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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Hopefully people will like mine. I'm workin really hard to get it to sound super good. I need to send it off again for more feedback, expect one soon xD.
  2. I really wish I had the skills that I have now when I subbed my song. I really don't like it now that I hear it. I just hope some of you guys do lol. bleh. But seriously, can't wait for this!!!
  3. Oh thank goodness. Though I really should start using the clips more. I've only been using it for automation and audio clips. I'm just still not really liking how you can put stuff where ever instead of the tracks being specific to a certain instrument or whatever. For the tracks to be completely free form is silly in my opinion, but I'm gonna learn it and of course I'll grow to like it, like we all do xD.
  4. Happy birthday Emunator!
  5. No no no lol. I was just sayin that I will do some monitoring in mono, some in stereo. The output will be stereo though, sorry for the misunderstanding xD.
  6. I'm kinda confused on how their clips section works. When I see their clip window then I go back to somethin like Reason, it doesn't make sense to me because the tracks in FL are just tracks. they're not specifically assigned to a channel device so you can create a melody from an instrument, put it in track one, then create another melody of the same instrument and put it right below track two. That's what confuses me because then that way things can get really disorganized. I think they're clip editor should be built like how the rest are, when you create a channel like Sawer, then a track is created so you can place automation, or notes into a clip and edit them accordingly. Hopefully that made sense lol xD.
  7. I have a few massive sounds that people may like or be able to utilize, I'll have to grab em later when I get home. Good idea dude I'll try these out when I get back to the lab xD.
  8. Ah, good shit. I gotta get reacquainted with automation, I don't use it enough obviously >_>. Thanks Yoozer
  9. From what I was told, you can put the fl stereo enhancer in one of the master channel inserts and turn the knob all the way to the negative side which turns the song mono. But as others have said, it doesn't work for everything and I shouldn't have said some of the things I said. I'm still gonna use mono though. I'll just have to take a different approach double tracking or hard panned stuff, or other crazy stereo effects.
  10. Noooo! Why DJ Hero?! I really enjoyed the game. Well, I guess it's better than milking the title through 8 more games of the same name though.
  11. There's this one guy who goes by the handle nzmusic101 on youtube. I've been checkin out some of his videos and he's got a pretty good approach to what I was talkin about. All it takes now is to absorb the stuff from this thread and his videos and I should be making gold in no time haha xD. Thanks again guys =D. @Sonic - Not quite sure what you meant with labeling genres after synths lol =/. I like Mord Fustangs approach. I hope people go back to that because while I do enjoy skrillex's style, it does get out of hand sometime. I like more melodic approaches like the guy you linked us to. Thanks for showin me that PR.
  12. So if I do it Jack's way in regards to basslines and stuff, does that mean I would actually be recording the bass sound then feeding it back into whatever DaW I'm using so I can process it further?
  13. Oohhh. Ok ok, all of you guys have been super good help. And it's good to hear from you again Jack hehe. Thank you so much guys =D. Edit: Guess that means more dungeon time and less human interaction time again xD.
  14. Hmmmm. I think I understand what you're saying. Does that mean that there is still a melody going on, but with different colors going on to keep things sonically interesting? Please help me, I feel sooo... I don't know... "dumb?" with music right now lol .
  15. Uhhmm just wanted to say whaddup. I was browsing the judges panel and I saw a mix for Iridion 3D, and I instantly thought, "OMG! Someone else who's played this game xD" I really love the music and I love that you tackled one of my favorite songs from that game. That one and Iridion homebase are my two favs the homebase one being my top fav xD.

  16. Here's an example of what I'm talkin about: Ok the song is "Kill Everybody" by Skrillex for those who don't trust the link or whatever haha. Anyways what I want to get out of this is parts like 1:21 where shit gets really "disjointed" is the only way I can describe it. I need help breaking down and analyzing how those sections work. It's like commonplace to do that stuff now, but for whatever reason I can't figure out how they do it so well. Sometimes, a lot of those synths and fx carry no, what I'm gonna call, "tonal relevance" when they're implemented into songs so I get really confused on how artists even begin to think of stuff like that. Where should I begin if I want to start doing things like that? If this is still confusing, Wolfgang Gartner does it, Deadmau5 does it, even our very on PR does it in a lot of his stuff and you can hear it in A_rival's(AE) new song so listen to those guys xD.
  17. I think this would be a good topic for Sephire to discuss in one of his Extra Credit vids =D. I agree about the sound test thing for sure.
  18. Isn't that a bad attitude though. Mono isn't obsolete and I don't think it'll ever be. PA systems use mono for the most part, and I'm sure there are people out there who still listen to mono. In my opinion, as a music artist you should want your music to sound good no matter how it's played. And if it sounds good in mono, it'll sound good(and in some cases, super good) in stereo, but the reverse isn't the same. I can honestly say since switching to mono while mixing, I've learned about how elements interact with each other when they're sitting EXACTLY on top of each other. Once you get them working together in mono, then editing them in stereo will yield a more crisp result with your work and more room for your music to "breathe" I guess you could say. But of course everyone is different and some people can get away just fine with mixing solely in stereo. I for one am glad I switched over. I haven't produced anything yet with this, but when I do, there will be a noticeable difference in my previous work xD.
  19. Haha dude, that's what I would've done. I still have yet to utilize my axiom 61 keyboard yet xD.
  20. Haha dude, that's what I would've done. I still have yet to utilize my axiom 61 keyboard yet.
  21. Did you build this from the ground up? I suck at critiquing peoples work but I hope that you'll just accept me saying that I liked it xD. I didn't even know LBP2 had that functionality that's pretty sweet.
  22. Sounds pretty good man. I want to hear this in one of your songs now. I might use it for myself too. I'll be sure to give you credit if I do =).
  23. I sent you a pm you probably haven't recieved it yet. But I'm working on a wip to show you sometime in the future for "headdy the hero" if it's still open xD. Edit: Well I guess I'm somewhat part of the project now since I pm'ed Mokram about the Headdy the Hero tune. If anyone wants to collab or needs anything from me, I'll do what I can to not eff up xD.
  24. I've been wanting to kill my writers block and finetune my new skills so I'm gonna be working on a dynamite headdy and a megarace remix now =D. Not mixed together of course lol xD.
  25. It pains me to hear that man ;_;. I hope they do pass it, it was really good anyways.
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