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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Back in the game. Many of these items are from pre-purge, but now they'll stick around for a while. Korg Nanokontrol: $40 + shipping Mackie Mixer: $150 + shipping USB 2.0 7 port Hub: $20 + shipping
  2. Is this an academic paper? For publication?
  3. http://thisspartanlife.com/
  4. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=950566.950595
  5. Do tell. I'm quite interested... Well, I actually know some people from the University of Florida. Smart guys. Pioneering a new semantic-web network for researchers. So I wouldn't bash the whole of U of F over this thing. On top of that, they weren't the first to do this.
  6. I've been interested in these for a while. It's very nice to see VGs talked about in an intellectual way and for viewers to - GASP! - enjoy it. In fact, I've been trying to correspond with James about an idea I have.
  7. Man, this looks awesome. Too bad I couldn't possibly afford it.
  8. This is news. Wonderful news. And news that I'm, for once, not woefully behind on. ::waiting for shows to appear on the Escapist in July... when the revealing video was just posted this week:: Also, will send (or have sent, depending on when you read this) a potential topic to the indicated email.
  9. There is a possibility I may be West Coasting it up next year. More info on that in a month or so. But yeah. No PAX this year. However, if the above happens I am on the line for next year. And Comic-Con.
  10. Actually, I've had some problems finding it lately. The Java applet on the site doesn't work, and my particular IRC client (Linkinus) has the ability to browse and filter all chatrooms on a given server. OCRemix is not there.
  11. Have we discussed which pose each character will be rocking when they are posted?
  12. It's been my experience that about half of learning about any major new field is really understanding and internalizing the concepts and terms that are used. Learning theorists like James Paul Gee agree. I've also definitely seen people defining a lot of the same terms throughout various threads. So I thought that it would be good to create a thread where we can compile terms and words of the DAW trade, to serve as an encyclopedia for those still learning. Wikipedia's articles are often long and dense, and if they're written by people here they can be much more to the point, and link to specific examples in their own or others' work. It might even be the inspiration for a quick tutorial video or two... To be clear, I only want this to be a repository for production/technical terminology. If someone wants to start one for music theory, music genre or music business terms, please do so. So I suppose I'll start. My definitions will likely be incomplete (so by all means add to it), but they're simple terms and I do know what they mean. Gain - Refers to the volume of a given track. Originated from hardware electronics, in which the term refers to the ratio of the output voltage/amperage to the input. As larger current waveforms are associated with greater volume, gain became synonymous with volume to audio mixers, even after DAWs (see below) rendered the physical association moot. DAW - An acronym for Digital Audio Workstation, which refers to a computer program meant for the manipulation and production of music and audio files. Often, they have the ability to both record audio signals and to sequence MIDI, but sometimes only do one. Well-known DAWs include DigiDesign ProTools, Apple Logic, ImageLine FLStudio, and Propellerhead Reason. I hope we can fill this thread up with dozens of different definitions. For the more complex ones, audio/video examples would be appreciated. I'll add them to this post as they appear, unless I think more information would be useful, in which case I'll ask for it. Other terms I'd like to see defined include: Sequencing MIDI Quantize Bit Depth Sample Rate VST Compression Bounce (to disk) And to kick the next round off, I'd also be interested if someone to use technical terms to tell me what's going on with the music here.
  13. I'll also throw out this and this. It would be a little much for just drums, but if you want other sounds down the line they're probably worth a look.
  14. Haha, yes, same. I need to rename the file. But yeah, that was definitely my first impression. I think somewhere in this thread it was stated that the game was originally conceived as an expansion pack.
  15. Actually, upon watching the Kid Icarus trailer, the graphic don't look like they've been beefed up from the DS generation at all.
  16. I mentioned this on Facebook, but there's no way I'll be able to afford this. Though I do think I'm getting close to a job...
  17. Let me start you off with this, then: a massive compilation of the various patches, fixes, and upgrades developed throughout the years. Nope, sorry. Yes. But use the patches... This is true, which is why Qhimm forums sprang up in the first place. Just a couple patches and all of a sudden I was playing with life-sized models instead of those Lego-esque people running around. All that happened there was that every character who had a (correctly proportioned) battle model had said model show up in the field instead. And that's just the beginning. The shoddy quality of the port has allowed these guys to rip the game's innards out. There's a save editor, the ability to put your own tracks in lieu of the crappy MIDI-based ones, etc. Just check the patch compilation I linked to above. It makes FF7 a MUCH better looking and sounding game than the PSX version. Just take a look.
  18. I have been waiting for a checklist like that for a long time.
  19. Once upon a time, Final Fantasy VII and VIII were released for the PC. I actually played them there. And then some guys went, hacked them all to hell, and made them better.
  20. The fusion of real, playable instruments and Rock Band controllers has been, I think, what Harmonix was aiming for all along. Now that it seems to finally be coming to pass, maybe, just maybe, we can actually learn to play music while playing the game.
  21. Guybrush Threepwood Companion Cube Phoenix Wright That is all.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c-llKPZZ1k The video's author says the song is available here. It's not. Which is a shame because the song is good, and if this mix were less coverish I think (in my nonjudge opinion) it would work well here.
  23. They don't update often enough, but Power Rings has been going for a while now. They're filled with in-jokes and homages to the Archie series, so I enjoy it. Not to mention they make custom sprites, and they're 16 bit so there's a bit more detail than in Clevinger's comic. Can't say I like the "meta" parts where the authors themselves are characters, though.
  24. This game has been kicking my ass. Either ten year olds are much better gamers than I've given them credit for or Nintendo's really going for the wide player audience this time around.
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