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Everything posted by Fratto

  1. Tips for Girls Picking up Guys.
  2. I like Justin Bieber more than I like the saxman.
  3. I love Maslanka. Well, except that part in Maslanka 4 where the clarinets make whale calls through their barrels. Ugh. Good luck, hope to hear the recordings.
  4. I was in a band that had a steady bar gig. We used to play a medley not too unlike that. Fuckers stole our bit. We stole it from some other guy, but still.
  5. You, me, Bladiator, and 911 can go drink a beer.
  6. At least Coop understands me.
  7. People that give the joke away always get banned. It's not punishment or "too much". It's to preserve the joke throughout the day. Had you been being punished for something, you'd probably still be banned.
  8. This project is so terrible. The whole Remixitransmaogrifier thing didn't even bother to cancel it.
  9. Collab that awesomely arranged one I've got on the board. It sounds terrible in midi. Needs some talented asshole to make the sound quality better. My grasp of the GJBB sounds is awful at best.
  10. Incredible.
  11. 20,000 Winks. I like that song a lot.
  12. I wanted to tell you that this album is not very good.
  14. I don't even own a gun.
  15. Hi.
  16. You scrub and you scrub, but they just don't make water in upholstery cleaners hot enough.
  17. Is this why we can't have Texas meetups?
  18. I get paid on Thursday. Then, you know, ramen and shit.
  19. Pretty much.
  20. That papyrus looks familiar.
  21. Well played, asshole.
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