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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. What else would someone write about though. All genres that incorporate lyrics into the music talk about such things, unless of course your one of the people(big example would be lil wayne) who sometimes says random, meaningless shit just because he knows people will listen or buy it. Wouldn't all lyrical music die out if that were the case?
  2. I think I'm in love with "Too Soon", this piece shoulda been the last song lol. We need to start talking man, I choke up when it comes to talking with people with greater skill than me though xD.
  3. That's one sturdy nest if it's withstanding all that damn wind that's annoying as eff to listen to lol. Pretty interesting I might be keeping tabs on this =D.
  4. Lead sounded pretty bland after a certain point. It was cool for like the first minute, but I heard no automation or anything on that lead so the "staticness" of the lead kinda ruined the listening experience. Also, there are no lyrics to this song so I def expect some sort of variation in the arrangement and dynamics since all you have are synths to keep the song moving which there was very little of that. Not trying to bash, these are just things I subconsciously listen for in songs, still doesn't hurt to take those things into consideration though Overall, song wasn't bad It was a nice listen, I can def dance to it lol. =D You got potential dude, unless of course this is purely hobby and you're not trying to get anywhere with it. Just stay true to yourself and your music.
  5. Dude, I'm totally fucking buying this when I get paid this thurs. You sir are a winner! =D
  6. Hey dude do you have AIM or something? I want to talk to you with your concerns of OCR and it's standards. I felt the same way you do and I'm gonna try to explain as best as I can so you can stop hating the ocr community and start loving us lol.

  7. Definitely feelin this one. Love that bass and the incorporation of whatever strings it is you're using. I'll have to listen to the source for comparison, but from the sound of the remix, sounds like you did it justice. Overall awesome piece, great stuff Dave it's good to know you can still make kickass music =D.
  8. Omg I want to see these speakers xD.
  9. Hehe, thanks. Haven't started on it yet. Upgraded my comp to windows 7 so I'm making sure all my software and stuff is compatible with this os.
  10. I don't have any music that fits yet but I gibs you a definite YEA! =D.
  11. It seems only people within japan can tell us what's actually goin on. Keep us posted CHIPP, I hope nothing escalates further. I also want to try and donate some money. Where are some trusted places to go if I wanted to put some money down?
  12. Yeah unfortunately I can't speak for all Americans but those people should definitely be ashamed of themselves that's the most cowardly shit I've ever seen on the internet. I think once the majority get of their fucking high horse, people can work together much better.
  13. I've read some of the news articles coming off of Yahoo.com. I looked at some of the comments and it's pretty crazy to see that people still give thumbs down to comments of support and stuff. Why do people troll stuff like this? An event of this magnitude needs the support or best wishes of everyone tsk tsk. Anyways hope this horrible incident gets resolved in a timely manner
  14. Oh wow, glad that didn't stop making music then =). I chose to get the E-MU 1212m and later bought the breakout box which upgrades it to 1616m? Either way, been using the soundcard for about 2 years now (Microdock came about a whole 'nother year later) and I love everything about it. Hopefully soon I can get a decent mic so I can use the preamps on the breakout box which I heard were good, like stuff from Protools hardware. The built in dsp effects are pretty good, although I haven't really incorporated them into my song yet, I will eventually =D just been doin a lot of experimenting with em I don't really have any latency issues. I can go as far down as 7 ms. My only real issue with lag or anything like that is the nature of the usage of my computer. While this is my serious music rig. It's also the only computer in the house so I let everyone else use it as well which in turn slows down the comp quite a bit and sometimes I see that.
  15. Hmm well on the flip side, it could weed out any of the vsts not worth getting. Any author not willing to keep updates could mean that not enough people cared enough about that vst. And having servers dedicated to a vst distribution service wouldn't be that bad. I don't think there's that many vsts out there that we would need databases and stuff the size of facebook and plus the game service that they host distribute games that I'm sure are much larger than any vst out there. I think a steam for vsts would be a good idea. A way to organize your vsts with a good filtration system to pick through your assortment; hell, I think all the authorization stuff would be way more manageable that way as well. Gotta get more digitally organized.
  16. That last thing you said would be really interesting Neblix; especially with the parameters and everything xD.
  17. Sadly I have no websites lol. When is the deadline if I want to send you a link for a website?

  18. Maybe you should try asking what some of the stuff means then
  19. I remember a few saying that they had one. How is it? is it worth it? I played with one at Guitar Center and I have to say that I want one really bad now lol xD.
  20. soundin pretty good so far dude! I was liking that section towards the end. Not sure if you're done with this, but I would love to hear more of that section xD.
  21. Oh yeah btw. I'm working on an eminem dubstep remix, so be prepared to be harassed by me for your production suggestions lol ;).

  22. Ah. Well I had looked at FPC, buuut I couldn't find where to route the individual sounds into different tracks in the mixer O_o.
  23. Interesting topic. Guess I'll post my workflow =D. When it comes to organizing my instruments, I usually categorize everything in Drums, Synths, EWQLSO, Bass, FX sometimes I might use a Perc filter if I have enough, if not then I'll just throw all of my perc sounds into the drum filter. All of my drums beats, I usually use the step sequencer although I'm tryin to get away from that for a more natural sound so I'll probably start using the piano roll. I've been drawing everything from the drums as I've stated above, to my synths and bass. I'm just now getting into recording midi data for my synths and bass now I'm working on doing that for the drums as well. For the playlist, all of my automation and audio clips go into the clip editor and all of my instrumentation goes into pattern blocks(I'm a sucker for the blocks lol xD.) The mixer, I try to route everything into it's own seperate track, but if sounds are close enough in timbre then I'll put them into the same track but I'm slowly starting to put EVERYTHING in it's own mixer track it just seems way more effective that way as some of you probably already know lol xD. But yeah that's my overall workflow.
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