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Everything posted by Fratto

  1. That's weird. I just did right and left clicks and it worked for me. Maybe I'll just set up an account at a new file host. EDIT: Alright, I uploaded it to MediaFire. Hopefully this works better.
  2. With all this talk of big band and arranging, I thought I'd put a few up. I'm just running the Finale through GJBB and then putting a lame generated drum and bass under it. Generated piano just never sounded good. I can post Finale project files if anyone wants. ---- Black Coffee This is an arrangement of an old Sonny Burke song called Black Coffee. There's a solo section in there for a couple solos (or one good one) from about 1:45 to 3:20. The last few bars are a supposed to be a big drum fill. ---- Ruby, My Dear This is a Thelonious Monk chart for big band. Written bass solo in the beginning. There's an improv piano solo at 1:40. The dynamics didn't really come through in the rendering, which is a shame. The bass bone/bari sax ending came out pretty harsh without the dynmics, but it sounds great with a real band playing mezzo piano. ---- Team Hurricane Loves You I wrote a 30 second closer for some friends who had a podcast of the same name. It was foul mouthed and quirky, so I made the jingle to fit that as best I could. The chord progression is asinine and the melody was largely chromatic, but somehow it worked. So, I tried to make it into a full length chart. I'm not quite done. Needs some background in the solo section and I'm not convinced of all the voicings yet, but the general idea is there.
  3. Ha! No, I didn't. Fair enough. If we find another bone, we do. If we don't, I've got it. Trumpets we still need.
  4. I do. It's my 1910 Holton. The guy I bought it from didn't know what he had and it was less than $100, so I jumped on it. He just knew it was old. You know how it goes. When I got it and checked the serial number, it turned out to be from 1910. I'm not disappointed, because it's cool as shit, but it's definitely not in tune with modern instruments. I can lip it up and alter positions, but some notes still suck. I can still do it if we don't have any other bone players, but I thought it'd be a good idea to at least throw out the idea of getting a lead player. Either way. Nevermind, who am I kidding? I have substitute teacher chops. While, yes, I can play a very pretty double Bb, it's not consistent and my stamina/accuracy to do so is like a 13 year old virgin. We'll need a lead bone player. Sign me up for the lower half of the bone section.
  5. After playing through the parts, I suggest we find a lead bone player as well. I'd forgotten that my tenor is a century old Holton Special, which means it's low pitch. Never buy a 1910 horn on eBay when the seller doesn't understand what high pitch/low pitch means. Given enough time, I could play that part on my bass, but it would honestly sound better on a smaller bore tenor instead of the bathtub that I own. But, we need a bass player and a lead trumpet before we worry about that I suppose. Actually, SoD hasn't logged in since not long after he made this thread. We may need a trumpet player period if he doesn't show.
  6. I'm down. Send me some scores and I can start practicing until we get the rest of our instrumentation.
  7. Ha! Xenon, I don't know the sax situation is turning out. Seems like less is more, but who knows. However, I would imagine good arrangements are always a good thing.
  8. Man, my lead chops are terrible right now. I practiced some lead parts for about half an hour today and wanted to die. But I've still got mad bass bone chops! So just to see what we've got going here in terms of interest: Saxes - Cyril, Xenon, and Prophet, maybe with bari Trumpets - SoD, but not lead Bones - Fratto, bass and potential for tenor parts Piano - Kanthos Bass - Drums - Vocals - maybe Relyance Mixing/Editing - Flexstyle? So we need the rest a a rhythm section, a lead trumpet player, and maybe another bone player with some high range. I can arrange, and if I remember right, so can Brad. Who else can? Which brings us back to whether or not this is general big band, VG arrangements, or both. Also, someone with pretty good audio editing skills. I'm actually more excited at the possibility of this than I thought I was.
  9. Do we know of any that have the range and style to be the lead player in a big band (and are interested)? Also, we should know who feels the most comfortable with improv. I know I've always been a "if I have to" guy for taking a solo. I could do it, but something about a bass trombone improv solo seemed more like a novelty to do every couple years instead of a regular soloist.
  10. I almost never write for guitar. The only reason I mentioned it was that swordofdestiny did. I generally prefer no guitar since I think it muddles up the piano comping. However, if you get a guy who can play a very laid back Freddie Green style, then I'm all for it. That kind of rhythm guitar adds a nice little depth to the chords, but stays out of the piano's way.
  11. Brad, you were my first thought on this. And I totally agree about the same section thing. It's easier to follow the lead part when you are the lead part as well. Granted, the advantage of doing this on your own is that you can listen to the recording of the lead player until you can play it right with him. The hardest part will probably be the rhythm guys. Keeping comping uncluttered between the piano and guitar, drums that are interactive to the chart, etc. I'd imagine that if it started with a rough drum track which had good timing, we could record along with that track. Record lead parts first (then if there are others recording in your section they can okay up to the lead's style), then put a more involved drum track in, then bass, then figure out the comping.
  12. You know where to find me. That's why I never made a thread like this. There's a lot of group-energy type things that make the style work where everyone plays off each other. I think it could be done, but it'll be a small bitch to pull off right.
  13. What context do you have in mind? General jazz, VG arrangements, etc? I'd been toying with this idea in my head as well. I'm finding myself with less opportunity to put music in front of a big band since I'm no longer in college. I can definitely arrange and play bass bone. I can most likely cover the tenor parts as well. I don't know what my lead bone chops are like anymore. It's been years, but I could (and probably should) be back in that range if needed. If done well, this could be really cool.
  14. Cancelled in '85.
  15. Fucking Cowboys. On the other hand, My alma mater has been undefeated since 1986...
  16. Oh, it's this guy again.
  17. Seriously. Look at what you've done.
  18. It was all just so sudden. I got scared.
  19. Brad, stop changing your name already.
  20. That is hardly what I said. Or even implied.
  21. I like 4/4 and don't understand this fascination with compound meter. Though is kinda cool every now and again.
  22. Well, yeah. Were you surprised?
  23. Yeah, she was actually cute. The reason I say, "Oh, it's a shame." is because someone that can actually sing like a hoss and play piano well is speaking into an auto-tuner with unts unts unts unts. Granted, if you heard Brown Eyes the you already knew this years ago.
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