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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. I forgot to post this in my first, but just so nobody's wondering where MY first post is, I can only do about half of my planned schedule from now until the 22nd, and then all will be done for the rest of the summer. I'm still in practice for my team until then though, so it will keep me in shape.

  2. I suppose it's my turn to put out the goal sheet!


    I want to maintain, if not raise, my cario- and anaerobic fitness levels. Being a rower they are pretty high right now, and it would be very easy to let them fall down to, well levels I don't really want them at essentially.

    Like GT, I want to get started on gymnastics-style physical training. My definite goal in this area is to be able to hold an advanced tuck planche, or at the very least a tuck planche, for 45 seconds by the end of the summer. Advanced tuck might be a stretch, but I'd like to be well on my way there by the end of summer. I also intend to work on solidifying my handstand, and handstand to press after that. EDITED DUE TO DIVINE INTERVENTION FROM TAUCER

    I also want to keep up my weight and sprints schedule from last year. It served me well and I intend to use it again.


    Diet I need to have a much more balanced diet. I eat a lot of high carb foods, but I need much more variety in order to produce optimal results.

    Exercise Some erging (shoot me) along with hopefully rowing in a single this summer should help me maintain my aerobic levels. For the gymnastiscs, hopefully Taucer will enlighten us all! I've learned some things through the internet that I have put into my plans, but expert advice is always nice. Also, as I previously mentioned, my weights and sprints schedule will be retained from last summer.

    I'll put up a picture when I find a camera.

  3. All you need for planches is an open piece of floor. If you want to try planche push-ups, you'll need a set of parallets, but you can build those yourself with <$15 worth of PVC pipes. Here's a site with instructions on how to build them.

    For front and back levers, you just need a chinup bar. If there's a playground near where you live, odds are it's got something that will work fine.

    If you can get access to a set of rings, the first excercize I'd reccomend to work the stabilizers is a simple support. Arms locked straight, rings turned out. You'll be amazed at how hard this is at first, but you'll also be surprised how quickly you'll get the hang of it. From there you can start working dips, muscle ups, etc.

    One thing that is REALLY important when working gymnastics-type strength skills; MAKE SURE YOU WORK YOUR ROTATOR CUFFS. It's common for gymnasts (especially those working with a less experienced coach) to develop shoulder and back problems due to unbalanced strength. Crosses, planches, presses, and even just supports will tend to pull the shoulders forward, putting strain on the upper back. You have to make sure you work your upper back and rotator cuffs to avoid this. Bes excercise for this is to take a stretch band, tie it to something, stand to the side, and rotate your arm outwards with your elbow tucked in to your side, so you're pulling the band outward. I'll see if I can get pics to demonstrate this if necessary.

    Speaking of demonstration, didn't you post some videos of yourself at one point? I know this would be a lot of extra time on you, but if you had said time (and a large amount of generosity) it would be AMAZING if you could put together some short easy videos for instruction, for those of us who are interested in starting gymnastics style strength exercises. And we'd all love you and send you pie.

  4. The thing about making it private is that while we have a fair amount of people on OCR that play TF2, the most I've ever seen in ONE GAME was only like 5 or 6. And TF2 isn't really that fun if you have small teams, in my opinion... I think ~12 players is a good number. So, if we were to do a private server, I would want to know that people from OCR would play on it regularly and not elsewhere. Otherwise, make it public with a bunch of admins so we can kick out pubs if we are trying to do an OCR game.

    I agree with this and the decision to make a server like that public, but think of this as well, if the server were private I think a few more OCR people, who don't have the patience to find a public game with the OCRgoers and get slammed down by people they don't know, would be more interested in playing. I still like the public server better (not that I really play with you guys much/at all) but food for thought.

  5. I was looking at those links but I have no idea where to begin! Hey Geoffrey Taucer... from one GT to another help a brutha out here. The articles are good and all but they feel somewhat scattered for someone who doesn't have a clue. What's a good way to go about doing these gymnastic things in a safe but challenging and progressive manner?

    QFE, an expert's advice is always great.

  6. Hehe.

    I will definitely say this; for anybody who's already fairly strong and wants to get EXTREMELY strong, rings are an excellent tool. You can get a relatively cheap rings setup at www.ringtraining.com. This site also has a few good training articles.

    Another site with some great articles on flexibility and (especially) strength as well as some KILLER individual excercizes is www.gymnasticbodies.com. (though much of what's here is probably beyond the level of somebody just starting to work out)

    This sounds like a really good option! I've been an athlete all my life (I row for my university right now), but I would really like to gain as much strength as possible over this summer so I can be a beast rowing next year. I'm guessing since this is for gymnastics there isn't much mass gained?

    If you've got time, post one of your workouts on these! I'm very interested in this idea.

  7. I'm glad to see someone interested in this kind of thing, often the best way to keep yourself on a workout schedule is having someone else to keep track of you too, so you're committed to more than just yourself. However, it might be hard get the followup to go with the initial committment. Good luck with this, if it succeeds I'll definitely be checking in often.

  8. Like Arek said, air dodging is important.

    And as for Zelda, she's not very powerful, imho.

