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Everything posted by Groovemaster303

  1. If you can't beat them, buy them...
  2. Like DMC4 before it, Ninja Gaiden 2 will probably be more of the same and to me thats a good thing. I'm also looking forward to Rainbow Six Vegas 2 which will also be very much like the first. Still as long as the single player campaign has a decent story and enough thrills that will be enough for me.
  3. When i first heard this, it too reminded me very much of Nobuo Uematsu and his FF work. Overall i like the pacing and feeling of the track with it's changes and progression. Great stuff.
  4. Alright mate i did a remix of this last year, in fact i used it as a way of getting to grips with Fruity Loops after deciding i wanted a change from Reason. As a result it's not as polished as some of my later tracks but i'm still fond of it as i always loved the original version from back in the day, is it really ten years... crikey i feel old.
  5. Absolute quality is this, real funky stuff. Production values are top notch and i can't knock anything. Can't wait for the final version, dammit Gecko this is so freakin cool.
  6. When my house got broken into while i was away visiting friends and family in 2004. They nicked my Xbox but left the leads, a broken video player, a TV which had recently showed signs of dying and some dvd's and a few games etc. They left behind all of my music gear including... Roland MC-505, Roland TB-303+TR-606, Korg electribe EA-1+ER1, my behringer mixer and a Yamaha RM1X. Now get this.... they nicked all the photos i took of my gear, which i had taken for insurance purposes. Why steal photos when they could have the real thing and would have made a lot more money than trying to flog a ton of broken crap. Talk about being a few bolts short of a frankenstein...
  7. Some real top quality remixes here, real good top notch stuff. I'm glad i didn't have to pick a winner as i think every mix i've heard has been quality. respect is due.
  8. I get around 8ms latency on my laptop with Asio drivers and have no trouble at all.
  9. Thanks for this Zircon .
  10. Respect to each and everyone of you who contributed to this project. The time and effort put into this really shows. Simply superb.
  11. Another quality track. listening to all these great tracks is doing wonders for inspiration for my next project.
  12. Indeed, great overall sound quality and a great pumping track too.
  13. Not bad i'm not really a fan of slow chilled out music but this is alright IMO. It's a little quiet but that's nothing that can't be fixed in a jiffy. Keep up the good work
  14. Nice!!! Cracking remix, top quality as usual. thanks for sharing Zircon.
  15. Adding more varied beats is essential I programmed the percussion parts myself and if i'm honest i was a little lazy i can remedy the problem with ease though so i'll get right onto that. I plan to rewrite the section that starts at 1:10 till 1:26 and the part from 1:45 onwards. I know this early version is unpolished and needs work but as long as other people think it has some potential i'll keep working on it. If i can get the balance just right, this could be a quality remix.
  16. Early version of my remix from Phoenix Wright I already know what parts i'm going to change (breakdown needs work, more varied drums etc) for the next version. But seeing as i'm at work for the next few days and won't have any spare time on my hands i thought i would upload what progress i've made so far. http://www.zshare.net/audio/3424983b163a89/ Check it out
  17. I'd buy the pc version but seeing as i can hardly ever get on my desktop pc due to my gf being ebay mad. My laptop is a no no (radeon xpress200m nuff said)my best option is the 360 version.
  18. I'll get this for the 360 when it's released next week along with the elite.
  19. Just seen this on N4G and i sure hope it turns out to be true. http://www.n4g.com/industrynews/News-60054.aspx A price cut on the 24th would be ideal i think as i don't want to spend a potential £329 only to find out a week or so later £30 has been chopped off.
  20. PSN should have trial versions of all games they release IMO. Like the 360 with live arcade.
  21. Sound on sound is a great place for tutorials and reviews of hardware and software. It's also a great place to grab a bargain. i've bought and sold plenty of synths and drum machines in the past from there.
  22. The only problem i've had with my PS3 is random freezes every now and then while using the web. Plus a thing with my controller in which the L2 and R2 triggers squeak like mad when i press them, that was annoying as hell. Luckily when i bought my second ps3... (sold the first) i no longer had the squeaky buttons
  23. Well i'm going to get the Elite when it's released over here (UK) I hope that the 65nm chips are used though. i want a reliable 360 for once.... or is that too much to ask. still a cracking console despite it's flaws.
  24. It's a great remix but lacks crystal clear clarity. the sounds you have chosen are superb and i'm not going to knock your composition because it really is great. Nothing is wrong with the samples you have chosen the problem is they all occupy the same frequency which leads to that mushy sound. Good use of EQ can remedy this problem. check out Zircon's tutorial on his webpage here http://www.zirconstudios.com/production.html And this thread http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10364
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