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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. This was pretty cool. I dared to click on this since it was LMFAO, but you can't deny their sound though lol. I like the symphonic touch you added to this song and this is definitely clubbin. Awesome work!
  2. I can dig this! That last song reminded me of Netsky a little bit. You haven't disappointed yet, keep up the good work dude!
  3. Alright I finished it up, hope you guys like I also subbed it. I'm done messin with this, time to move on xD. Took out Sakura's theme and added another Akuma theme, from SFA it's now longer too! Boom
  4. Damn Gario, this is beautifully done in my opinion. I actually just happened to come across this when I was watching a Chrono Trigger in 5 minutes video, it it went so well together, it made me want to shed a tear watching the video with this song in the background. Well done Gario, well done!!
  5. Sounds like some background music for a movie or a game. This is pretty cool, I can dig it. Nice work!
  6. Yeah, I figured it would be a bit difficult with the other elements playing on top of it. What Callum suggested is pretty close haven't tried your suggestion yet, Gar. I'll be testing it out.
  7. Ok ocr; I can't, for the life of me, figure out those chords being played by what sounds something like a rhodes instrument(correct me if I'm wrong please). It starts immediately after that first drum fill. Could you guys help me out please, thanks. This is the song by the way:
  8. Well this obviously isn't OCR material xD. I think I'm just gonna leave it as is, I really do like it the way I have it arranged and the elements and whatnot. I didn't want to detract from a mood that I had set when I didn't add any leads or prominent melodies(please correct me if I'm using incorrect terminology) and so in the process I seemed to have brought out a score that could be used in a film or something. I was waiting to see what Flex had to say but no responses. I do appreciate the feedback and sorry to disappoint those who were wanting to hear more added to this. If this tickled your fancy, even in the slightest, just keep lookin around. I'll be sure to have some other stuff here or on soundcloud.
  9. I figured as much regarding melodic content. Would you elaborate on what you meant by "dry"?
  10. The original, " ", and the remix, "Rat Race". When I first started working on this song, I had planned on subbing it. But now that I'm finished, I'm not sure on how it would be judged as far as being recognizable. I'd also like to get some general feedback on the song and see what you guys think. Enjoy.
  11. Ohh man. Just when I thought I was done with competitive events, I see thisssss. If this was a compo for any other game, it would be easy to to turn away but I can't get enough of music from the Megaman universe. I will be keeping my eyes peeled.
  12. Ooo, I remember voting for this. Sooo good, glad to see that it got posted. I love the funkiness and the selection of sounds, awesome track man!
  13. Lol. Is that the only part that sounds off? The rest sounds fine to me. Sakura was the only off sounding part but I had to throw somethin together xD. I appreciate the feedback =D
  14. Damn this punches like Mike Tyson! Interesting concept, I definitely like it though. I'll just say keep pressing forward with this, I have nothing constructive to say xD.
  15. Ooo, funky and partly freaky as well. I like the sound of this. Those drums are cool. I like the sounds as well. Wish I could provide some constructive feedback, but I can't lol. I do like this though! I guess you already mentioned that the part at the end sounds empty which it does but I guess you're gonna add to that.
  16. I like what you have so far. I wish I could comment further. It still sounds like the source which I guess is always a good thing if you're trying to sub this or even if it's just to have a connection to the source. Interesting use of sounds, not sure what to make of it, but it's interesting and I like it. What drums are you using? Sounds like a loop I've heard in FL before, but it sounds good either way.
  17. Hey guysss. Just thought I'd post my track here for those who didn't check out the Street Fighter competition that went down a while back. This was my entry for the compo, got knocked out first round @_@, lol made me realize that I'm starting to not like competitions, but I am glad that I entered and created this. I can't really think of anything to add to this, to me there already seems to be quite a bit going on lol. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all eyes and ears. I'm also gonna remove Sakura's part which is the middle section and just make it strictly Akuma. I'll post the source and the remix. Hope you guys enjoy and lemme hear your thoughts on it! Edit: Finished added Akuma's theme from SFA to replace Sakura's theme. The Remix - Raging Ranman
  18. Thank you guys, I humbly appreciates it, and thanks for the birthday song Will =D! And happy belated born day to Anorax and zircon! I had fun, I attempted to make a song, but I got called up to hang out before I even got started and I've disappointed many in the past with half done songs or no songs at all so I do plan on treating everyone to somethin as soon as I can, I'll be subbing my Street Fighter remix competition entry as soon as I make a few more adjustments so there will be that at least! I'm just goin through a "brain enema" so to speak, so I'm having a hard time adjusting lol. Didn't throw up from the festivities so that's always a plus hah! But thank you again guys, time to go back into lurking till I can show my face with some sort of material lol, peace out!
  19. Couldn't turn out a track in time, goin through some things, not really thinkin straight @_@.
  20. Been too busy with life and messin around on other parts of this website, that I forgot to vote, and listen to the songs for that matter. Guess I got some music to check out for the week, not to mention start on my song which I'm doin right now. Best of luck to you KingTiger!
  21. Happy born day Mr. Briggs!
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