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Everything posted by Effef

  1. I don't understand all the people getting pissed now that they "can't take Soul Calibur seriously." I never took Soul Calibur seriously and still had a hell of a time with it.
  2. This is such blatant fanservice AND I DONT CAAAAAARE FUCKING DARTH VADER
  3. I stopped watching anime about a year ago. After a while, it just became more and more of a cliche jumble and every show looked the same. The only anime that I would recommend watching that have been released in the past two years would be Eureka Seven and Gurren Lagann. I hate you and I hate your friend, simply because you represent everything that is wrong with the "otaku" (god I hate that word) culture in the US. Please stop being such weaboo failures.
  4. ...why? There has to be some backstory to this we (or I anyway) don't know about.
  5. What exactly is your price range? Anything over $600 and it would be better to go with Intel generally. AMD is killer low end, but they just can't match high end these days.
  6. Zelda 1 Zelda 2 Super Mario Bros Duck Hunt Startropics Megaman 1-3
  7. A bunch of us over at remod are playing this, if anyone wants to join: http://remod.cakearmy.org/viewtopic.php?t=6016&start=0 We play Granado Espada, which is the same game but with a better translation.
  8. WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHAT Why was I not informed of this?!?!
  9. Ever since the album was released I wondered whether or not this would show up here. Good stuff.
  10. I am typing on one right now. Athlon X2 4000+, 2gb DDr2800, HD3850 I get a solid 50+ fps in TF2, and the whole thing cost me around $450-500 in parts. Just out of curiosity, what graphics card are you running?
  11. Not super great no, but enough to play the Orange Box and other games that scale relatively well at decent settings. Besides, putting it together is half the fun. Thats negligible, especially if you have a fairly fast hard drive. I would compare it to PS2 load times, if that. Don't know about you, but response has never been a problem with me, especially with mouse controls. This does not happen if you know how to take care of your computer. Disable java, delete cookies, defrag with something other than Windows Defragger, don't use Norton, McAfee antiviruses, avoid IE like the plague, don't frequent suspicious porn sites, and you're set.
  12. To me, it seems to go like this: If a device uses optical media, it becomes infinitely more fragile. This applies to everything, be it music players, game consoles, even computers.
  13. The Gamecube and Wii are very reliable, I don't really see why you would say otherwise. I did encounter the MP bug, and I could make it happen repeatedly by going straight from the ship to the first elevator. Thats retro Studio's fault though, not Nintendo's.
  14. Steam is a lot better than it used to be (read: bearable), but shit like Securom needs to go.
  15. Interestingly enough, you can build a decent gaming rig capable of playing the Orange Box beautifully for less than a PS3 these days.
  16. This is where you fail miserably. If you had done any research at all, you would have discovered that the Intel 900 series chipsets (any of them) are NOT meant for any kind of 3D gaming. At all. They are simply incapable of doing it. Everything can go wrong when you do not have a 3D capable video card, since that is what actually renders the game. It is the most important part of any modern gaming PC. Tldr: Read the box, check the specs, make sure you are capable of running the game, and you will come to enjoy PC gaming. Besides, the PS3 version has graphical issues, and Playing TF2 on the 360 with a controller and being limited to less than 16 players just isn't right.
  17. I like how it's "Teens charged in 'Mortal Kombat' killing" and not "Teens charged in brutal drunken murder", gotta blame dem vidyagaems.
  18. Hes been hammered for a looong time. Somebody just noticed him.
  19. oh god that picture OOOZES douche oh and fyi, SP was trolling all of you
  20. I would vote for oddllama and so should you.
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