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Everything posted by LuketheXjesse

  1. Pretty much this. Last year I found everyone I wanted to meet with virtually no effort.
  2. God dammit mirby

  3. I don't know if anyone's seen some of my perler bead art I've been posting in off topic but some of my pals who also make them are considering opening up a booth at the dealer's room to sell them. For some extra cash I might end up helping but all of this is still in the air for the moment.
  4. I shall be returning for my second MAGfest. Can't want to party hard with you folks again.
  5. Oh my god yes. Thanks for the birthday wishes, guys. I'll try to be online more often, I've been mad busy as of late.
  6. Copying/pasting this post I made on Facebook. I've been making joke posts about the whole thing today but after seeing some genuinely sad faces I HAVE to make this post. As someone who spent a whole year lamenting a breakup, I know it can feel REALLY shitty to be single at times. Really, I do. But it's not that big a deal whether you're single or not! What's SO bad about being single? If you're upset about it because it doesn't fill some kind of void in your life, then you're looking at it all wrong. Until you can learn to be happy on your own, then how can you be strong enough to provide and support someone else? Use the time you have to yourself now to make you a better, more capable spouse in the long run, and just enjoy having a lot of free time to yourself, it means more than you know! I'm sure a lot of you have heard this SAME advice a million times before, but I know from experience that it's all true, even if you may not realize it yet. Don't be jealous of those who do have someone in their life either, be a good friend and be happy for them and support them! Be happy that someday you'll be in the same position they are! If you honest to goodness want to go out and do something for V-day, either stop being spineless and ask out that babe/dude you like, or go out with a bunch of your single pals and hang out! I'd probably have arranged something like that myself if I wasn't going to be busy putting my computer together today. In short, live life, be happy for what it is, and be excellent to each other. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
  7. So I found this today...


    ...and I was told that's you in the checkered shirt. I still don't remember meeting you at all, but I apologize for any discomfort that was caused for you and your woman! :P

  8. Any set location yet? Depending on where it is, I might go.
  9. An excellent human being. Best wishes, sir.
  10. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/08/the-legislation-that-could-kill-internet-privacy-for-good/242853/ http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:h.r.1981:
  11. Yeah what the hell is the problem? I thought it was pretty cool.
  12. I suddenly want to try Beast just because it sounds hilariously awful and I've also never heard of it.
  13. Bud Light and Miller Lite and shit like that sucks ass. Tastes like water with alcohol in it.
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