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Everything posted by Jewbei

  1. hey halc any word on when this project will be released? i subbed my track already.
  2. heres mine.....jermi town theme from legend of legaia i pretty much gave up on this lol http://tindeck.com/listen/ohyb
  3. oh and djp if you are reading this jus to let you know your words have reached me. i do have 2 mixes on the way thats totally from games that has never been remixed before
  4. i was wondering when this was going to be posted bout time. i really enjoyed all of the WIPs you sent me as you were working on it. cant wait to hear what youre working on next.
  5. damn Siam its been a long time im feeling the tracks keep it up man and we have some catching up to do lol
  6. its been 5yrs and every time i hear this song it still gives me the same exact feeling i had from when i first heard it. There was a time i wanted to give up on music but when i heard this song i was blown away and it encouraged me to continue remixing so if it wasnt for this song i wouldve gave up a long time ago.
  7. damn how could i miss this song from the game this game is my favorite game of all time hmm as for your samples theyre pretty good but the levels arent balanced i'll give it a second listen when i get home tonight.
  8. i really enjoyed this its very relaxing ....is it me or when the song starts it kinda sounds chrono cross ish?
  9. wow thanks guys im glad ya'll liked it i guess this give me the green light to post more lmao...
  10. yoo sup guys ive been meaning to post this in here a long time ago but never got around to it. this is me and my boy Zero doing a play through of double dragon 2 joking around an shit. enjoy we had fun doing this..depending on the responses i get in this thread i'll post the other ones. WARNING- we curse alot make jokes and its all fun and games if you cant handle this ..then i dunno what to tell you....enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS5Bha6JSyk&feature=search
  11. i must say that this mix is my fav out of the project good job guys i hope to hear more collabs in the future.
  12. this thread is so baller happy bday!
  13. yeah i def agree with mono...i feel a pause would fit here. also the lead i feel its to be more sharp ...next time when on aim hit me up i can tell you more on what to do about it.
  14. happy bday sensei you old nigga! wait im right behind you ...yeah .....wear your shades!
  15. lol even i told him that halc
  16. thanks for your feedback on my Mega Man 8 remix man keep on the lookout for new stuff.

  17. hell even i make fun of my old stuff lol and yeah i know im capable for much more i say my gravity beetle remix from the Maverick Rising project really showcases my skills. and now you good in my book Gario lol
  18. thanks Gario i tries ...i hope i can be respected and recognized like bLiNd someday thats one of the reasons why i always push myself so hard.
  19. sup guys? i thought i would share a few of my very old wips that i may be scrapping of probably might work again eh who knows? ive come a long way i dont even sound like this anymore Phoenix Wright- Trails and Tribulations (Objection theme i believe cant remember) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/syuh Doomsday Zone (Sonic 3? or S&K? i always get it mixed up) some of you mightve heard this before as my green hill zone remix http://www.tindeck.com/listen/aciz Skies Of Arcadia (Battle Theme) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/xuoz Lufia 2 (watchman seal??) cant remeber the name of the source http://www.tindeck.com/listen/dlpv Scrap Brain Zone Sonic 1 http://www.tindeck.com/listen/seug
  20. hmm this should be fun *rubs beard*
  21. yeah CN i agree with you on this one. personally i feel that white skies is bLiNd's best work see when i heard of him in 05 White Skies was the first song ive ever heard from him so like that inspired me to keep going in my remixing "career" after i had got to know him i went back and checked his old stuff and i didnt like it. the only song i did liked was Snowbound. alot of his recent tracks i really like like Jade Catacombs and Various tracks he did from the FF7 project and FF4.
  22. yooo...Raptor ...my hat goes off to you man ive been keeping an eye on you since your first remix ...wow you inspire me. youre starting to become one of my favorite remixers.
  23. ahh thanks man its good to know there's people out there that's listening to my works yeah sad to say my Wesker remix didn't pass the panel i jus didn't have enough source but they loved the production. im still working on the Sakura Mix i kinda got stuck in that one ive been working on that one on and off for about a year now but its almost done so be sure to keep a look out for that one.
  24. hmmm this mix is iight but i dunno something jus doesn't sit right with me with this one i cant really put my finger on it its still a good listen though. i picked up on a few things you did that i can try out in my music
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