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Everything posted by Fratto

  1. Unts unts unts unts.
  2. I played for a little while. I was miserably bad.
  3. I play tuba and bass trombone. I brought sexy back.
  4. Make all checks payable to Brian Fratto.
  5. The Monopoly album will not be free.
  6. Stop trying to win at jazz.
  7. I can do tuba and bass trombone. Depending on the range of it, I could also play the other trombone parts. I gotta warn you, though. This is a huge undertaking and getting interest and players is rough. Several of us tried this before for a jazz orchestra and we couldn't get trumpets comfortable with lead ranges or a solid rhythm section. There's going to need to be a ton of other work put into this.
  8. I'm a music guy. I still need to take a content test, but the test costs $120 and I don't have that right now. Luckily, I'm in Texas where football is king, so the marching band isn't feeling the hurt as badly as it is in other areas. It's still not a great climate, though.

    Good luck to you too!

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4FSI5ut6a0
  10. Since we don't have drums or a lead player, the discussion of whether to record the drums or lead trumpet first isn't really worth discussing.
  11. Band History: Formed out of a 3 man group, we found more members for our band. Now we can use almost every Instrument that exist.
  12. You're kidding.
  13. Hey, duder. I've got trombone, bass trombone, and tuba if you need it.
  14. Except that Slider is the same song as other songs.
  15. Sadly, no. DA said she could play some lower parts if needed (the trumpet player who started this thread hasn't logged on in weeks), but still no lead.
  16. New mic in the mail today.
  17. If you didn't make it to the part where they pretend to choke a bitch while team-screaming in her ear, then you missed out. Also, welcome to over two years ago.
  18. As a tuba/trombone player, I take offense to everything in this post.
  19. I just downloaded it. Didn't get any popups, but it downloaded essentially nothing. Let me re-upload it. Alright. Should be fixed. For some reason it had only uploaded about 4KB of the file. Now it's good. Also, another.
  20. Media Fire seems to be working. I've uploaded another as well.
  21. Whenever I record, I have a pulsing blip in the background like an electronic Morse Code or something. This happens in all recording programs. Any idea what's causing this? EDIT: Battery LED flashing was the cause.
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