunning stuff coming down the pipeline!
  23. I love how much the opening string progression reminds me of the old Jungle theme from DKC, that gives this one a nostalgic quality to me, even if it's unintentional. The rest of the track is really solid as well, in fact I'd venture to say this is one of chth-- err, Ben's best tracks yet. While it might be one of the outlier tracks on Threshold of a Dream, it's one of the best "singles" off the album and does great justice to Tal Tal Heights.
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