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Everything posted by Groovemaster303

  1. So your happy playing obsolete games on a £425 console. There may be some classics on PS2 but nevertheless don't you think it's a waste of money to spend that much on a new console just to play your old games.
  2. BC without the emotion engine is not really that bad at all, especially since the 1.80 firmware update, which upscales and smooths the image it's not brilliant by any means but the sheer number of compatible games on the ps3 is pretty good even without the emo. Who wants to wear out their Blu-ray drive by playing old crappy ps2 games on Ps3 anyway. pick up a second hand ps2 for £20 and bob's your father's brother
  3. Back in the late 1990's this was one storming track and seeing as i've just moved from using Reason to Fruity Loops. I figured i'd remix this song to allow me to get used to using FL's interface and various plugin's Trance is not my usual genre and i'm not exactly a fan of it either but Gamesmaster is one track that rocked my world back in the day. (LINK REMOVED) I've done a few slight changes like boosting the bass a little as it was almost inaudible at times and added a little compression to the drums.
  4. I agree, this is really well produced and great to listen to. the time and effort put into this really shows. respect to you Beatdrop your a real class act.
  5. Nice work it's coming along really well
  6. I've been a fan of Richard Jacques work for around 10 years now and this was one of my favourite songs from his early days working with Sega so i can think i can make a few comments regarding this as i don't take lightly to naff remixes of my favourite composers . what can i say... This is amazing, in every sense of the word, Stephenie has some great vocals and the music shines. to say this is only wip i'm really impressed This is one of the best remixes i've heard for ages... or should that be sega.... (slap ) Keep up the good work
  7. Ninja gaiden is the only decent game on the PS3... i would have bought it but i was so fed up waiting for some games to come out that last week i sold it to Game who gave me an mental £275 cash. I took the money and ran.... to Currys and bought myself a decent laptop which is perfect for sketching ideas on for some new tracks.
  8. nice.. can't wait to hear the full version.
  9. To be honest whatever you get you will grow to love. if your used to Reason you will prefer it over anything else same with Fruity etc etc.
  10. Reminds me a little of 808 State's work from the early 90's (Pacific State etc..) Jazzy and funky retro house that you would hear in a club on a good night out. I need this on vinyl
  11. This is my favourite track from the Bloodlines on the Megadrive and i like the direction you have took. Little things i'd like to see in the final mix are drums included, not too hectic like you said you had before. but paced just right to accompany the mix rather than take over. Everything else is coming along great and i can't wait to hear the final version. worst thing about this demo It ends at the very best bit
  12. Don't bother paying over the odds for a genuine 303 i have one which i got for £500 and connect it to my newer gear with a Phillip Rees din-sync to midi converter. which i got free with the 303 Rebirth is an ok 303 clone but it lacks that extra something, those distinctive 303 bubble sounds are dreadful on rebirth. the main problem with a genuine 303 is it's a ba$tard to program, to do a simple melody will take longer than usual and unless you really get to know how it's screwy sequencer works you will be gutted about spending big money on it. Rebirth's 303 is in fact is a doddle to use in comparison so if that bugs you... if you want another option you could always try the Audiorealism Bassline plugin for FL it's much better than rebirth but not quite as good as the real thing pretty darn close though. Subtractor can make some very good sounds but if you really must have a THAT sound then nothing else will do. Rebirth was just not enough for me.
  13. Quite a funky little program if i say so myself and well worth checking out. Here are a few demo tracks that i've been working on if anyones interested. http://www.zshare.net/audio/genesis-demo-mp3-k65.html http://www.zshare.net/audio/fm-revival-mp3-hsw.html http://www.zshare.net/audio/dance-track-demo-mp3-tq4.html Everything bar the drums are done using the tracker program except the track FM Revival which uses drum sampled from Streets of rage 1+2. I've also figured a way to integrate this with my own sequencer so i can play each musical part myself rather than using the step programing method that the program uses. i can also add fx, pan and reverb to any sounds if i want.
  14. Here's an update on Version.5 of SORR NEW STUFF PLANNED 1. Remake some sor1 enemies 2. Full sor2 route like a new way 3. New stages 4. New songs for the new stages 5. Some new enemies from Adrimus 6. New moves for the chars Heres a sampler of some of the new songs in WIP http://www.kaleth.net/bombergames_files/20070424_new_songs_sampler.mp3 Also here is an exclusive remix of the Streets Of Rage Theme. http://www.zshare.net/audio/streets-of-rage-freestyle-remix-mp3.html For information in depth about the forthcoming update check out this link. http://www.kaleth.net/bombergames_forum/viewtopic.php?t=1049
  15. Yeah even though i've downgraded several of my mates psp's everytime i keep thinking please don't brick, please don't brick. i think it's fairly safe as long as your careful. The homebrew scene is wicked for the psp with the PSone emu running amazing and other great emu's such as the Neo Geo, Capcom CPS1+2 and Yoyofr's Snes TYL things are great. who needs to buy official psp games with emulators that run as good as this.
  16. I'm waiting for GRAW2 sure it's going to be more of the same but i really enjoyed the first one. I don't think i'll get crackdown just yet, heck i can't even be bothered to download the demo.
  17. Playing FF7 and SOTN on the go is pretty damn awesome. just finished FF7 though so thinking of going onto FF9 now. Anyone else enjoying the 480x272 video hack?. watching the new series of 24 is wicked on psp
  18. Here it is the complete named soundtrack to Streets Of Rage Remake containing all 37 songs. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5SML9NQ6 All tracks are complete with fade outs (which the "other" soundtracks neglected to do) Artists names are used and track numbers according to the soundtest plus for all you Gecko fans his beta Go Straight remix is included as a bonus track. On behalf of myself, Gecko Yamori, B-A-C, Kaleth and Sanchizmo. I'd just like to thank everybody on their positive comments regarding the soundtrack and we hope you enjoy this release.
  19. For all fans of SORR Here are some new remixes for you people. Jungle Base http://www.zshare.net/audio/jungle-base-mp3.html Dilapidated Town http://www.zshare.net/audio/dilapidated-town-mp3-rsu.html Enjoy!
  20. Thanks for your comments Nutritious much apprieciated. and to all you people who enjoyed listening to some of remixes here are two original tracks composed by me. I do enjoy remixing but creating original tracks is something i really enjoy doing too http://www.zshare.net/download/technomoon-zip.html enjoy!.
  21. Just use an audio editing program like Audacity it will import the track as ogg and then you can add fade out's and also export as mp3.
  22. Now then... concerning that there soundtrack. I will happily contribute my tracks to the ost. no probs there. Although i would like to edit one or two of my remixes for ost release to create a genuine ending for each track rather than just looping back to the start and fading out.
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