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Everything posted by Jewbei

  1. yo zirc man this is really tight im feeling this! good job!
  2. sup Flex ima check your album out soon and buy it next week i like supporting my fellow remixers
  3. I too will take this challenge maybe i can make a good mix
  4. yeah man :/ i couldve sworn i backed it up but dont worry we'll figure out something.
  5. word halc its been real! i had fun..look me up if you have any more projects in mind
  6. yoo halc im really feeling this man i have an early wip of this but good shit its always refreshing watching you turn out new stuff keep at it mang! ...now we collab? LOL
  7. ok im NOT happy with the launch titles wtf son.....madden??? wtf happened my zelda and paper mario? and that other nigga kid ...icrus? ima still get it on launch day though. are they accepting pre orders now?
  8. this is soo tight i really enjoyed this mic cth im telling you one day me ..you..and halc gotta collab ...with our powers combine it'll form captain planet
  9. ahh man melody i really enjoyed this!
  10. damn will this blew me away you gave me some ideas for a version of my own ....keep at it man
  11. you...hype????
  12. this is cool its sounds like you have alot of ideas but theyre kinda not meshing well. also the main lead i would use something different layer it with something eles and throw in a build up and break down section.
  13. this sounds like it can be a great piece when you work on it more keep it up
  14. yeah i agree with akuma,,,,,,sounds a lil too basic in a sense and damn ive always wanted to remix this song
  15. Siam this is tight i like this
  16. ok i somehow was able to re write the original arp gave it a lil spin what do you guys think? http://www.tindeck.com/listen/beqz
  17. ok im having a tad of a problem with the main arp from the original but it'll work itself out
  18. wow Will you really surprised me on this one keep it up man i see a very promising future for you.
  19. Thanks man ive been working on this like crazy for the last few days and its coming along very good. for a note ive been working on this mix for 8months and i jus recently jus started getting ideas for this mix. ive incorporated the arp from the original in there but i re wrote it. so hopefully it'll gell with the rest of the track. i'll post an update by weeks end so keep your eyes out.
  20. thanks man dont worry im planning on making that the build up i promise i'll keep your ears entertained lol
  21. Hey Gario yeah i agree with what you said ...see im trying to figure this out i wanted to make this entirely different i was thinking about throwing in the arp from the original in there and then expanding on that. also i was thinking about doing 2 break downs/build up sections. the first leading up to the main melody (which may be at the 2min mark) and then the second part of the source the one with the choir pads, I wanted to do something new and write a epic intro and it turned out good. Also i wanted to make this sound like a Aujunabeats trance track but without the "VG" feel but still retain the emotion of the original.
  22. Sup ya'll this is going to be my next sub ive been working hard on this. This is a mix of Zeal theme from chrono trigger enjoy i will def keep updating this. i also added some CT sound effects up in there lemme know what you guys think. Remix http://www.tindeck.com/listen/fqdo Source:
  23. omg FINALLY someone remixed this i loved startropics 1 & 2 beat both of them ...good job man
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