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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. How long are you gonna be keeping track of this? I'd like to try my hand at this since I've NEVER done anything like this before.
  2. Wow, great mix. Goes to show that you don't need to be really flashy to make something that touches you. Great chill mood to it, with a nice beat. Lovin this man =D!
  3. I really do hope we get 32. That would be ultra epic. I've posted around fb and another music site that I frequent so hopefully some of those guys have entered already(because I don't know their usernames aside from Devastus)
  4. Yeah you're right, my apologies, def don't want to start anything. Back on the subject; git more peeples =D!!
  5. Meh, to each his own, but you made that sound rather biased. As if you were gonna vote for willrock regardless if you heard both songs or not, which I'm hoping isn't the case.
  6. I've posted this contest on fb and two of my friends are interest, one of them participated in last yeard gmrb, Devastus, so I'm hopin he and my other friend. Now the rest of you mofos need to get two of your friends to join and we can have 32 participants =D.
  7. Fun, practice, involvement; any of those things =D.
  8. he's mine!! Edit: Awww lol aww caps don't work xD.
  9. I'm actually hoping to take you on some point in the contest. This will be a great learning experience above all other things =).
  10. Pretty good dude! I'll be listening to this for a little bit and hopefully give you some decent feedback when I come back to this lol =).
  11. Hoping to showcase my new abilities this time, aaannnd once again work on my speed and time management =): I'm in this MOFO! groundman bubbleman galaxyman jewelman geminiman
  12. Is this available for download? Very relaxing, well done =D.
  13. Hey yall what is up =D? It's been a while since I've posted anything, got a few music projects in the works, some for OCR(can't wait till school is out =D) Anyways this is somethin I've been workin on for a contest at sectionz.com Love Automatic, they're pretty good so check em out =D. The track is almost done. Just gotta finish the fidgety part(inspired by PR of course so I'm hoping to get some feedback from him personally lol.) any feedback is welcome, shit is due by midnight tonight lol. I want to hear whatever it is you think about the track =). Love Automatic's soundcloud.
  14. Man, this song is incredible! What's crazy is that this was the first song I chose to listen to when I downloaded the album because these two guys by themselves are musically gifted. I don't even see how it's possible from going to the sound of the original to going to a sound like this. I get choked up listening to this, great work yall =D.
  15. I liked your final fantasy remix and this one isn't any different. I don't have anything constructive to say, all I have to say is that I like this a lot =D.
  16. Haha dude halc I totally love your shit man. 3/4? Straight sickness if you ask me. It's got that loveable, playful sound to it, with funk added and signature 8 bit elements to top everything off. Nice pumping effect too, listening on my monitors, can't wait to listen on my earbuds =D. Another great piece sir.
  17. Toootally agree =D. The texturez in this track are so pristine. Honestly I've never heard anything like it. Did you use your micro korg for this sir? I can totally imagine this as the music being played in a real zelda dungeom. Link would be scared shitless at the intro to this monster of a track. Zelda will not be saved. I really do wish to talk to you, you're a huge inspiration. Probably busy as all hell though. Anyways great work pr hope to hear more music from you.
  18. After you watch this: Watch this guys song - Blueprint is one of my new favorite lyricists and what they carried out might be a breakthrough thing for the U.S. in general well I'm hoping at least @_@. What are your thoughts on this?
  19. So I just go to one of the red cross links, donate, then tell you how much I put in for on the pledge form? I'm kinda confused about how to donate @_@.
  20. That's a good catch. Also, I didn't like how they stopped fry and leelas love thing; it kinda just fell out =/.
  21. Oh, understood lol xD. Of all the forms of music out there, hip hop is definitely my favorite.
  22. Trying to understand what you mean. Do you mean that we shouldn't categorize music?
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