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Everything posted by Species8472

  1. Second best thing besides being there.
  2. Lost in a foreign land where you don't speak the language. Wearing cement shoes Chasing ducks
  3. Episode 4 low quality version is available. I kept being dropped for the second and 3rd shows so nothing for them.
  4. Since February 3rd 2012 Dyne has stood in opposition to Dracula.
  5. All right, I've set up a reminder to give next Saturday's show a listen.
  6. I should have done this last month. Friend Code: 1160-9889-6846
  7. I think some things happened during the September 2nd show. But I'm not exactly sure.
  8. I missed it because I unexpectedly wasn't home.
  9. Cyril steals the show... literally.
  10. I've been planning on building a cabinet for a while. I just don't have the space to put it anywhere so I haven't.
  11. Insert witty comment here for Radio Overcoat April 13th 2011
  12. Dyne and cyril in stereo!
  13. February Eighteenth Two Thousand Eleven.
  14. Some of the time I think the Japanese dialog for female characters would have been better if voiced by dolphins.
  15. In Left 4 Dead 2 you shoot fast moving infected style zombies, with an additional 8 that have special attacks. The game is divided into 8 campaigns spanning 3 to 5 maps each. You do not need to have played the first as the story is the same in both games. The characters and environments are different because the games take place in different areas of the country. Environments include, a hotel, a mall, a carnival, a swamp with town, a town and sugar mill during a heavy rainstorm, an area around a vertical lift bridge (where you briefly meet the Left 4 Dead 1 characters), a city and hospital (campaign taken from Left 4 Dead 1), and an area leading to the previously mentioned vertical life bridge. The last 2 you actually play as the Left 4 Dead 1 characters. You play one of 4 different survivors trying to get to a safe area. There are also team based versus style game modes that will allow you to play as one of 7 of the special type of infected against the 4 survivors, but you can't choose which you play as, and it changes every time you respawn. Versus modes swap you from survivors to infected at the end of a round. So you cannot play an entire game as just one or the other. Scavenge is a versus style mode where the survivors collect gas cans with a limited amount of time. Survival is just the survivors trapped in an area to see how long they can survive. Games can be well over an hour in length. Depending on game mode, difficulty, and campaign.
  16. No it has not moved. Still on Ustream.
  17. Looks like there is one in my areaish next year. Too bad I would need to drive through the city while it is likely dark and still busy roads.
  18. Live performance from a co-host! It must be around 1 hour 44 minutes!
  19. 20100917 is now available for downloading. Click link to continue...
  20. Radio ThaSauce Live: September Third Two Thousand Ten Less music, more on topic.
  21. Here is the August 20th show in all its original volume levels glory.
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