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Everything posted by Nohbody

  1. Sixto's guitar solo at the end... if it had lasted for about 2 minutes instead of 14 seconds that would have been awesome. Actually it was already awesome, im just saying i would have had a better orgasm had the guitar solo been longer.
  2. This deserves a double post. A flautist is actually a fancy way of saying "flutist". Apparently there is a dipute among flautists/flutists as to whether they are all flautists or just plain flutists. Being a trumpeteer (not trumpeter, mind you) iI think that this makes all the difference in the world. Actually no I think that this entire flautist thing is rather stupid.
  3. What the hell is a flautist? Im going to Google it but I want your explanation as well. I think that this is valuable information that everyon needs to know.
  4. Of the 10 Gerudo Valley remixes on this site, this is by far my favorite. Great use of piano, and really good transitions from part to part.
  5. Really great job, lots of strong symphonic junk going on up in here. Especially like french horn part
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