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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Ok so I have the regular 61 model not the pro one, anyways, I was wondering what is a good program to use within fl studio or something that I can download that I can use in conjunction with my drum pads? Pretty much I'm tired of drawing all of my drum beats out. I want to start recording the rhythms myself so I can: one get better at recording things, and two so my rhythms can sound more human instead of ultra mechanical lol xD.
  2. NOT A CHIPTUNE?!?! Was not expecting this lol. Great shit halc. I really love that you didn't make this a chiptune track, not that I don't love your chiptuney epicness, but this makes me realize that you can do other things with your music and you have a great ideas that work on paper. That panned kick sounds weird at first but it doesn't bother me enough to throw a hissy fit about it. The jazz feel is great and I love the strings that play every so often, I'm not sure what you call that technique but it's a nice touch. I don't know what people are talking about but as I hear this song, it's definitely above the bar. The issues that people have seem more like stylistic ones rather than aspects that actually matter when judging a song here. I'm done talking. Like I've said before good shit halc, I really do hope you make more non-chiptune stuff this was awesome =D!!
  3. That's what I'm sayin. Since the bar is continuously raising for songs to be posted on OCR, the bar should be raised for songs that get paneled. You could take a lot of load off if you just insta rejected(as Nabeel put it)songs that aren't of high enough quality and send them off with a super high recommendation to post their song on the wip feedback forums. No need to judge a song that doesn't fit the bill and to waste all of that time and space for the other judges to get to it when you all will essentially just say the same thing =/.
  4. Wooop! Good shit on getting a remix posted DarkSim. I'm likin the sound of this. I like that instrument that comes in on the 1:30 mark but I'm not sure what it is though lol.
  5. Ooo nice chill breakbeat remix. Love the sound of this. *thumbs up*
  6. Awesome, straight awesome playing man, love this =D.
  7. So if it's for the sake of feedback, wouldn't be a lot easier and effective to just send them a response letter saying that your song wasn't considered and that you should look for feedback in the remix wip section?
  8. I'll send you an update hopefully tomorrow. I've been working on other projects to work in the knowledge that I've learned since January, so hopefully it'll all translate to my remix when it's all said and done xD.
  9. Didn't know about the 3xosc presets. I'm gonna have to look for that. If you don't want your samples and stuff to not get swallowed by the bass. Just make sure your bass doesn't have too much high end and your other synths are rolled off before you get to the 150ish mark you could probably go higher depending on the synth.
  10. Duly noted =D! I was lookin at the deadmau5 xfer. I have the When Alien Drum Robots Attack pack, I freakin love that one. I'll probably look at the Thomas Penton one as well. I'll be gettin my refund check soon so I will splurge on some sample packs xD. I want to look into gettin a hardware synth too, I haven't narrowed down my choices I'm just gonna have to ask around and see which ones people like lol xD.

  11. Heeyyy PR, just curious? What sample packs do you use as far as drums go? I've been wanting to get some more drums for my electro house tunes but all of the sounds I have already I'm not really feeling the ones I have now and I love the sound of the ones that you use xD.

  12. I don't like you anymore. You're too good lol. Your skill level seems unreachable.
  13. Hmm that's odd. If you're a funkstyle dancer, then dubstep should be right up your alley. Part of what makes a song funky is a broken beat and conventional dubstep usually has a broken beat. Even electro house dub can be funky. Although the beat is mostly a 4x4 kick pattern of some sorts, the bass wobbles can still be manipulated to have a funky feel.
  14. Ah that makes sense. Why I can't figure these things out on my own is beyond me =(. I appreciate the help Rozo.
  15. some of you guys are probably gonna castrate me for this, but what do people mean when they say light compression or heavy compression. I wouldn't be asking if I could find a website where I can just get a straight answer on the subject instead of what a compressor does. Does that mean the threshold at which you set the compressor or does it mean a combination of things? Someone help me on this lol xD.
  16. I have a question relating to this. So as the bar is raised for the songs that do get posted. What about the bar for songs that get paneled? You guys still seem to get a ton of entries but are some of those entries even worth listening to all the way through? Any song that isn't worth the time should be automatically rejected with a reply letter saying that they should ask around the remix workshop for help before trying to sub a song. I'm not sure if you guys already practice this since we can't listen to the entries, but I have a feeling that a lot of the songs that get paneled probably aren't even worth your time. I probably sound like a douche lol xD.
  17. QFT/E!! Couldn't agree more.
  18. If you don't keytrack though, doesn't that mean the bass will just play the same note no matter how high you go up in octaves? Or do you mean don't keytrack the filter?
  19. Lookin forward to hearin that!
  20. You're in on this too? Ooo can't wait to hear what you have =D. Git r done!!
  21. I'll tenth it haha. But sonic uses ableton if my memory serves me, unless you can use fl plugins with other DaWs.
  22. I remember you posting hdphx on another thread way back when and I've been using it ever since, me likes it =D.
  23. Gah, I keep forgetting to upload some that I've made. A lot I haven't even used yet . Wheres the best place to save these presets?
  24. Yeah dude, you didn't really show anything at all. I feel like I know enough but I still couldn't make anything out with those pics. Can you please elaborate on those pictures why one is good and one is bad?
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