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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. no problem man.

    apparently he also does custom ones, so if you send him your images you have he'll print those?

  2. Hey,

    I remembered you were all about finding gaming posters/memorabilia, and I was on eBay today and found this dude who does silk cloth posters, 40" across that look really good. He has a good reputation overall but its at least worth taking a look, its more new stuff and a lot more mainstream but some of it might tickle your fancy.


    There's a lot of posters on eBay. I was surprised.

  3. Funny that you say that, I bought it on wii shop thinking I would be all about it but I've never put in the time to beat it because it wasn't that interesting to me.
  4. I want: FF13 Super Street Fighter 4 As many of the quality classic games on PSP as I can get, namely Tekken 6, SFA3, God of War, Daxter, MGS, etc. Mario Galaxy 2 (please?)
  5. it sounds familiar to me too, but from what i'm not sure. does this sound familiar? it did to me, especially around 2:50, then i realized why:
  6. Also did anyone notice that in Mulan she's all like "i'm independent" and then in the sequel she's a submissive housewife that takes care of her husband? Disney promotes women staying in the goddamn kitchen. after finding a husband by any means necessary.
  7. i lol'ed carry on
  8. this is the best offtop thread in awhile except that its not in offtop
  9. I'm sure that everyone's all like "omg haloshitz again" but this game had a surprisingly meaningful and worthwhile soundtrack, especially the overworld parts. I would love to hear someone remix one of the piano themes into something more.
  10. i have yet to see a big NO this should have been the first thing mentioned
  11. Cinderella was all about making fun of the poor kid
  12. I pulled in some fun loot, iTouch Okami Ultimate Ears 700 earbuds (opinions?) James Bond DVD Collection Sweatpants (YUSSSSSS) and some other small assorted goodies.
  13. BAGEL IS BACK general merriment and happiness abounds.
  14. Even if that's not what he's looking for that's damn impressive.
  15. that's pretty sweet. put an easter egg in something for us?
  16. I agree with this guy. that would be awesome. I like your songs they are always wonderful. This isn't helpful at all in the wipping process but its true
  17. *sigh* guess i'm the only one.
  18. I have a very soft spot for these, and have been collecting them as a hobby for a little while now. Does anyone else enjoy these sorts of things? The one that got me really started off was the new Prince of Persia trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/tgs-2008-prince-of/41113 If not for that trailer I would have never bought that game, and though there are varying opinions on the game I'm glad I did. Does anyone else have trailers like this (or just cool trailers in general) that they really enjoy? Post them here! Another favorite is the Gears of War commercial.
  19. I know everyone's coming to their conclusions and whatnot but I just want to say one more thing on this point. While it is a good opportunity, I believe many people who play would be offended if they were being beaten and their opponent decided to do ultra-fancy high risk stuff, because it can come off as showing off. I think its perfectly fine but there's two ways to see everything, as evidenced by this thread as a whole. Good talk, everyone.
  20. I think this is a fair point to make, but just the same way that people who don't play to win don't enjoy playing to win, it goes the other way too. In general I think there is a belief that people who play to win consider themselves more devoted than those who don't, just due to the time put into the game and learning the trade. However, I don't think this usually becomes an issue until a very pivotal point, that I have never understood. That is when a casual gamer comes to a tournament, competitive online hub, etc. and is upset at what happens there. It's akin to walking into the lion's den and not expecting to get eaten; when you go to a tournament or something similar, those are the types of people who are going to be there. JackKeiser mentioned he's seen people get destroyed at tournaments and then get upset. Those people, wether they like it or not, are playing in a competitive arena. If you come to a tournament, people are going to play in a competitive fashion. Now, one would think that if you don't want to play in a competitive fashion, you just wouldn't come to a tournament right? But somehow a lot of casual or "not playing to win" type people think its a good idea, and then get fed up with people not playing their way. I feel like if not for those types of incidents, people would be able to co-exist, but so many times I've seen people come to events like this and then be appalled that their opponent used a "cheap move to win." Then they go complain about it, saying how much of a jerk their opponent was. In my opinion, no player who plays to win goes around looking for casual players and telling them how bad they are. To the contrary, casual players come to tournaments and when they lose, accuse their opponent of being a douche. The agression comes from the casual, not the other way around.
  21. For starters, the reason there is so much dissent in the Brawl community is because Brawl is a game that does not have fair and balanced competition at even a casual level, much less a competitive one. I'm sure you disagree. Second of all, that's why the rules are still IN DEBATE. Sure there's a set of rules, but plenty of people disagree on them and plenty of people don't use them. Thus these rules are not DEFINED and thus your example doesn't fit the definition at all. And this is a response to the bold; what would you rather have them do? Let shitty people beat them for funsies and then be all like "good job"? That's stupid. No one loses for fun. Yes there are some douchebags, and a lot of them play Brawl. But in most established communities there's a respect for new players who want to learn. I hosted a SSBM tournament in my hometown (which actual people came to, including Darc, Dazwa and SleepyK) and they were all amped to meet new people in the community, even though a lot of the kids who showed up weren't as good as they were. Isn't that every game ever made though? Games and competitions are made to decide who is better at a certain thing, even down to checkers and rock-paper-scissors. Its all about who can win. So if you're not playing to win, then what are you doing? The community will not become a healthy one if everyone feels the need to limit themselves to what everyone else is doing; that stifles the creativity of the players and the motivation to keep playing. edit YES I HAVE BACKUP way to be zirc and KB
  22. Well of course. I'm just saying in that we're talking about sportsmanship, it would be applied to competitive games. And so we're all clear, the definition of a scrub is not a casual player. No one hates casual players, its just the way they play the game, and that's fine. A scrub is a player who is either a casual or competitive player, who tries to play competitively and then whines about things that are within the defined rules of the game. And its true, there are some things in some games that are just too much, as you mentioned with the bannings and such. While most people here seem to abhor competitive fighters/gamers, these bans happen because a community as a whole wants fairness. This is kind of off topic, but relevant if you ask me. I believe in these kinds of games there absolutely can be sportsmanship. EDIT: and bardic you're a sweet dude don't ever change
  23. See? that's not so hard is it. What is dick is when competitive gamers play against casual gamers the way they would against another competitive player. I think we all agree with that. On the other hand, two competitive players can respect each other (and often do). The place where it becomes a problem is when casual players try to "be pro" and then get frustrated by players who play to win. Its a very simple concept, if you don't want people to play "dirty" as most of you would seem to call it, play your friends and people you trust to be "fair" players. Now that's part of what sucks about online play, I get that, but then play with your friends. You did it when N64 and PlayStation were still around, I'm sure you still can. Online play will never turn into the "we play just for fun" fest that people here seem to want it to be, so recognize that.
  24. no no no you silly, Liz with one z its like an impostor, kind of
  25. everyone everyone come listen there's a new person on ocr. her name is Liz where is the outrage people
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