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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. I personally find this silly. This is the same confusing concept I come across when people talk about the Patriots in the NFL. Everyone thinks they're dicks because they fake field goals and go for it on 4th down, because its against these silly conventions they've made in their head on how things "should" be done. In fact, they're doing what gives them the best chance to WIN. It's COMPETITIVE. If they lose a game because they don't do something like that because its "too cheap," then they would be fools. So why does this not apply in gaming? I also play Smash competitively (Melee, the better one) and if I play against a Sheik, I expect them to chaingrab me. Why would they not? I know they can, they know they can, and its a good idea. Given that I know he can chaingrab me, part of the game becomes (get this) NOT LETTING HIM. If you know that one part of his game is dangerous, then avoid it. It's all part of the strengths and weaknesses game you play when you play anything competitively. To go back to the football example, if you know the other team has good run defense, then don't run as much. Its not cheap for them to be so good at defending the run, just take the fact into account and work around it. If I were chaingrabbing someone and they were like "this is so unfair" I would laugh. Because they have the opportunity to counterpick a character that could do the same to me, and if they choose not to, its not my problem. And while tons of people will disagree, that's not dick in the least. That's called being competitive. Now I wouldn't chaingrab or infiniteshine a friend who's just playing around with me for fun, because that's dick. But in a competitive setting, kids who can't take the heat can get off the playground. Simple as that. Learn it love it or leave it. Good sportsmanship comes into play after a match is over, not during. There is no way to break the rules of the game because the rules are programmed in. The only way sportsmanship becomes an issue is outside the game, in the form of trash talking or not accepting a "good game" after a set. edit: i can see why you'd get pissed about things like this, because brawl is a frustratingly imbalanced game, and becomes frustrating because a player who's put tons of time into a poor character, lets just say falcon, can still lose to someone who's been playing for a month or two with metaknight and just learned how to press b at the right time. but that's what comes with competitive brawl. no disrespect i like brawl too but could never play it competitively because of things like that
  2. eggplant ewwwieeeeee i do kinda like the pizzas there, but its a different category almost because its done so differently. especially the ones with the tomato slices for "sauce"
  3. What he said. If everyone goes to the same place at the same time then its going to be as retarded as everyone huddling in the corner of an assembly hall, it looks stupid and you're stupid for doing it.
  4. i see where you're coming from with that. there's a lot that i edited over the past half hour so check my last post as well.
  5. what i mean by sampled is that instead of using the instruments individually, people pull a full drum loop from an old jazz tune or the like and use that as a base sound, and then chop up the loop if they want to mess around with it. anyways, the drum composition isn't bad, and the samples aren't bad either. but i feel like its neither realistic enough for me to believe someone's playing it, nor is it synthed up enough for me to just look at it as a synthy set. the best way i can think to describe it is as the uncanny valley of percussion; the samples and the unfiltered sound is just realistic enough that you expect it to sound like a real drummer, but it doesn't. something to try, i've been trying to figure out what's wrong that's giving me such a hard time with this, and i think it's the hi-hat staying out so long. if you compressed that sample so it didn't stay out as long as it does (like you do later in the song, but maybe even more so) i personally think it would sound better. i don't know if i agree with the hat where it is but if you like it there then that would be something to try. also the wood blocks are kind of too creative. in a minimalist drum setup it seems to sit at odds with what you're trying to accomplish. once again, its not like you did it wrong but it just doesn't fit with the final goal. i'm not disagreeing with you just to be the guy who goes up against zircon, i just want to make sure you do it right and its not quite right yet.
  6. Just from what I've listened to, track 4 just seems a little too sequenced, and the bass isn't quite what it's supposed to be at first. It comes in a little better later, but when its not the middle section it lacks oomph. Also, while drums are meant to be repetitive I feel like the type of drums you're using aren't quite fitting for hip hop type stuff. Even the set you're using could work, but if you're going to emphasize on it the way you are then it needs to be a little more dynamic. With instrumental rap in my experience (and I'm sure everyone will come up with a counterargument) starting with just the drums usually isn't the way to go unless you're going to make them sound really good, and with the drumset you're using there's just not a ton to it. You might think about sampling the drums as opposed to using a drumset, a lot of hip hop producers do that to good effect. Not that I don't like the direction you're going, but I don't want you to have an inflated opinion of your work if its not truly A+ material. Its a good start but there's some nuances to be understood as well. EDIT: The beasties track is good though. i like that. sometimes with rap simple is better.
