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Everything posted by Effef

  1. Ace Combat 6 was playable or so i heard.
  2. did you not even read what i just wrote i wasnt being serious i know what comatose is jesus christ you are an idiot
  3. you are the best troll ever or the worst newb i have ever encountered on this site im leaning toward the latter how could you have even SLIGHTLY believed that i was serious when i made that post i spelled it "cumatose" for gods sake
  4. y is ths music so horrble gusy n3v3r go there they is so immture btw whut is cumatose
  5. You REALLY want to avoid a 8600 of any form if you can help it. They are absolutely crippled by a 128mb memory interface. If you can, try to get at least an 8800 GTS 320mb. ATI's midrange suff is worth looking at as well.
  6. Not a single person has my actual username fully spelled out but me.
  7. The imac uses notebook memory, as well as notebook processors in the newer revisions (which this is). It would be useful if the circuit city site was a little more specific with the specs. It makes it kinda hard to tell what the issue might be if it doesn't list them very well. My conclusion is either dead RAM (it happens) or some incompatibility between your mac and this ram. This wouldn't be unusual, as even some of the more well known motherboard makers have issues with making different kinds of ram work correctly.
  8. Going to see it on the 4th, if tickets are still attainable by then.
  9. Thats lame. I'm not getting one until they switch to 65nm. The current models are just waay too hot.
  10. Can someone post a link to where all this stuff is? I don't feel like crawling through dozens of pages to find it.
  11. The Elites and the newer normal models have a 65nm processor, which reduces heat by a lot. The old 90nm 360s are fucking volcanoes. Its amazing how hot they get.
  12. I don't know that much about OSX, but from what I can tell that sounds like a hard drive issue.
  13. You have to admit, by platforming standards Banjo-Tooie wasn't horrible. The graphics were pretty good by N64 standards.
  14. I thought that it would be the first that was rated AO for consoles, forgot that they changed San Andreas' rating.
  15. I am getting a 360 just for Ace Combat 6, Forza, Trusty Bell, and Blue Dragon. Everything else is irrelevant.
  16. I did. It sucks. I tried Ubuntu, Debian, and Vector Linux and they all have the same unpolished feel that Linux has always had. And the Gnome environment is really ugly. Give me a Linux that makes it easy to print (surprisingly, Ubuntu fails hard in this dept.) and that you can install Macromedia Fireworks on and ill give it a shot. ( I use Fireworks too much to go without it, and GIMP is horrid in comparison.)
  17. And why Vista is $400+ I actually did pay for Vista, go figure.
  18. ...or you could just pirate it. Like everyone else does.
  19. I just noticed, I never mentioned that my PS/2 ports are out too. So that isn't happening. The problem here is, I either will have to pay out the ass for a DFI, go cheap and with a VIA (retch) chipset, or ebay. None of which I really want to do. I have a nice laptop now, so I think I will just hold off for a while and save up for a AM2/ Core2Duo system.
  20. www.svc.com ^ Sillicon Valley Compucycle They specialize in quiet air cooling stuff, along with watercooling and other more extreme cooling options. They are one of the few reliable sources for some harder to find items that newegg does not even carry, such as the Yate Loon D12SL-12 120mm fan, and some of the different voltage ratings of the Seasonic S12 power supplies. Its also a one stop shop for little doodads that you will find yourself in need of, like fan cable extenders, thermal paste, and molex power cable splitters.
  21. I remember long before the Wii was released there was talk of Nintendo implementing a system such as this. It would theoretically boost the amount of RAM available, but it would be too slow compared to the rest of the internal memory, which is probably why it wasn't implemented. I even heard about a feature in which you would add your own sticks of DDR memory, though its fairly obvious why this never came to fruition.
  22. Well, you can add a SD card for more storage space. Thats about it really.
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