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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. hey i remembered someone wanted a tales game and when i found tales of hearts i figured that was the one, i bought it used

    i dunno if you want that one or not but i'd be happy to send it to you if you do

  2. i just bought the album its absolutely dope i am still interested in how i am going to get this bonus pack though. more dope is doperer
  3. what is this bonus pack you speak of. ive been listening to this streaming all day and if theres bonus it would probably tip the scales for me
  4. um ok whatever you say
  5. I came upon this this morning and its awesome. you could do so much with it starting around 3:00
  6. you guys had better still be playing when i get back from japan im totally gonna arcade it up and be amazing or something
  7. this game probably arrived in the mail today too bad i'm at an airport outside D.C. about to fly to japan FOR A MONTH ffffffffffff not like i wont enjoy the trip but fuck. its just gonna be sitting there edit: dont you lecture me about my priorities biotch
  8. durrrrrr sorry for being a spoilsport everyone
  9. hey guess what everyone i got a new xbox and this game and I'M REALLY ENJOYING IT HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENNINNNNNNGGGGGGG i thought this game was soooooo bad the earth must be upside down or something
  10. so LOL established gaming websites and all that but this got a 10/10 from both ign and gamespot and while ign is getting a bit lighter on the quality gamespot doesn't exactly give those out all the time so it must mean something
  11. this is sweet i love things like this
  12. im surprised there's not more responses... this is all good stuff but not completely unexpected, anything off the wall i should be looking for
  13. i have this preordered and can't wait for it to arrive in the mail too bad i probably won't get to play it until about a month afterwards though blah
  14. Hey everyone. So I have come upon the means to get a whole lot of new music and I'm looking to expand my trance library. What artists/albums/compilations should I be looking to get? Outside of GT's Public Address (which is awesome) I don't have a whole lot of knowledge. School me peeps
  15. http://www.akirathedon.com/2010/05/atd23-a-tribute-to-the-music-of-street-fighter/ kinda cool. around 9:00 he uses blood on the asphalt but he says he'll put up a list of full samples used later
  16. wait what? since when did people think abel was so good though his new ultra really is awesome true story there so i haven't been playing at all cuz my friend took his xbox home and i don't have one of my own. and i'll be in japan for the next month or so so you guys won't be seeing me online at all but i'll try and get in some practice.. maybe japanese arcade, just get rocked on
  17. the new grass starter gives sceptile a run for his money in the "too cool for school sneer" department
  18. this sounds just like the theme of the punies from Paper Mario TTYD probably because it is
  19. I've been playing mostly the same way i have been since sf4 and its gotten me pretty far with abel but as jhawk has figured out it only takes me so far i'm gonna have to start reading some theory pretty soon
  20. hey guys. GUYS. HEY LISTEN i just reordered this game and i'm excited to start it over again after my whole theft shenanigans stop trying to ruin it for me i liked the first 8 hours and everyone was all into it while i was playing it
  21. when i was messing around with adon i thought i got off a c. lp -> c. mk xx rising jaguar a couple times. maybe i'm just imagining things abel is getting even better, somewhere around 1500 bp, and working on making my makoto pretty alright. at some point today i'm gonna start actually learning how to use some of the new characters, i haven't even used juri yet, or ibuki more than once
  22. i think what you need to do is time it just so that you're in blockstun. so start the motion directly after a block and it'll carry over if you do it quickly enough that's the other thing you do have to do it quickly or you'll get hit theres no way around that
  23. i played a bunch this afternoon and pwned with abel i won like 16 in a row before i had to go to practice
  24. if anyone wants to play i plan on being on tonight Hegemon2010 for those who haven't played me yet
  25. can we get a list of people for PSN and XBL on the frontpage so we can all know who everyone else is and schedule stuff and whatnot
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