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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. This is my first post in many years The McRib sucks and it always will, do not let Liontamer cloud your judgment denziens of OCR
  2. so you're the new troll of this thread since i've been gone, congratulations on your position
  3. Let's just go ahead and leave these here http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-11-26/anita-sarkeesian-battles-sexism-in-games-gamergate-harassment http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-London/2014/11/27/An-open-letter-to-Bloomberg-s-Sheelah-Kolhatkar-on-the-delicate-matter-of-Anita-Sarkeesian One of these is rooted in truth, guess which one.
  4. Can't say I enjoyed Wonderful 101. Didn't hold my interest and was kinda clunky.
  5. Why listen to people who know what they're talking about when Sonic It seriously only takes 2 minutes of youtube to figure out these games are crap. If you'd prefer to stick your head in the sand and fund the next crappy sonic game be my guest, but you're only making it worse. someday they'll fire the entirety of sonic team and give it to someone who knows what the hell they're doing.
  6. This is a stupid thing to say. A really, really stupid thing to say. "It doesn't solve anything now" doesn't make it any less relevant to the conversation. You might as well be saying "you're right but who cares?" Your entire platform throughout this thread has pretty much been "yeah she's been at the center of all these things and yeah maybe she did a bad job with her videos and yeah maybe she's fanning the flames of outrage on both sides of this debate but why are you trying to blame her for it? It's not fair, maybe there are details that you don't know about." People who can't own up to their shit aren't good people, or the type of people you want to champion a cause around. You probably shouldn't defend them either.
  7. No, see, it is a productive question. If Anita Sarkeesian were to have not done the things she did, would there be a major culture war going on throughout gaming? Would there be the war of ideologies that you yourself said was unnecessary? The short answer is no. The longer answer is no, and she and the majority of her constituents and strongest supporters have prolonged it with inflammatory, dismissive and frankly hateful propoganda that isn't much better than the people they claim to be oppressed by. Everyone and their mom knows the best way to make a troll go away is to ignore it. To the contrary, they have poured fuel on the flames throughout. It doesn't strike anyone else as oddly coincidental that a woman who has purportedly become a life-long gamer in the past three years and has been calling games misogynistic and problematic for years before that is an instrumental part of the re-ostracization of gaming as a cultural phenomenon?
  8. She's doing bad things and inciting riot but she shouldn't be held responsible for that is pretty much what you're saying Everything she's done regarding this, including the initial Kickstarter for her series, heavily implied and flat out said she was 'a life-long' gamer. People say different things three years later, but it's because one time they were lying and one time they weren't.
  9. what point have you made here Literally everyone who is on the 'right' side of GG has been constantly disparaging and mocking it ever since this started. Ben Kuchera, the head editor at Polygon said earlier today Everyone still making noise on the 'good' side are literally trying to start flame wars to create more proof of the alleged harassment that is 'still going on.' Zoe Quinn tweeted out something along the lines of 'if one more person harasses me I'm going to kill myself' and guess what? No one said a thing, except 'no don't do it oh em gee those terrible trolls what have they done to you' These people already know they're going to win the fight in the public eye. Why not ham it up, stir up some more outrage, and see what more they can get out of it before letting it blow over?
  10. *general outrage over good things happening*
  11. Special Edition 3DS coming in the UK too.
  12. Do you have twitter?

  13. Hey so I'm making myself an OCRemix Project M custom music pack. Anyone have good suggestions for songs/stage?
  14. really? portal? portal is scary as hell for small kids dude
  15. Everything Rayman related. Especially the most recent two.
  16. according to what
  17. pro buying strats right there
  18. I find it's a great buy on Sivir and Draven. For sivir, because she's so mana-heavy and can use the cooldown reduction, and for draven because the mana regen scales with damage, so using spinning axes keeps you at really high mana all game, even in fights when you're constantly using w. I could definitely see it being good on Jayce too but I don't really play Jayce so eh.
  19. that means you're doing it wrong. which speaks to my point pretty strongly. i'm done here
  20. Well clearly you're not paying attention this is enough for me to dismiss your opinions YOU GET A 30% MOVESPEED BOOST TOWARDS THE ENEMY IF YOU HIT THEM WITH AN ABILITY HOW HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED THIS IN 'ALL OF YOUR TESTING' as someone who didn't even like playing nidalee before and is now wrecking teams 14-3 ish regularly your opinion on 'your character' seems suspiciously biased towards what you liked to do before
  21. tl;dr you're playing new nidalee like old nidalee which is dumb and designed not to work - that's why they reworked her in the first place
  22. sorry to say but your thoughts on nidalee are wrong spears still do crazy damage from deep, and now you can always catch the person you're trying to kill after hitting one due to your new passive - not to mention if you kill them/any minion your pounce cooldown resets to 1 second. buy lich bane and kill everyone also support nid with the new support item gives 45% attack speed with her heal, and traps are actually useful because regardless of AP it's %health. think about that one
  23. how does the tournament thing work i want to play
  24. Can someone explain to me where everyone got this idea that Nintendo just isn't going to release this product that everyone wants and they just announced to the public? Like seriously. What kind of ass backwards thinking is that. And it's popping up everywhere.
  25. Details on the E3 Invitational have been announced! I'm the head editor at Smashboards and wrote this up - it's everything in the video plus more details. Please read it! http://smashboards.com/threads/nintendo-announces-players-commentators-rules-peripheral-for-e3-invitational.356715/page-2#post-16809025
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