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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Sure thing. My post's updated accordingly. I do want people to be able to see the pictures, though. Can you link to my actual post as well so people can see them?
  2. Yup! I followed some links, and there are apparently a bunch. That initial link is the only one in English, though. Wow, that was apparently part of a demakes competition. I love TIGSource. I've also started checking out Crimson Echoes. I really don't have much trouble believing this could be a sequel to CT. It seems full of Woolseyisms and ties a lot of disparate plot threads together.
  3. Has anyone used this program? I have some questions about using it.
  4. Well, if you could ask, that would certainly help me out. Cancelled social plans means I had a wide open Saturday night. So what better way to spend it than organizing more stuff? I'm upping the posting ante here... Kensington 32 GB USB stick: $30 Official Mac DVI-VGA link converter: $10 Logitech Wingman Extreme Joystick (USB interface): $25 Altec Lansing digital speakers: $10 I'll be posting more stuff steadily.
  5. This has been on my to-do list for literally months, but I'm happy to start organizing and publicly displaying stuff to sell again! First up... Asking price: $150. I've never used it, and it's a cheap addition to anyone's home studio.
  6. If the movie was made in France why is the voice acting in English?
  7. Does they has all the extra quests and cutscenes?
  8. Wait, so this is Monkey Island 2 Special Edition we're talking about? As in, a remake like the last one? This would also mean Andy would be updating the score, right? Or is there new music?
  9. So, it's like Grand Theft Auto, amirite?
  10. Actually, it's kind of refreshing for them to be this blatant. All too often there will be a game that sort of resembles another game but not too much, lest people think they were ::gasp:: ripping someone off! Given how few Zelda ripoffs there have been, it's nice to see one that knows what a good game experience is, and isn't afraid to replicate it. Right down to the chickens.
  11. This is completely changing the tone. I'm not sure if I like it becoming just another action series...
  12. What is the device sitting opposite your mouse?
  13. No, it's from Nintendo's official site. Oh wait...
  14. Anyone know that FFVI-based video where all the consoles fight against each other? I think that qualifies as an excellent (non playable) hack.
  15. I'm not sure any of you got why I posted that particular pic. EDIT: Apparently you did. Good.
  16. Someone explain to me how this could happen, unless they're introducing a new two player combo. Which would be awesome, but doubtful.
  17. Well, I am working for a game company. A couple of my co-workers are going... say hi if you see them. But I don't really mind not going. Besides PAX, I have a different conference I may be presenting at that I hope will be very interesting.
  18. How many actual games do they intend to port, along with Steam itself?
  19. Can anyone go if they shell out the monies?
  20. Motherfucker. Would have gone to see these guys if I'd known. I'm gonna have to make it out to SXSW one of these years...
  21. Yup. You got me. That's exactly what I had in mind.

  22. http://kotaku.com/5424484/fans-are-shearing-for-mega-man-10s-sheep-man/gallery/
  23. Where did you hear that? Near as I can tell it was meant to be a full-on remake. I even went to their old site to double check. It didn't say anything one way or the other specifically, but I assume by remaking the game they wanted to make THE GAME.
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