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Everything posted by TehDonut

  1. I will be there.
  2. effing...i missed it. I got banned from etg yesterday cause of my intarnetz =( anyways i hope you can understand but, sang il chu ka hap ni da.
  3. Happy birthdayyyy i hate you for getting a huntsman before me.
  4. oh man...i play soldier, but i don't think im that good yet. maybe if i practiced a bit i could join? =D
  5. yeah you can...but it's a bit expensive once you get into the high end weapons..
  6. East. We'll post later when the patch comes out time/channel to meet, so check here often!
  7. i'd rather not play hc and spend like a month on a character then die by some bs, then have rage,sadness,disappointment,and more rage all at the same time.
  8. im down...i just got down with finals so im freeeeeee shout/mf barb rolling i shall. let us gingerly touch our tips!
  9. And ladder chars can only play with other ladder chars. So basically make a ladder char.
  10. Full support Barb/ele druid here =D
  11. moar irc plz.

  12. Yeah, I liked it alot. So you will like it alot. I really liked how they did the story and the music is friggin good. Also like dhow the art style is all story book ish
  13. you don't love tri-ace until you got a sig like mine (credits to rely). Am I the only one who liked Chaos Legion? Suikoden III is probably the best one out of the ps2 games the fifth one you should play only if you're a die hard fan of the series.
  14. Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume <---- did anyone pick it up yet?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4VaOWOGzVM Yeah this is the theme that plays on the world map when you reach adulthood
  16. Yay. thanks. Now i can finally get it out of my head..
  17. So my friend and I were listening to DI the other day and we couldn't find the name of this one breakbeat song...I was wondering if anyone could Identify it..here's a clip of the melody: http://www.mediafire.com/?wlnjjn2almm Thanks
  18. Ok...the best dos game soundtrack evar
  19. Yeah it's an educational game. what up. first text game I played...
  20. This was also in the pack I think... so fun.
  21. ROFL yes! I couldn't remember the rest of the games in that pack.
  22. ok ok i just remembered some more... pushover (omg so fun/frustrating) d-generation contraption zack
  23. Hmm interesting... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_Realms
  24. hahaha I always laughed every time I shot someone and they would yell "Blaaaaake"
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