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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. actually im gonna be on later because there is some fool in my gaming room doing a school presentation of a "economically friendly-style monopoly" a) wtf you live in a frat house where people are drinking alcohol why are you inviting your teacher and half your class there not a great way to make an impression c) now i can't play ssf4 til you're done but i will be on mark my words and darke you say that as if madcatz has ever made a reliably good product
  2. i'm thinkin ssf4 around 8 or so?
  3. tonight?!?!? i have practice at 5 but after that i'm wiiiide open for u baby
  4. i noticed this too on my normal controller
  5. i have to go to practice but that was AWESOME there were like 10 people from my fraternity watching me play it was kinda funny, and arek you sound just like Mango the SSBM pro who sounds sexy more later it must happen
  6. i'm online, Hegemon2010 send me an invite edit jeremy i can't hear your voice messages if you wanna invite me into a game so we're playing together do it to it i don't really use xbl much so i don't know what i'm doing edit edit EVERYONE'S HERE COOL
  7. hey i'm not planning to anytime soon but if i were to want to make a new pretty high performance computer (i.e. up to modern standards and will last awhile without needing to be upgraded) how much would it cost?

  8. i'm playing arcade and proving that all the new characters make me look like an idiot my abel is still up to relative par though.
  9. i'll be playing on the tag Hegemon2010 get at me
  10. qfe however on the other hand i refuse to enjoy people who enjoy popular music way too much and there have been cases where their obnoxiousness has made me spite the song by association
  11. i still don't have my xbox because my mom refuses to give me my insurance money til the end of school but i will be playing on live on a friend's xbox so i will figure out his gamertag and we will all throw down and shizzzzzz
  12. i tested it out and other than the very beginning of rounds where everyone is exploding and jumping and taunting it runs pretty smoothly i'm definitely gonna play a lil here and there with you guys though i warn im not gonna be up to par for awhile
  13. so i revamped my computer and it might be able to play tf2 again at a framerate higher than like 5 you might be seeing me soon
  14. as a muscle group, unless you are doing exercises that stretch your abs out, such as reverse back bends etc., you are very unlikely to overwork your abs to the point of injury. doing lots of situps will not hurt you; that's not to say you won't feel it, because you will at first, but once you are over that preliminary hump of "ouch my abs are pretty damn sore" which takes two or three weeks, you can really make some headway there edit: i've been where you were with the curls by the way, it is a miserable feeling and can be incredibly painful. to avoid that feeling, after curls stretch out your elbow joint extensively. this is especially important if you are doing curls for reps. just grab onto a nearby bar, horizontal preferably, and hang off of it. you'll feel a lot better afterwards
  15. i have been enjoying chiptunes lately so i will likely check this out
  16. well aren't you
  17. what are they
  18. is this a bot or something? or just someone with really bad english i mean, it is on topic also if it weren't broken it would sound sarcastic so i support its opinion
  19. i used to think this way but its definitely a difference after i tried the alternative sticks and buttons are much faster and easier to use also i preordered this game and don't even have my xbox back yet go me
  20. i thought that everyone hated guy for some reason or another though i give you props
  21. now see here is your problem EVERYONE WHO PLAYS MV2 ONLINE THINKS THEY'RE HOT SHIT. aka trying to have epeen because they are "good" at a terribly uncompetitive game interestingly enough i played mv2 with some friends of mine who play it all the time, and beat half of them them despite the fact that i don't even play the damn game this is offtopic sorry but your flippant comment needed a response on how silly it was
  22. who exactly is excited for this though? i mean the people who haven't realized that sonic games have become terrible yet are complete idiots lets be honest with ourselves here and on top of that the vast vast majority of people who have been paying attention to anything that has been leaked are completely unsatisfied with how the physics seem to work as well as the poor animation job that they've done (and its nigh undeniable that sonic's animations look unnatural at best i haven't bought a sonic game since sonic 3 & knuckles on the pc and this game has not brought me anywhere near changing my mind
  23. i don't even whatever. not gonna worry about it i'm actually looking forward to playing the first disc over again so please do not spoil my spirits you spoilsports
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