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danimal cannon

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Everything posted by danimal cannon

  1. Shnabs 2a03 style chips vs my Gameboy DMG loudass chips is like the difference between a classical guitar arrangement and distorted electric guitar. Let's start NO'ing classical guitar arrangements for not being fleshed out enough. Oh wait, that's a traditional accepted form of music. UNLIKE CHIPTUNES. I could go forever. 2nd class citizens in the music world yet?
  2. If someone came up with a good song composed for 3 flutes and a bongo which is a shitty analog for chip music (basic percussion and monophonic instruments) it would be held to a different standard than chip music, which at this current point is a 2nd class citizen in this site. You would not bash the track for not having huge sounding drums (which would probably sound awful), because that's not the style that was trying to be reached. You wouldn't bash the flute players for not playing anything in the bass clef, because flutes don't hit those notes. But for some reason, programming a chiptune well, with thought out expressions, evelopes, and traditional chiptune drums, is unacceptable, even though that's a perfectly legit style. It all goes back to "why do we listen to videogame remixes". The real answer is that OG chiptunes sound fucking weak and didn't get very fleshed out due to memory constraints. "Oh man, this would be an awesome song if it had sweet electric guitars and an orchestral string section, you know real instruments" But as a guy who has done that ad nauseum, and then explored the chiptune world extensively, I can return to say that chip music is every bit as legitimate as any other kind of music, whether "PURE" or with enhancements. And trust me, you don't know how much chip music can be seen as a musical 2nd class citizen until you've tried to perform shows for the general public doing it. What if Sam submitted a piano song, and you guys rejected it saying, "sorry we only accept piano songs if they have (YET TO BE SEEN) amazingness like chords of 12 note polyphony and descending bass note arpeggios played so fast that they sound like kick drums. It would be ridiculous right? I mean piano music is a completely legitimate respected type of traditional music. After dissapearing to the chiptune trenches for 2 years, I can assure you that chiptunes are every bit as legitimate. 3 years ago I might have agreed with you. But talking about how chiptunes are limited is like telling a harpsichord player that he needs more dynamics. Or how pianos can't play a single note tremelo picking style very well. Or how a synth player sounds very fake and not human. Or how a trumpet is way too monophonic. EVERY instrument has certain limitations. And I've never seen an instrument like chiptunes reinvent music in this day and age. Cept skirlex lol
  3. Wait till I submit my gameboy remix of a gameboy song just fuck with you guys. My sound design and hugeness will be bigger than a lot of your dance tracks. Then what? http://danimalcannon.bandcamp.com/track/roots And no, other than a little limiting and EQ on a master bus, there's zero processing going on with those instruments. Sidechaining? Fuck that shit, real men do it with envelope commands. DSP? Fuck that I'll modulate my waveforms by cycling through manually drawn ones. Here's my point. Chiptunes have evolved. My gameboy isn't a chintzy midi, it AN INSTRUMENT. It's A SYNTHESIZER. Fuck man, the most popular synthesizer of the 80's (DX7) had the same chip as a Genesis. To discriminate against one kind of instrument is just plain shitty.
  4. Hey Brandon, I got Hope Isolation Pray, don't worry about it
  5. That has to be the worst platformer music of all time. Like worse than Elevator Action. Learn to 8bit man MAINSTREAM MUSIC USES SIMPLE WAVEFORM SYNTHS NEWS AT 11! Because seriously fuck FM synthesis.
