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Everything posted by Effef

  1. Dark Link for the motherfucking win
  2. Vista has mostly worked itself out now. Most stuff that worked on XP will work fine, and the ones that don't usually will just by disabling Aero. I have been using Vista with 1 gig of DDR2 400 for about 5 months now and never noticed a hiccup, but it uses nearly all of it. If you are a power user, you will want at least 2 gigs.
  3. I think one of the things that made OoT for me was the soundtrack. The forest Temple had so much ambiance it was almost overpowering.
  4. I actually liked Majora's Mask better than OoT. Take that as you will.
  5. Kirby 64 has one of the greatest soundtracks ever created.
  6. Legend of the Epic Adventure Journey XII
  7. All the damn time? Are you guys mute or something?
  8. This thread reminded me of something that happened to my dad a couple years ago. He was going back through Atlanta on the way home from a fishing trip and he traffic was horrible. He passed some ambulances, but he didn't bother to look and see what the trouble was. Turns out some guy committed suicide by driving his motorcycle off of the highway above the one my dad was on.
  9. as long as its PC24200 it will work, it does not matter what manufacturer or anything. you'll have to clarify what you mean here
  10. I wouldn't mind a few for registered users honestly. Google ads really aren't that intrusive.
  11. Regardless of drinking and driving, this is the truth.
  12. And once again the ice climbers prove themselves to be the lamest characters ever
  13. Driving in Atlanta is horrible. If you don't drive at least 80-85 on the freeway you will get your ass handed to you by the grill of a semi. Peope will still fly by you even at those speeds. Its crazy. They need to make the tests harder, bar none. Also, if you are over 70 you shouldn't drive. End of story.
  14. Well thats what I was told anyway. I haven't even played it yet, it could be a gamerip for all i know.
  15. Its from that super special two disc thing only released in japan. And pm me again, i don't think I got it.
  16. intel mobos always are solid and well built, but never overclock well thats another common misconception, that how much is on the HD affects speed a great deal. It can if you don't defrag regularly, but other than that it really doesn't.
  17. All the jaggies are caused by horrible upscaling on crappy HDTVs. Get one with a good upscaler, and the effect will be noticeably diminished. It will nt be gone alltogether however, as Nintendo had to make a choice. Put more power into higher poly models, or use anti-aliasing. Honestly I think they made the right choice. The models have near 360 levels of detail. Interestingly enough, if you play the game on a normal CRT SDTV there aren't any jaggies that are noticeable. The blurriness smooths them out.
  18. Try actually running the program in compatibility mode. Aero could also be causing the problem, for instance Fireworks 8 has issues with it.
  19. Most likely this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115014 would be your best bet. The e4300 is a little cheaper, but newegg is out of stock right now. This will be such an improvement you wont even know what hit you. They also overclock like beasts, though with your RAM and limiting motherboard you won't be doing much of that looks like.
  20. Same. I need my Mother 3 on the DS. Kumatora is the best thing ever.
  21. Just to everyone with a Pentium 4 or Pentium D in this thread, don't expect them to be able to keep up anymore. Especially with the Core 2 now being the benchmark, the Netburst architecture is falling behind, and fast. For under or around $200, I would go with the 8800GT or the Radeon HD38070/3850 if you can find either.
  22. Celerons are complete shit no matter how fast they run. I learned this the hard way. Even the newer Pentium base chips (read: declawed core 2) at 1.8 ghz are much faster. So yeah, a cpu upgrade would net the most benefit here. How much are you looking to spend? Oh and not to brag, but I just ordered a Athlon X2 4000+, 2 gigs of Corsair DDR2 800, Corsair 450w power supply, Gigabyte 690G mobo, 160gig Western Digital HD, and a Centurion 534 case for $462.33 including shipping. =)
  23. i have the soundtrack, pm me if you want it im serious
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