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Everything posted by Tenucha

  1. Ahh yes Battle 1. Its a good one I actually think FFIX had some of the best battle music in the Final Fantasy games (I dont remember X's themes and I havent played X-2, XI, or XII)
  2. I assume those arnt all OCReMixs right? That is odd that Tallarico has a credit to himself on that Earthworm JIm track...
  3. Prolly not until AFTER another trailer haha.
  4. OHKO? I stopped my Pokemon training suring Gold and Silver so all I know about Groudon is how often I see it now when related to Pokemon. I hope there are still a good portion of original Red/ Blue Pokemon to summon
  5. Mario's Jump seems quite higher then in any game I remember o_0 Gahh I'm anxious to see who else is playable! And I wonder if the Grouodon will have any attacks or if its just gonna be big and obnoxious and burn players as it stands there...
  6. Now that I foudn the now-locked topic... I miss the original title over the current. "Wasteboarding" VS "Turd Surfers". I guess they are kinda similar however... heh.
  7. Personally I dont think it sounds bad however it is very midi. Reminds me kinda of the Gremlins title theme... or atleast how synth/ midi it sounds in various portions. Its not a bad variation. I'm just a listener. I am crazing a 'lil more meat and substance however...
  8. As a listener I think it sounds pretty good... My speakers arnt wha tthey used to be anymore so its not like I can completly tell where all the problems lay... Why wont the levels raise?
  9. The battle themeS. There were a few number of them if I remember right
  10. Whats pretty cool for me of this song was that this was one of the first tracks I had checke dout in the WIP section of the fourms... so I got to hear various renditions of the song in progress. Its VERY cool and neat to see it not only finished but as an OverClocked ReMix! The track itself is very good and very awesome! I like that the remixer did cut down on the use of the turtles talking form the game. If I remember right he had them a bit more frequent in the WIP. At any rate it sounds very awesome and I cant wait to put it to disc so I can hear all the audio levels of the track (since my speakers on the computer are kinda blown...)
  11. Hey thanks! Hmmm... Glow Worm Jim and Keyz to New Junk City are both on my Earthworm Jim CD... Darn... no new EWJ content there :S I'll be checking out the rest of his work later! Thanks!
  12. That kinda annoys me... I ordered the CD with my concert tickets and yet its not here and the CD has been released... whats the point? Ohhhh this CD better be some kinda special edtion damnit!! Anyways.... somehow the only Dream Theater CD I own is Train of Thought... which was the last tour I seen them on.
  13. Is that one thats on Tallarico's Earthworm Jim Anthology CD? If not is there an active site I can download it from? I never think to look at the artists webpages themselfs... In a day 'n age where everyone has a MySpace account... I constantly forget that people do put there own time and effort in to their own space on the web. So I guess I"ll have to look around for artists webpages then...
  14. Seems pretty good as it is to me right now after an evening of listening to a buncha WIP haha. It seems like you have it as a "song". As a listener I think its really good now... you're on a great path and I cant wait for a final product!! That background thing you got playing that "du-dun-dun" I think could be changed up a bit... make it sound like its raising and falling between bass and treble maybe? Flow it with the song I mean. I'd wait until someone who knows how to make music can tell you different. And whats going on in the final few seconds of the track after everythign seems to be over?
  15. Seems cool. Indeed a trance mix. I'd like to see Yamcha fighting to this tune! (My favourite). A few times it seems a 'lil repetitive... its a good remix and has some length to it. Are you doing anythign else to it? *wonders if its ready so I can save to HD* You gonna put it foward to the judges?
  16. Ohhh you went with Budokai Tenkaichi 2 rather then the "original" Budokai 2 or 3. I still have yet to play this game anyway... Prehaps when tis one is released, maybe tackle a song from the 3rd Budokai on PS2?
  17. Pirates of the Caribbean will be the milestone for any pirate themed anything for a long while now. Just as Jurassic Park is still the milestoen when it comes to film dinosaurus and there sounds... Hans Zimmer's score is quite good through out all three movies (even if the last two films, the second more then the third, are a bit lacking) and quite inspirational as pirate music. That said a Hans Zimmer-esque inspired Gangplank Galleon remix would be quite cool. Even more impressive would be if it could span all the tunes from the Galleon "world". Then again... I'm still hopefull for a Kong in Concert 2 So anything DKC2 is fine by me right now
  18. And my thing is that I would love just another FFIX remix in general!! Maybe a more cohesive battle theme I can put on a CD then a fun 'lil thing to listen to once in a while. There are a TON of tracks on that soundtrack. There are 16 current remixes of FFIX here on OCReMix and 5 of those are of this song in request. I thought the Qu's Marsh remix was very cool along with Black Magic Synthesis (though it is the song that blew out my computer speakers bass). I have been waiting to see if the Black Mages will include more FFIX material on there upcoming 3rd CD... All I'm saying is that another FFIX remix would be awesome (Its my favourite Final Fantasy game next to VI) however can we maybe do one or two others before going back to "You Are Not Alone"?
  19. Heh that is pretty cool! Too bad some gems like these have been totally removed from the site..
  20. Oh boy I got excited to see an update!! XD haha I'm quite eager to hear this finished version. I actually really ant to get into drawing fanart from Colossus thanks to this rocked mix!
  21. I cant help you with the Kirby title sort of telling you to check out any fan sites that maybe able to trace and credit all the nostalgic portions of Super Smash Bros Melee (which is bascelly the entire game). The remix itself is pretty neat and soothing. I do hear more Chrono Trigger then I do Super Smash however X_X Maybe its 'cus I'm so familiar with Chrono Trigger...?
  22. Aww so short!! But both a very good... I do think I like the sound of the first however.... hmmm Cant wai for this project to finish! XD
  23. Well this be posted on the Kong In Concert page as a bonus track or here on OCR? And when do we get to hear it?
  24. WOW!! That was a quite awesome flash vid!! 0_0 I'm very impressed with it. How did you come to watch it and realized "The Doomsday" was used? Damn I wish I could save this vid to the HD however....
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