  6. When I'm not busy causing controversy in judges panels I'm making music videos. This is a mix of Mad World and the theme for Gears of War... YAY
  7. some great reviews http://megabeep.wordpress.com/2011/11/29/review-roots-by-danimal-cannon/ And also on OSV! http://www.originalsoundversion.com/danimal-cannon-gets-in-touch-with-his-roots/
  8. Live listening party at http://areciboradio.com/ starts at 10pm EST, in 1 hourish. BUT THERES ALREADY A LOT OF PEOPLE HANGING OUT. COME HANG
  9. http://ubiktune.org/releases/ubi031-danimal-cannon-roots http://danimalcannon.bandcamp.com "Roots is my debut chiptune album, I decided to "go big or go home" and make it ~70 minutes. I've been laboring over this album for over a year now and I've learned a lot along the way. It seems like with every new track I would discover a new way of making chiptunes, or another artist would inspire me to head in a different direction. The album makes its way through a load of genres and moods, and that's because I love a lot of different kinds of music. The gameboy has such a distinctive sound, so that even though I traverse through so many genres the album retains a cohesiveness, glued together by the bonds of chiptune. This album would not be possible without the sharing of information, tricks, and ideas. I still find myself learning things in LSDJ (someone showed me a new trick THIS WEEK). For this reason I've decided to include the .sav files in my album. Go ahead, learn, remix, be curious. There's no reason to have trade secrets in chiptune composing. I am extremely proud of what I've been able to accomplish with this album but it would not have happened without people showing me things first." — Danimal Cannon. intro (1:04) Roots (4:54) Forest Gnome Shindig (4:39) Polywrath (4:46) Agrobacter (2:57) Danimal Across America (3:26) A New Day (3:15) The Big Crunch (3:31) Synergy (ft. Paul Wardingham, Shnabubula, and Tony Dickinson) (6:02) Good Journey (Don't Say Goodbye) (3:32) Blueshift (4:19) Jean Luc (4:04) Gorelax (4:31) Spacewalk (4:29) Beethoven — Moonlight Sonata (6:06) She Will Be Remembered (4:05) Danimal Across America (IRL Mix) (3:26) All instruments played by Danimal Cannon EXCEPT: Track 9 Synergy: 3:38-6:00 bass guitar by Tony Dickinson 3:38-4:11 piano by Shnabubula 4:14-4:55 lead guitar by Paul Wardingham http://www.facebook.com/danimalcannonmusic http://www.twitter.com/armcannon Artwork by Francis Coulombe © All rights reserved.
  10. this isn't really accurate. It's more of a very complex poll. You had to listen to 45 seconds of each track rated, and over 7000 tracks were rated. Only a few people made it through the entire amount, but they're also the ones doing most of the reviews. In fact in the reviews, you can see the DISDAIN for the fact that it's so heavy on CV and MM. Their reviews for the top track do not solidify that it IS the best NES track ever, but that it just happens to be the most popular. This isn't a favorites list, it's more of the results of a poll, for better or for worse.
  11. PROBABLY WILL GO. Only to see Mustin though
  12. so did you guys find this to be racist? The nerdcore scene seems to think I'm performing in blackface.
  14. I will try very hard to make it to this!
  15. Metroid Metal plays fri night, my chiptune show is friday at noon in jamspace. I hope I can make the OCR panel, Ive missed the last few!
  16. the last song is amazing
  17. yeah my bad guys, I should have announced that the last week of the tour was scrapped. I've just been sleeping FOREVER
  18. 2nd round of dates announced August 2nd in Cleveland, Ohio @ The Roc Bard [ Doors at 7, show at 8 ] August 3rd in Columbus, Ohio @ The Treehouse August 4th in Chicago, Illinois @ Subterranean Doors at 7:30, Show at 8. August 5th in Flint, Michigan @ we don't know yet, we're jumping on a show with Duane of Duane and Brando Fame. August 6th in Indianapolis, In @ GenCon THE DATES AFTER THIS WERE CANCELLED SOORRRRYY
  19. I'll be there performing
  20. Oh but the band will be playing, I'll be sure to refer to your replacement as "NOT MUSTIN" the whole time. I'm gonna have a tour exclusive CD I'll be selling. It's going to be half chiptunes and half VG remixes. THIS IS THE ART FOR IT DAWGS
  21. All of them. The dates after this will not include them but another un-announced VG band
  22. 2nd half of tour will hit Columbus. Might be the first date after Bitgen
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