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Everything posted by Effef

  1. Effef

    Halo 3

    I actually prefer the assault rifle over the smg, perhaps thats just me.
  2. Track 7 is my favorite, its almost like the feeling put into the song is tangible. That sounds incredibly fanboyish, but its true.
  3. Effef

    Halo 3

    I am so fucking tired of shotty snipers. Jesus christ. And the elephants in sandtrap are awesome. I love bum rushing a team who is camping on one with a rocket launcher and a mongoose.
  4. Effef

    Halo 3

    Does anyone else like blowing someone off of a Mongoose with a grenade? It's my absolute favorite thing to do.
  5. Whoa. That looks better graphically than Odin Sphere, and hopefully since the Wii is more powerful than the PS2, we wont see the slowdown we saw in OS. The gameplay looks a bit more interesting too.
  6. My google-fu failed me on this one. I have never heard of this happening before, and my suggestion would normally be to grab everything and do a new install, but since you cant open folders thats kinda a pain :/
  7. This looks really awesome actually. From what I can tell, the graphics look really good for the DS.
  8. lol wut THIS IS DANGEROUS EQUIPMENT YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO CONNECT MORE THAN ONE COMPUTER AT ONCE God help you if you ever decide to use Linux, they might assasinate you. EDIT: Holy hell, I just read that disclaimer. You can't do ANYTHING. Just get your internet from somewhere else, it would be totally worth whatever price.
  9. Yeah, Im pretty sure it was a GFed ship.
  10. Its more like 2 gigs. Let me put it this way: 1 gig on Vista = 512mb on XP 2 gigs on Vista = 1 gig on XP 4 gigs on Vista = 2 gigs on XP Any more than 4 gigs, and youll need to move to the 64bit versions of both OSses, and thats a whole new can of worms.
  11. It ended up being a lot better than I expected. bLiNd's mix in particular stands out.
  12. The 8500GT is a decent card for entry to DX10, just don't expect it to run Bioshock well or anything. I think a 7600GT out preforms it in DX9 mode. Also, just to clarify, the "minimum" specs on graphics cards are there to make sure dumb people don't buy a card, plug it into their pentium 2, and call tech support and complain about it not working and want their money back. The manufacturer usually gives a higher minimum spec than what the card requires to run normally.
  13. I was mulling over MP1 and MP3 in my head just now, and I realized that nothing in any Metroid game has matched the pure adrenaline rush and thrill of escaping the Space Pirate base when you get the thermal visor in MP1. Going back through that base blasting everything in sight in thermal colors with Stealth Pirates coming at you every which way and Metroids everywhere. That has to be one of my favorite moments in gaming, ever. The fact that MP3 did not top this is one of the reasons i do not consider it to be better than MP1.
  14. I'm thinking MP3 is sort of like the Final Fantasy XII of the Metroid series. Its an excellent game in its own right, but a bit of a departure from the rest in the series.
  15. It gets better once you get used too it, and advanced controls actually work a lot better.
  16. Phazon Hoppers are far too resilient for their own good
  17. Once you progress a little further its not so bad. You get another landing pad and a save point.
  18. indeed this is my favorite level so far, and its the only level out of the three prime games to match the pure ambiance of the space pirate base from Prime 1
  19. Been playing for a while. The Z-targeting isn't perfect,and when you accidentally move the wiimote to the wrong position and lose focus during a fight is annoying. Also, it makes your hand tired. The graphics are clean and smooth, everything looks appropriate. Particle effects are enhanced a lot, and the overall poly level is higher. Nothing really looks ugly. The frame rate stays at a solid 60fps all the time. Never drops. Im glad they sacrificed a little poly count for a solid framerate, the game is much better as a whole for it. I didn't expect it to look bioshock-worthy or anything, the Wii is simply not powerful enough to do that. tl:dr, if the z-targeting wasn't as flakey, it would have been perfect still an incredibly good game
  20. Buying this tomorrow. I want this game.
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