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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. I wonder if I'm the only one here who reads the bona fide Archie Sonic comic. As someone who once wanted to be a writer (and was directly inspired by the Sonic comics), I take issue with the idea that Sonic cannot/should not have a plot. The stories in SA1 & 2 were good. Ideally, I think the games should adopt plot elements from the comic/TV show (and at one point they nearly did), but unfortunately that's not very realistic.
  2. I feel like a bit of a tool telling you his name is spelled "Isaac," but if you're going around telling everyone, you'd probably want to spell it right so they'll believe you.
  3. If I can get a job I think I can spare some bones for this.
  4. ...Mega Woman?
  5. Hey, Vinnie, you'd know about OCR's panel status. Is it a go?
  6. Actually, it's not really modded. The actual gameplay is the same. It does come with custom installers so no CDs are required (win!) and also a bunch of wallpapers, MIDIs, etc. The qhimm forums are the place to go if you want to see actual hacks. One of the most famous is replacing FF7's field model chars with their battle models (in other words, all the main party members look human all the time). There are other projects as well, including the FF7 voiceover project (in my sig), but I'm not sure what's up with that lately.
  7. Threads of Fate is relatively well known. It was developed and published by Squaresoft, and the only reason it didn't receive more attention is because it was competing with Chrono Cross. It does have a cult following, though, and I am a member. I'm going to go with Toonstruck, , and an .
  8. If this were Facebook I'd like this x7. I just wish I could remix well enough to enter this
  9. DOUBLE POST FOR URGENCY: NEARLY ALL OF THE SHOWS HAVE BEEN SOLD OUT. AS A RESULT, I JUMPED ON THE EVENING OF APRIL 1. Hopefully that's a date that can work for you guys. Do it fast. Do it right. Do it now.
  10. Welp, I just bought and printed my 3-day pass, so I'm pretty much guaranteed to be there. I had also submitted a panel, but unfortunately it was not accepted for this year. But this does mean I know that panels have been chosen. Is OCR among them, and if not, is the group still planning on going? For how many days? In terms of transportation, Boston is the hub of many bus and train stops. I will probably take Boltbus, which is good for those in the New York, Philly, or DC areas, or anyone who can get there a day or so ahead. Amtrak is good for those coming from a more southerly East Coast location. Otherwise, flight will get you there. But book tickets soon - there will likely be a mass easterly migration for this thing. They have also talked about hotels (which I won't be staying in - I have friends in the area) so you can check those out. I have not been to a PAX before - only MAGFest and Otakon. Which would you say it's closer to? Who's already thinking about a Friday's run? It's over 2 months away, but if Blind and Jade can plan a meetup for August now, we can certainly start this. Hope to see you there!
  11. Night mode FTW, bitches!
  12. Who can recommend a full frame camera which shoots video?
  13. Fantastic. So which performance do you guys want to hit? A few are already sold out.
  14. http://scienceblogs.com/neurotopia/2010/01/the_music_of_the_species.php Music is something we can all pretty much take for granted these days, but it's nice every once in a while to really stop and think about it. I'd been wondering why music evolved so readily around the major scale and twelve-tone system, and this article does a good job of answering that. It even goes one step further and contemplates why we as a species respond to music so instinctively. Just a cool thing I thought I'd share.
  15. Perhaps the best way to handle this is to enforce a strict ratio - at least one undermixed game for every overmixed game. Exactly what is "overmixed" and "undermixed" will probably generate some controversy, although "number of remixes already in existence" is an easy threshold. Actually, this could be something to market about the project: the battles no one hears about, finally brought to attention alongside the likes of Mario and Sephiroth in this epic album showdown. There aren't many projects which aren't focused on a specific (and pretty much always popular) game, so when something like this comes along I always want to hear (and eventually contribute) tracks from games which have never/rarely seen prominence.
  16. ...wow... this got off the ground incredibly quickly. When is the absolute latest I'd have to commit? I have no present job and a ton of uncertain future prospects. That's a double whammy of not-being-able-to-plan-too-far-aheadness.
  17. Hmmm... I've never been to Vegas at all, or the western half of the US in over 15 years. We shall have to see...
  18. First off, I'll presume you're acquainted with The Dude. You've probably also heard of this dude. This other dude rewrote the tale of The Dude in the style of this dude. Simply put, it's awesome. And now a bunch of dudes will be putting it on in New York for a limited run. I know I will be going to see it. Who wants to come with? Accommodations can be had at my (parents') place. [Attendees] The Pezman just64helpin TheHands(?)
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZz3S4ZzaHs EDIT: Except they one...
  20. I had considered suggested other adventure games (which were not Monkey Island) like Sam and Max, but their music's harder to find.
  21. Other ideas from some less well known games to keep things flavorful and fresh. Some are pretty off the wagon (SPOILERS ON REVEALED VILLAINS): Rue vs Doll Master/Valen Sketch Turner vs Mortus vs vs Zerg vs / Viewtiful Joe (can't find his theme for some reason) vs Jet Black Double Dragons vs ... (Didn't play this game)
  22. I don't know how/why you do it, man. I don't even think I'm going to staff next year... screws up my schedule too much. I feel like Jose needs a GIFmaker apprentice. I shall volunteer my services.
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