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Everything posted by Effef

  1. Am I correct in assuming that bandwidth will be limited on that?
  2. In the 4th Dungeon. I love this place. The atmosphere is stifling. EDIT: I hate the new redeads. The old ones were bad, but did they really have to give them a giant ass sword?
  3. I saw something about this today on CNN. I have no idea who it was, but there was this analyst guy on and he said something to the order of: "This was a popular radio station for teens. My daughter listens to it. Now since this happened, you are going to have copycats trying to do this." How retarded can you be. Even the most suicidal kid will just use a knife. Nobody is going to bother holding in a piss and drinking too much. Another reason i hate mainstream television news.
  4. Yeah seriously. Nice to know that there are more than a couple honest retailers out there.
  5. Sounds like a nice place. I suppose thats what you were looking for, just figured id throw it in.
  6. Acer and Toshiba make good laptops. For a proc, go for a Intel Core 2 or Core 2 Duo. ( I think they are listed at the same price..i think) AMD has the Turion 64 mobile, but both Intel Cores kick its butt in power, battery life, and thermal performance.
  7. Did he tell you what those silent parts were? Just curious.
  8. Be careful with ibuypower. They are cheap, but you pay the price. http://cnet.nytimes.com/iBuyPower_Value_Pro/4852-3118_7-31417574.html?ord=numChildMessages+desc Somebody here had a problem with them, I think it was Edgecrusher. http://www.labbb.org/BBBWeb/Forms/Business/CompanyReportPage_Expository.aspx?CompanyID=13141649 A C from the bbb. Not a company i would trust with my thousands of dollars.
  9. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16826159420 Sennheiser eH250 Sound good, I use them.
  10. SPCR has a nice quiet customized system you might want to look into: http://www.endpcnoise.com/cgi-bin/e/std/sku=spcr_quiet_core2.html
  11. You really do not have much choice. Either you pay out the ass and get a nice prebuilt, or you build it yourself and save 2k monies. The thing is, while places like Falcon Northwest http://www.falcon-nw.com/ offer nice quality and customer service, you will pay for it in markup. If its worth it to you then fine, but for me it wouldn't be.
  12. Dell is horrible about making stuff proprietary and then making it as horrible as possible.
  13. Good point. How about a 7600GT then? They make cool, running passive versions for not much dollars. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814150213 (Protip: Sparkle makes that exact same card for less money and without the fatality bullshit if you can find it) For a proc heatsink, I recommend a Scythe Ninja or a Thermalright XP-90. I would go for the XP-90 myself because i have experience with it. The aluminum version is very nice, but i couldn't tell you about the copper one. http://www.svc.com/xp-90-21.html <----- aluminum http://www.svc.com/xp-90c-21.html <----- copper The SI-97a is also very nice: http://www.svc.com/si97-amd-21.html
  14. Zircon, for a video card just get an ATI x300se. Very low power consumption, and even less heat. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814121538 Be careful though, you will not be able to run Aero in Vista with that, but a card a couple steps down the page with the exact same core can. You need the 128mb version if you wish to run Aero. The thing about DIY is, if you have problems, you know how to fix them. Dell and others thend to have custom hardware and that is a huge pain in the ass. Just ask Overcoat. For the proc, get the 6600 Core 2 Duo. Nothing from AMD comes close, exept for the top Athlons and Opterons, and even they lose. Make sure you get good RAM though, Intel procs are much more dependent on the ram what with the FSB and all.
  15. Proc: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 - Cheaper than the top of the line 6800, and these can overclock like nobodys business. You can upgrade later to a 6800, or even to a quad core if you wish. Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS/GTX - Either will work, but the GTS is smaller, and puts out a bit less heat. It is a bit less powerful, though both will run anything today with no problems Power supplies: Anything from Corsair, Seasonic, or PC Power and Cooling. The latter are a bit expensive however. Fans: Yate Loon D12SL-12 http://www.svc.com/d12sl-12-bk.html You will never need any other fan. Cases: Antec P180 would be my recommendation, though Coolermaster makes the Centurion and it is very nice. You really have to do this one, as it is a matter of personal choice.
  16. You were my favorite mod Darke This is the last post i will ever make on this forum for the foreseeable future.
  17. My friends reaction to a certain scene: "She got a dagger Link! Run like a bitch!" lol
  18. I wish i could help you, but i searched in vain. But I really REALLY want one of these. It would make a sweet torrent machine. EDIT: you are right, a GC chassis would be perfect for this
  19. Yes, though they do not take that long. I think it was for the virtual console, and you can get the browser if you want it.
  20. Just turned it off standby and I can already tell a difference. I think its because the proc is still running during standby, but the fan is not. Therefore, heat builds up. This could have long term implications.
  21. Has anyone noticed how warm the Wii gets when its just sitting there in standby?
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