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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Andrew what happened to our collabo son! This could technically be a jooj question actually lol.
  2. This was a name that I've been using before I even had access to the internet. I was playin DDR and my friend for whatever reason called me BlackPanther so when I did hear about the internet, I decided that was gonna be my username everywhere xD.
  3. You're music is always so chill and relaxing, I love it which is crazy because you're like the complete opposite when I see your posts I would think that you're music would be more edgy and stuff haha =P. Great stuff though Shariq, keep makin music =)
  4. Oh crap. Good call, thanks guys =D. Edit: So yeah problem solved, thanks again guys for helpin out this slow nub =).
  5. Alright I may be the biggest newb, but I've been tryin to find a way to route stuff like my drums into one channel for further processing. When I route my drums and stuff to a channel, there is that extra volume from what I'm assuming is from the channel I routed all my instruments into. How would I go about doing the whole routing thing without changing the volume on the instruments? Edit: Now that I think about it, this coulda been posted in the FL thread my apologies.
  6. Not sure what I thought of that, though the song title is very interesting haha xD.
  7. What happened to that one synth you had, with the concentric circles on it leading to that one button? Oh and do you know how to play that accordion lol? Nice setup btw =D.
  8. Hmm, that sounds like somethin I need. I'm gonna go home and mess with Gold and see what I can do with zirc's suggestions. Hopefully they don't sound to unnatural =/.
  9. Hmmm now why didn't I think of that, thanks Zircon.
  10. So I'm using EWQLSO Gold and my question is, is there a way to take the verb out of the samples? How close can I get to makin the instruments dry because they have a bit of verb on them already without adding any effects. Would I be better off looking for other orchestral libraries that doesn't have integrated verb like EW does or can I solve my problem within my DAW?
  11. It's not a wip, it's done. I'll send it soon.
  12. Well maybe I overreacted I didn't realize it hasn't been that long. I'm just excited to see what she thinks of my remix. Is there anyone else I can show it too?
  13. Has anyone heard from Jade? I emailed her my track(Not sure if I'm allowed so say that), but I haven't heard back from her since I sent it on the 30th of Dec =/.
  14. Dang, I must partake in this compo. I've seen it around but never thought to enter because I suck so bad. I haven't taken into consideration, that such a comp could actually help me out xD. This latest song that I've completed took around 19 hours spread over a little over a week, which is lightnight fast compared to how long I spend on other works. My longest piece still has been my only posted remix. That was spread over about 8 months. It was all done in reason though so I can't really see how long Ive spent on it. My average is somethin around 30 hours spread over a month to three months. A.D.D. ftl =(.
  15. im with gollgagh, the one i want is the one that starts around the 7:50 mark =D. About the track, this isnt my favorite one from you, but its still hella cool. Im gonna have to go on some spiritual, musical journey for some years to get to your level, collabing may help speed that up though xD.
  16. Wow, why did my internet have to be out at this time. Just my typical luck lol.
  17. Dude why are you so good lol? Listenin to that makes me want to go home and just work with massive all day xD.
  18. Saw it at the IMAX today. I didn't think the movie was that bad. Visually amazing, and the story wasn't so bad that its disappointing. This opinion is probably based off of the fact that I haven't seen the first one, and honestly, I wouldn't want to see the original that much after seein this one anyway. I'm glad that I don't have nostalgia to completely trash, or even mildly diss what was actually a good movie.
  19. If these weren't directed posted, I wouldn't know what to think of djp or the judge's decisions anymore =/.
  20. I would assume the spider would work to merge one mixer track into another
  21. Dude, I would fucking kill for your attention to detail.
  22. Why am I always broke when these awesome deals come around I fuckin hate it >_<!
  23. Happys birthdays =D's
  24. Ok posting in this thing for the final time. I think I got the situation under control. The problem apparently stems from the incorrect usage of the spider audio merger/splitter with the combinator so now I'm just routing the device to the splitter, directly into the hardware with one wire, but this is what Nabeel has been tryin to say but I've been an idiot, thanks dude; still doesn't mean you should be an a-hole though =P.
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