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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Well the next time you guys send a letter out or whatever send him this: Yooo, this is Rashad(BlackPanther). Hope you're doin alright man I haven't forgot about ya =D. Be safe bro!!
  2. See, on one side I see it being the parents responsibility to restrict access to certain video games. On the other hand when are we gonna gonna conclude that a lot of the times parents are too stupid to hav such responsibilities. They may call it common sense but that isn't gonna stop parents from buying their screaming child the next call of dooty.
  3. You are one interesting dude Bleck. I do a lot of lurking on PPR and a lot of the stuff you post makes sense to me. I won't say much more except I'll continue to lurk until I can post on a level close to yours which may be never lol.


  4. Thanks for the bday wishes yall. 'preciates it =D.
  5. That Anonymous episode was interesting, tefnek's song was a good choice to end it too xD.
  6. That's the problem with us as humans right now. We can't understand one another. There can be soooo many factors as to why people pirate software. Some people may not have the means to buy software at all due to financial woes that may not be the persons fault and some people may see music as their only means of escape which could very well be possible. Something as superficial as money isn't gonna stop someone who wants to create music and when we idolize and talk about how amazing these pricey plugins are, The pirates are gonna go for what's deemed highly valuable. Like the saying goes, you get what you paid for so people are gonna hunt for the priciest stuff. Pirating is never gonna stop and we're all gonna look at it in different ways, the best thing we can do is try to understand why some do it and why some don't do it, and try to work for a way to make everyone happy. All this self righteous talk as liquid wind put it, gets us nowhere. I try not to pirate but if I see something of interest, then I'll dabble with it and eventually pay for it when I get the dough. If you have money there's no reason to do it because you can just buy it, so it makes it really easy to not see the other side of things.
  7. I follow the rules I don't think I'm any different than anyone else. But to say that this is the only way and the only way things can be is the narrow minded thought process. I'm just saying that it isn't life it's a system and the only reason why it still exists is because we perpetuate this system and we were born into it not thinking or believing anything else. I do what I can to pay for what I use. If I don't have the money then I'll trail it till I have the money, I'm hurt by the a-hole comment =( I understand the need to create something but since money's involved, it turns into something entirely different we create for monetary schemes. Where's the humility? I thought the idea of creating was to share those creations with one another =/ just for the sake of doing it. If I'm wrong correct me please.
  8. Correction, that's how the system works, not life.
  9. AWESOME fucking R2 mixes from you guys!! That is all =D.
  10. Oooo yay more brainwashing for the already brainwashed.
  11. To think they're still pushin out video games when there's a nuclear issue happening over there... I don't think I could ever play on a controller like that it's hard enough to navigate your hands around a tablet it would kinda be like holding up my keyboard to press buttons and stuff, but apparently you can use the wiimote which is good. Also I think Brandon's thoughts on Nintendo's approach is just as appreciated as anyone else around here, if anything I think I side more with what Brandon says. I can't really say much else since I seldom play video games anymore anyway @_@.
  12. I've been so out of touch with everything. But going back onto the vote thread. It means a lot to see all the love on my mix even though it wasn't even finished. It definitely gives me teh inspiration to finish so I will once I get all this school shit done and situated =D. Along with all of my other stuff as well lol xD.
  13. Yesh. Lets all wish him a happy birthday. Being alive after all this time this is a momentous occasion. Keep makin the awesome music =D!
  14. From my understanding, it was never about what you have, but about how you get by with what you have. =/. Everyones setup is gonna be different, even if two people here had identical equipment it's always cool to see the different setups so post away man =P.
  15. I'm glad I randomly popped in when I did because that was epic =D!
  16. Oooo someone else who used Shreddage in this contest? I saw that you made a post on the workshop forum so I'll be keepin an eye out so I can learn some things as well.
  17. For the most part, I believe what you said is true. Just imagine if everyone had a bit more time or didn't have prior engagements or distractions, definitely woulda been a spectacle. The hottest thing to be happening on the web haha =D.
  18. Eh, mine was alright. I definitely feel bad about not giving PR a good challenge. I do expect everyone to give me some good constructive criticism though, because I'll be working on this during the summer =).
  19. OMMGG why do I always fudge up the deadline >_<?! Well guess I'll throw what I have together really quick. I was thinkin I had till 1100 on saturday @_@. I really don't like myself sometimes... Edit: Eyes are wayy too heavy to continue doin anything. I'd rather not turn in anything at all than to turn in something half assed. Either way I'll continue working on this song till it's finished. I just really HATE that I couldn't give Mr. PR a challenge, that says a lot about me and I'm gonna change that over this summer. Such a failure...
  20. I somehow knew I was gonna be facing PR, maybe because I was wanting to face off with him so much. I'll be starting on my mix the minute I get back home =D. Good luck to everyone and have fun!!
  21. Yeah, I'll say. Good stuff bruh =D.
  22. Yeah dude, these are pretty fresh.
  23. Would it be too much trouble to place the name of the robot masters on there somewhere as well lol? Rather than the number(feels like an id number or somethin) why not just use the name of the robot, that's much easier to remember than a given number for each person.
  24. Ooo can't wait. Gonna start familiarizing myself with my theme song. Hopefully I'll get around to the others as well.
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