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Everything posted by KogeJoe

  1. I'm surprised there's not a re-mix of this up there. This calls for GOOD hard electric guitars and percussion. Someone needs to take this piece and make it rock...
  2. BUT. LOVED what they did with the electric guitars. ROCKED HARD. KUDOS.
  3. The song lends itself to a good latin beat. Only problem I find is, I think the remixer could have done more. There's that flute again... Don't get me wrong. Flute CAN work in the correct setting. LATIN even. It just... doesn't work here... And I heard a wrong note in the base in the bridge area. The chords are IV, *I6, and a I6/4, and that wrong 4th scale degree really throws the music off. OK work. Needs improvement though.
  4. Another guy who thought his singing and lyrics were cool...
  5. Sorry, I need to say this. This is about the umpteenth up-beat dance remix I've heard with a synth flute as the lead instrument, and I think that takes away from the mix. Like, it's really soft and cottony, and it makes the mix sound weak. Sorry, flute and dance don't mix...
  6. Only POSSIBLE downer is that it's TOO close to the original. HOWEVER, I like this because the patches/percussion/samples are crisper and cleaner than the original. This is probably how the guys at SEGA wanted the track to sound, but couldn't do it because the Genesis sound hardware sucked ass. Still, for Sonic, they did better than most other games. Good work.
  7. This sounded like it could easily be a background to a rap or something... The other thing is that the style seems a lot like the late works of one J-pop artist Masato Nakamura, composer for group Dreams Come True, also composer for Sonic 1 and 2 music. In particular, listen to the DCT album Monkey Girl Oddissey. Great work.
  8. It was seriously an OK track. I thought the intro with the guys searching for a radio station was actually quite ANNOYING. It takes away from the piece. I thought it was actually quite innovative to use a different beat and give the melody to a sax. One thing I found kinda tacky was the stopping of the instruments during that middle bridge part. Like "who-ee! this is a wannabe latin track! ole!" Seriously kinda hammy. An alright track but honestly left much to be desired.
  9. It sounded like it had great potential, but on the whole, it was a whole couple of minutes of the same thing...
  10. Great elaboration on the intro. Really liked the extention of the VI/IV, IIV/V, i/vi chord progression. It's only very brief in the source, but in the remix it's this beautiful extended version. Does a good job of highlighting other parts of the intro too.
  11. Felt kind of empty, and it didn't really go anywhere... Where's the bass?
  12. There are a lot of things going for this mix. Love the intro and the introduction of different parts. Loved the countermelodies done in square lead patch. Percussion track and bass aren't bad either... I DO hoped for a better patch for the main melody though. Thought the ones used (Synth Sitar and some wind instrument I believe?) were kind of weak for the lead melody. Other than that, loved it.
  13. Of course, you know what would have been cool? If somehow it would have been mixed with DeeJay from Super Street Fighter's theme. It so lends itself to it. Really liked the bass in this. Percussion does a good job too.
  14. Who's the violinist in here? Damn. Beautiful remix. Only bone of contention I may have is the abrubt ending. Some sort of indication that the piece is about to end would have been nice... but other than that, great work.
  15. Again, MY LEAD GUITAR? WHERE IS IT!!! GREAT start, and as usual, awesome background, but no FOREGROUND. A nice distortion guitar for the melody would have been great man... guess you just like those synths eh... keep trying harder. Good beginner's work.
  16. Where's my lead guitar? GREAT beginning, don't get me wrong, but I was expecting that main melody to be given to a lead guitarist on a high string. Where'd it go? Or can he JUST NOT DO IT??? Dagadat, dattattaaa, dada DAT daaaaa...
  17. A re-mix with real instruments would sound so good, I think... lead guitar(s) in the main melody, perhaps some countermelodies with a piano or keyboard patch...
  18. A piano elaboration of some sort would be greatly appreciated for Star Man's theme.
  19. That being said, Flame Man was my most favorite track. Centaur Man's pretty cool, but his is pretty short. I like the melismatic effect given to the lead instrument, as it adds to Flame Man's middle-eastern look and feel.
  20. I'll find the subtleties I want, thank you very much... No but great re-mix man, I really like it. I have had Metroid Prime 2 sitting in my room since it first came out, but I guess I've lost interest, since I never got that far... I'll have to pick it up and start playing again.
  21. I think this is one of the more obscure tracks in the game. Great job mixing electronic sounds and real instruments.
  22. While it kinda sounds cool with orchestral instruments, it's like someone took a MIDI and just spiced it up here and there. Where's the actual creativity in changing the melody and giving parts to different instruments? And just hear how abruptly the piece ends. Just "phoomp." No cadence? No nothing? MIDI straight out of the game with assigned instruments, that's what it is... Better luck next time...
  23. Actually, even from the early days, I thought this was kind of a beautiful melody, and I wondered why Hip Tanaka never went anywhere else with it... It was featured here and there, re-used in Super Metroid, and later appearing in the ending theme. I dunno, but I think the composer for Metroid 2 tried to do something like it for the title theme. GREAT elaboration on this strange tune. I think you could have extended it even further. I started getting ideas myself. Too bad I'm not a remixer... Kudos.
  24. Interesting mix. But why's it gotta be so short?
  25. Wow. It's like Metroid meets Kirby, meets re-mix. Interesting.
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