  7. This game is 100% what I wanted it to be. Simply platforming with some clever ideas thrown in. I've been taking it very slow, only on World 3, because I want it to last.
  8. this would be a great thing if the same games weren't nominated for EVERY CATEGORY at least 5 of the categories had 3 games from the "game of the year" category and then one other wildcard to appease people, and there are multiple categories that have the same 6 games scattered through them over and over. there is no variety to choose from. at least they're letting people vote though
  9. clearly enough people thought it was a good idea for it to get passed, it wasn't like one person made the decision and everyone else in the entire goddamn company was like "what the FUCK was he thinking"
  10. Sorry but this could not be less true. The masses are THE thing significant here. If not for the masses, things like six days in falluja DON'T HAPPEN. Companies pull out of deals and bail on good ideas, and decide to play it safe because of the masses, and because of popular opinion. You're putting way too much emphasis on the quality. There are tons of items in ANY medium that are quality, and will never get the recognition they deserve. If every game company decided to make the game they always wanted to the industry would fold in a matter of months because while maybe we're not like this, the vast majority of people who play videogames wouldn't care about how awesome and meaningful these games were. An awful lot of people who play videogames are dumb and/or doing so only to pass the time. This is important. The whole point of his video was to say that while its not always what we want to do, we need to market to the masses. Not in the sense that we should give them all Halo and expect them to be happy, but when something controversial happens, to stand up for it and explain why it's so important/awesome/worth the controversy. If we all just say "well what's good is good the masses aren't important" then we will have gotten NOWHERE. The whole point here is people other than us need to understand. We already do. This is not appealing to ignorance, but instead informing ignorance; on the flip side, telling the general public "oh you just don't understand" sounds an awful lot like an angsty child. Not the image gaming wants or needs.
  11. i really wanted to buy this but my computer is crap and couldn't even handle the most minimal of specifications for it i need a new computer
  12. hey guys, is a pspGo worth getting? i know its new and shiny but i can't tell if its worth it over a psp 3000.
  13. Mirror's Edge I'm running all over the place. Why is everything white? Oh well, it looks cool.
  14. i have luke to thank for my first birthday thread. i'm pretty sure that was the official date he started being awesome. also Happy Birthday Corran!
  15. I hope GT's ok with me putting this up, but I happened to go to his site to see if there was anything new today, and a little while back he posted a new DJ set! I've loved all of them so far and I'm sure there are others in the community who have as well, sooo.. check it out! Here's the tracklist: Karen Overton - Your Loving Arms (Ja Sunrise Mix) [00:00 - 08:02] Above & Beyond presents OceanLab - On The Beach (Andy Duguid Remix) [08:02 - 13:53] Nadia Ali - Crash & Burn (DJ Shah Magic Island Remix) [13:53 - 20:24] Sunlounger - Change Your Mind (Myon and Shane 54 Remix) [20:24 - 25:49] Nuera - Transatlantic 2009 (Original Mix) [36:39 - 42:18] Orjan Nilsen - La Guitarra (Omnia Remix) [42:18 - 47:58] DJ Shah featuring Nadia Nooijen - Over & Over (Club Mix) [47:58 - 53:38] Paul Keeley - Morning Star (Original Mix) [53:38 - 59:47] Airwave featuring Ludovic Meyer - Batignolles Blues (Joost Glazenburg Remix) [59:47 - 64:28] Sunlounger - Another Day on the Terrace (Club Mix) [64:28 - 68:17] Nic Chagall featuring Jonathan Mendelsohn - This Moment (Prog Mix) [68:17 - 75:28] http://www.global-trance.com/xhtml_index.php <3 note: if this is out of line my sincerest apologies
  16. best post 09 Also, sometimes I imagine colors, but more landscapes or environments to go with music. It can be really cool some music goes real big and some doesn't give me much of anything.
  17. i think i by Turbo T. Double. for those who don't know that's the street fighter rapper guy, its his first song on iTunes, and honestly while I think its one of his worse songs I bought it he deserves the support cause he's a very intelligent rapper with good flow. GO BUY IT
  18. The song they have on video sounds pretty good, I might have to look into it. the guy looks funny dancing though.
  19. The Super Mash Bros. Kinda like Girl Talk but with a little bit of Girl Talk thrown in. Veryy good though. http://lazerwolf.com/
  20. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3176551 Kojima says he will make one. someday. I know some people will be happy about this.
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