    Her range is quite lacking and her KO moves are pretty poor. Also, she is very easy to approach since her Din's Fire is her only projectile and while it's much better than before, it's still not great. Since it moves fast, she has very little time to actually hit a moving opponent with it (basically, she has to release the button at a specific time otherwise the move will miss), meaning it's very easy to air dodge to completely avoid the damage. You can also jump over the attack if you save your midair jump, since it can only be directed so much up or down it's easy to time your jumps properly to avoid it.

    Her tilts, dash attack and jab are the only things you really need to worry about (since her aerials are pretty much crap aside from n-air and up-air), and most characters have easy times getting in on her as she's pretty freakin' slow. Just bait a tilt by jump near her and jumping away or something. Try and get her into the air above you, she's pretty helpless up there. Also, small characters are a nightmare for her since her aerials have sweet spots aside from n-air and up-air, meaning it's REALLY hard to hit smaller characters with the sweet spots. Big characters are super easy to sweet spot, so unless you massively outrange her like with Dedede (who she should never be able to beat if you spam f-tilt), you should probably stick to a smaller character (also one that is probably faster than her). Another thing about her side-air moves are that if you air dodge close to her, even if she waits to hit you, she will almost never sweet spot because she is so heavily dependent upon spacing those moves that if you do ANYTHING to mess up that spacing, she won't be able to get a good hit (and since those sweet spots are way harder to land now, it's much easier to screw with her spacing than it was before).

    So basically, you need to worry about up-tilt, f-tilt, jab A, dash attack, n-air, and up-air (and only if your entire moveset is crap, each character will beat out some of these moves, you just need to figure out which ones your character can beat out). Din's Fire is a nuisance but nothing dangerous (unless she's edge guarding with it) and all her other moves are pretty much jokes since they're so slow.

    Her smashes are dangerous but slow, and she can be hit out of them or they can be shielded/dodged and then she can punished for them. Nothing of hers really sets up into her smashes, so if you get hit by one, it's because you did something that left yourself open (like rolling as transportation about the stage or missing a laggy move).

    wut to all of the above/bolds especially

  9. Well for starters, I don't know what people here are talking about with the drums. Sure they're nothing special samplewise, but for a new remixer, they're put together very intelligently. Kudos.

    Anyhow, the first :36 is a midi rip. Not ok. The pika sample, whatever. Could be there, could not be, i'm impartial. One problem I see is that you kinda just jump straight into it; if you didn't have the midirip at the beginning, there would be no lead-in or intro. Try starting with just drums, or just drums with bass support, and then work in the lead after a few go throughs. Also, speaking of the lead, think about finding a new one. Its not a great sample, and it would add a lot to have a good main sample.

    Repitition is a factor here. You do some different things over the song, but the problem is most of them aren't THAT different, and oftentimes you come back to the same patterns multiple times. As an excercise, try starting with the source, then deviating from it slightly. Then keep doing that until it hardly sounds like the source at all. Somewhere inbetween those two extremes, you'll have made something that you can use as your own, but isn't just the piece.

    Try refining this. This piece interests me, though there are many definite flaws, and I'd love to see you make it into something intelligent and professional.

  10. it's not dull Rozo, just not your cup of tea - big difference.

    With all due respect, he's right. It is dull. By :18 things are running over each other, and there's no layering of sounds, they kinda all play at the same level, not unlike a bunch of small children trying to get your attention. Its just about impossible to tell what you're trying to get across because its one big synthy wall of sound.

    Until about 1:12 that is. Then it clears up into something that sounds (arrangementwise) just fine, it has depth, the bass supports without overwhelming. It still sounds mechanical but that part past then, has some good potential.

  11. Just to be clear, I'm not looking for recommendations of specific artists, but the compilation recommendations are awesome so far. Thank you.

    AndyC's Nightlife is the kind of thing I'm talking about, but they tend to be a little homogenuous in style - you won't find someone like photek on there. That said, I already have several of his collections, so more things LIKE it would be cool :)

    I haven't heard of Weapons of Mass Creation. When I looked at Amazon (vol 1) I saw this review, though:

    "I'm a huge fan of ambient electronic, and this compilation is my new favorite."

    Is this accurate? Or is the album really DNB?

    I am 100% positive the album is D&B. If you need reassurance check itunes store, they've got it there and they have the quick samples so you can see if its what you're looking for.

    EDIT: also, if you want to look for compilation action without buying stuff, there are lots of good podcasts, Hospital Records podcast, D'n'B Arena are two good ones. Plenty of back episodes, lots of music, all free.

  12. Something to check out might be the Hospital Records' Weapons of Mass Creation series. There's three of em, all of which house pretty good, not too over the top drum and bass. I think it'd help for getting a feel of different things that can be done with the genre.

    Also, there was a thread that I started asking for specific track suggestions; while I'm sure some of what's there will mirror here, here's the link to it. Hope it helps.


  13. i don't have a paypal account either. you can just make a regular credit/debit card payment without signing up for one. :)

    O. Well sweet, then I shall do that as well when I get back! Kinda makes me wish I'd brought my wallet to this race. I'll be back in home territory soon though, feel free to pester me until I follow through (not that I will need any).

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