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Everything posted by Groovemaster303

  1. I sampled one of John Henry Eden's monologues from Fallout 3's Enclave Radio, bit-crushed some drums, created some odd bleeps, used a vocoder, added slicing to some parts and focused on delivering some energy to the song. While not exactly a genuine remix from Fallout 3, I figured creating a track around the constant chatter from JHE was an interesting challenge and above all, fun to do. Note to mod - If the above reason means it can't be classed as a remix, feel free to move this to the original music section. Youtube link for quick stream listeners. Mp3 for those who want best quality. http://www.mediafire.com/?buz1mzmmjmj
  2. VOPM is pretty damn at emulating the classic Megadrive/Genesis sound, if you like that kind of thing. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/228.html It's one of my favourite plugins.
  3. Well said, thats exactly what I was going to say.
  4. Technobob is a catchy little dance track, I used the VOPM plugin for everything bar a couple of drum samples. http://www.mediafire.com/?m1njaamgty4 Funky Operator is an older track created last year but it is one of my favourites and i've never uploaded it here before, I used Shiru's excellent TFM music maker program to create this. http://www.mediafire.com/?ontt1yiqygn
  5. Simply stunning, take one of the best video games in history + the very best OC remixers and what do you get... A match made in heaven. Let the Hadouken wars begin!
  6. Well said.
  7. Was it this track by any chance?. http://www.zshare.net/audio/19212592dfbcc968/
  8. I really enjoyed listening to this, nice work.
  9. Yeah i only post on the VGmix forums now and then too, although i do use my artist account frequently to upload all my best original and remixed tracks. You should definatley check out some of Orbital's work. albums such as The Box, Snivilisation and The Altogether are well worth checking out as are their other albums. Also if you can find it anywhere, the original single version of The Box is simply amazing. I'll have a word with Jredd about the Vs compo on MSN, he is on most days and would know if any info has developed.
  10. Long time no see Antipode, hope you are doing well. My favourite tracks so far are Transparent, Oil and Mud, Arboria as it has a kind of Orbital feel to it. Special mention has to go to Lightfighter, \i enjoyed listening to it immensly.
  11. To me, it's like a pocket version of my old Electribe EA-1. Considering the DS hardware's limitations it's not half bad to be honest, although I doubt i'll use it for anything other than a sketchpad for when I get an idea into my head.
  12. To be honest whenever i played the original live arcade SF2T, most matches i fought were Ryu V Ken or E honda (hundred hand slap spammers). Overall though i think the beta was impressive and i'll no doubt buy the finished product when it's finally released.
  13. Have a good one mate.
  14. I agree. Change the trance string, it's a little too loud and sounds out of place.
  15. I quite like the improvisation at 1:36 onwards. Try experimenting with layering on your drums to add a little more snap and compression to add some punch. Be careful with the amount of reverb too. If you like the old school sound though stick with it. Overall not bad.
  16. I used TFM music maker for drums and percussion and FM7 with DX7 patches for everything else. I did this a couple of months ago but it remains one of my favourite original compositions. Enjoy http://www.zshare.net/audio/1099867175daffc2/
  17. I think it's one of the best things to happen in the video game music scene in a long time. Anyone else fed up with licensed music (EA sports anyone?) and orchestral soundtracks. As for people saying Capcom are lazy and taking advantage... I totally disagree. If SF2HDR acts as a springboard to better things for everyone involved in the project, It would be the icing on the cake. If not, well hey at least you can say you contributed to one of the best gaming franchises in VG history. Respect to you all.
  18. The Synapse is the one, I love it. It's been some time since I last played DX, but it remains one of my favourite games of all time.
  19. Nice one matey, cheers for that.
  20. Writing original music for a various homebrew games including. Streets of Rage Remake (contributed 5 remixes) Puzzle Carnival Callisto Nanotron Comments from Richard Jacques, who was impressed by some of my work, that made my year. Writing Foce of Light, which right i feel is my personal musical high. Making a little money out of something i enjoy. And last but not least the postive comments made by the many fans who enjoy my work both remixes and original, it is very nice to hear them and inspires me to work harder to improve myself constantly.
  21. Thanks for this. I've always liked Deus Ex and it's music, especially the track that plays while in Hong Kong, i forget what it's called but i love it.
  22. Found out about this guy awhile back on the Soundshock forums from Zinger. From what i've heard he uses Cubase + FM7 with DX7 patches. I'll see if i can get in contact with him, as I sure would love to hear more of his work.
  23. 2:13 - 2:23 = 10 seconds of absolute perfection. I love the track as a whole but those 10 seconds are simply fantastic.
  24. No doubt about it, EA probably sell tons more games than any of the 2K sports titles however... The destruction of any kind of direct competition would be awful for everyone no matter what. Remember NFL2K...
  25. Here you go my remix of Gamesmaster http://www.zshare.net/audio/8082557034737b/ I think i could have mixed this a better but seeing as it was my very first track using FL i think i did ok. BTW i think you have done a darn good job of recreating the track so far in fact it's very very impressive. The part that beings at around 0:30 sounds a touch different, but i like it that way to be honest.
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