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Everything posted by Effef

  1. One of us is not doing something right, we just don't know who.
  2. Do not buy a 8600GT, I repeat, do NOT buy a 8600GT. The ATI HD2600XT is a much better deal on all counts, and it beats the 8600GT/GTS in every aspect, especially with the new 8.1 drivers. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161097 However, I would really advise spending he extra cash and going for a HD3850, as I have a similar setup to yours (with a slightly slower clocked processor) and I can play all aspects of the Orange box with everything on highest settings except AA at 4x, and get 40-60+fps. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814103049
  3. If you feel that you can get it to work, by all means go ahead. Like I said, I believe all major programs have 64bit versions at the ready. Most of the flack that 64bit OSses get nowadays comes from the abundance of programs that do not have 64bit versions, so be prepared to sacrifice some functionality in that regard. Also, Vista isn't that horrible. Its just that most people (myself included, for my desktop anyway) don't see any reason to spend hundreds to upgrade, so the adoption rate has been slow, so driver development has been slow, so people think it sucks. You can see the vicious cycle.
  4. If its actually dead, its not worth fixing. Time for a new laptop. In the meantime, you can hook up an external monitor and make a really small desktop.
  5. Prepare to be disappointed. XP64 is literally a driver dead end, since anyone who makes 64bit drivers makes them for Vista64bit, since it takes priority. I am 99% sure that Firefox, utorrent, Filezilla, and other basic programs all have 64bit versions, but major audio programs I am not so sure about. How much RAM do you have? If you only have 4 gigs, its really not worth the trouble.
  6. I saw it today. It had a very...visceral feel to it. They completely conveyed the feeling of utter hopelessness in the face of an unstoppable enemy. Also, the sound design and sounds in general were fucking awesome. I have never felt so close to a RPG launching or gunfight in my life.
  7. I cannot stop playing TF2. Whenever I can, I will pick up Portal.
  8. might see it monday depends on what group thinking tells us to do
  9. Effef


    I am actually a large fan of the PPC Macs myself, and I hope to find a good deal on a G4 Macbook on ebay one day. Besides itunes, the thing that annoys me most about Apple is the way they will NOT distribute OSX. They keep it locked down to the computers that they produce, and try to justify the price difference by having it. I just want OSX, not overpriced hardware.
  10. I needed something unique so I figured Id use two letters. I don't even use it anywhere else anymore, but I can't change it here.
  11. Effef


    Macs aren't programmed for security, its just the fact they are immune to viruses and spyware made for a Windows based PC. This includes 99.999 percent of all viruses/malware/spyware made. Sort of a de-facto security. And bigfoot is right, if you have any common sense at all you will never get a virus.
  12. Effef


    Macs are good, but overpriced for what they are. They no longer have the exclusivity of the PPC processor, which gives me even less of a reason to buy one. The new Air is a technological marvel, but it is MUCH too expensive for me to ever consider buying.
  13. So the server for this that SA set up for this is down now, by request of the developer. There is a fix, go find it yourselves if you want it.
  14. I played this for about 4 hours yeasterday. To me, the best tracks are really long anthemic trance. Lots of variety, and its easy enough to keep up. For pure points, nothing beats fast rock though. Think like 1 solid minute of red blocks. You really don't know how fun it is until you play it.
  15. Make sure you get high quality media also,DVDs degrade over time (1-2 years for cheap shit). Generally, as long as you avoid Maxell you can rest easy.
  16. Music was decent, not worth watching again in the theater though. Definitely gets points for production values. As Pixie said, the original message of the play was somewhat lost. Worth a DVD.
  17. uninstall and then reinstall flash
  18. G Gundam is awesome, even though a lot of traditional Gundam fans hate it to death. SHIIININNG FINGAAAH!
  19. Southern Georgia. SKIIIINARD LIIIYVES!
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