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Everything posted by Tenucha

  1. Wow I have never been to that site but it sounded quite rude X_X Is that the nature of the site?
  2. Very cool. Where the song goes silent... I think it could use a kind of breakdown maybe.... it seemed a 'lil sudden. I also think the ending could use a 'lil easing so its not an all aroudn fade out. Maybe whatever that lead guitar is you got.... have it continue and slow down into an end Ok bed time!
  3. I wasn't aware the final tracks on the Project: Chaos album were still samples.... ?
  4. Whoops.... I friend of mine checked out R3FORGED's Thirty-Plus Tetris mix and now she's a fan of his and I guess was trying to look for his other work. I told her about OCReMix but that he's only got the one song up. Anyone know if he has a website or anything with his other original music or remixes? Thanks!
  5. Ya I been listening to it in the car for a 'lil while now... it's missing something... I actually end up skipping over it at some point... prolly 'cus it looses its energy as it was pointed out above. I finally rented this game It wa salot of fun, think I'l buy it. I liked the music and video intro better ont he first game however
  6. Ya whats the project status on this now anyway?
  7. Its cute and fun. You dont hear many saloon style remixes nowadays haha. It seems to match real well with all those bears you see throughout the game to me. now someones gotta get on top of some boss arrengments and KRool remixs!
  8. The only song on here I'm not that fond of still is "Forsaken". I'm looking foward to the concert now!
  9. I love it.... it's such an enchanting and haunting theme I do hope this opens a window for more people remixing Shadow of the Colossus... its got some great source tunes to work with!
  10. Wouldnt make as much money. Nor would it be as hard to find as a Wii is still
  11. I just wanna hear the main intro video song from the original Sonic Adventure (or Sonic Adventure DX: Directors Cut) remixed, rocked out and extended
  12. It would be a great Christmas gift...
  13. Thats actually rather sad...
  14. I *FINALLY* just got my Special Edition CD in the mail today. Holy crap. Well I'm happy its a Special Edition since I had to wait longer to receve mine when I ordered it with the concert tickets. I'm watching the DVD now and it seems pretty cool. I'm enjoying the video and I know I'm not all that far in since its a 90min documentary ... X_X Cant wait to check the CD itself
  15. I like it... too bad it runs so short. I dont reconize the source tune however... then again I didnt spend much time playing that title (Was a 'lil disapointed)... I still have to beat it!! To you have a link to the source file? I dont have any form of critique on this other then I'm looking foward to how it turns out as a more full song or idea
  16. My breakdown as I'm playing the song: Strong opening with "The Hidden Truth". I like the transition into the Chrono Trgger them. The horn or whatever that is sounds a bit on the annoying side to me. I dont particularly like the Robo theme transition... I think if you were to cut some of the source tunes out then Robo's theme should be one to go that wont hurt the mix. Frogs them was an interesting transition. Frog sounds really good ... I do wish it lasted a bit more. You seem to be rocking Tyrano Lair pretty good which is something I dont ever hear... It lasted way to short and now we are into Gato's theme... I would recomend letting his theme play a 'lil more before throwing the vocals on it... it was a bit unfavorable... Maybe Gatos theme can be cut as well. The sounds for 600AD (Wind Scene) ware very nice and a great transition into Magus theme. The lightning gets a 'lil much in a few places. Lucca's theme seemed a 'lil out of place coming out of Magus' stormy thing you did. I would try working that out a 'lil but... maybe build up into it. Lucca didnt seem to last all that long as now we are into Too Far Away Times which is a large portion of the end. It does sounds pretty good... There seems to be a bit too much going on with you trying to being in the medley of every song... its almost overweilming. I would say out of all the songs to cut I'd say Robo and Gato... MAYBE Lucca. I would try to focus more on The Hidden Truth, CT Theme, Frog and Tyrano... which is still a bit much... If you can do that more props to ya. Maybe fade Tyrano and slow it down to a point where you can transition it smoothly into To Far Away Times as an ending but I would expand on it too much... just a way of ending the song
  17. More DKC3 MIGHT be good (I dont remember the game being that great). Did you check out the Kong in Koncert album OCReMix project?
  18. I am the school of the Cuber. Thats pretty awesome that the 4 controllers are available for use on this game. I am also far too comfortable with the Gamecube controller. That and I love my Wavebird. Besides I still lack to Wii so I have no idea how to even use the classic or Wiimotes.
  19. Other people on savefile have easy access and maybe thought you had a leaked song or something...?
  20. I dont know about that... he doesnt seem to favored on these fourms Pikachu and Kirby are announced on the website. Both of them dont look all that different from there Melee "versions". Now all they have to do is feature Fox, Samus, Metaknight and Snake and then thats everyone we do know of already
  21. Sonic and Tails have been in high demand since EGM did that April Fools joke haha. Wow! I'm totally all for the return of Geno! And hoyl crap Crono?!! Sweet!! Mega Man is a neat add on however he's been in a decent amount of fighters already... do we really need him for this one? I dont favor Sora being in this title at all. SO hopefully Geno and Crono atleast make the cut!
  22. Only thrid-party I know of is Snake... who else is being rumored?
  23. Woah another Shadow of the Colossus remix?! How far back had this fallen in the fourms?!! You got a copy?! Damn!! When might this be released?! As for the latest update.... I think it sounds great! I can really hear the source tune in it... great job playing it by ear! As I have said in numerious other topics... the bass sounds shallow but that is ONLY beacuse my speakers' bass are blown out. Becasue of that I cant totally critique the entire track save for downloading this WIP putting it the disc and hearing it on either my main stereo or in the car. The womans voice is very enchanting... It's great. I ALMOST wonder how a male vocal would sound behind her's (very lightly so not to compete and maybe unnoticable as another vocal... like a background... maybe a bit of a delay from hers)... I think of this only becasue of Dorman (sp?). It probably wouldnt sound too good but I couldnt help but think of that. Anyways It sounds great so I hope to get a copy also
  24. How is this project coming along? Ranchier and heavy maybe good.... these are Colossi... huge creatures of mystery and fantasy... The bass should kinda sound like their roar I think Its kinda neat... I'm watching this project for the updates and all hah.
  25. After listening to it a few more times since I posted this.... It just feels like it needs something more. I actually just woke up from my sleep (WHO DISTURBS MY SLUMBER?!) and I had heard the track before going to bed so ya. I'm not quite sure what is missing but there is something back there it COULD need...
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