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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. This year begins very well with an epic album featuring great tracks! Will OCR release 12 albums in 2011?
  2. I didn't update this list for like ages XD Sorry man, going to do it immediately, plus I have new and more WiPs. EDIT: Tracklist updated. And DEADLINE IN LESS THAN ONE WEEK OMG.
  3. So much blue... This thing will rock so hard when released.
  4. May be my fav from the album, digging the style and the arrangement! Congrats on the release and nice work!
  5. Let's go track by track (yeah I suck at reviewing) XD 01 - Samus Got blasted, awesome intro for the album. The atmosphere kicks ass. That's it, nothing to add. 02 - Mother Brain Digging the genre A LOT. Pads add a kinda 'maleficent' sound to the track. And WTF Vincent Price and chipmunk-thing laugh cameos. xD Enjoyed the track a lot. 03 - Guybrush Threepwood Wasn't expecting metal for this one, but it is very well done. \m/ The vocals are very cool, reminds me of 'Pirates of the Caribbean' songs. 04 - LeChuck Ethnic cool stuff, lovin' it. The chiptune break was awesome and unexpected. I was sure LeChuck's track would be a heavy metal arrangement, but this ReMix rocks. 05 - Kratos BRAAAANDOON, yeah. \m/ I made so many headbangs listening to this. Great job, Mr. Strader, you prooved once more you can match OCR's big names! (Now get FF1 finished =P) 06 - Zeus Wow, samples are amazing. Lot of drums in the intro, loved that. Interesting and weird track, mixing many genres at the same time. 07 - Axel I was looking for some guitars from Will, but this electro arrangement is soooo cool. Reminds me zircon tracks and that's a good thing! 08 - Mr. X zyk0 always takes interesting directions when remixing a song (*looking at some DoD entries and DKC2*), but they're always great. This one rocks. Loving the weird sequences too! 09 - Mega Man Each time I'm hearing anosou's music (or whatever is your artist name now 8D), I discover something new. This take on the classic theme was so cool, good job! 10 - Dr. Wily Again, I was thinking MM's and Wily's theme would be very epic electro stuff. But this take is very different from all other Wily ReMix and I appreciated a lot the direction taken. 11 - TMNT Nothing to say on this one. bLiNd rocks once again and the track is truly epic and awesome. 12 - Shredder Danimal Cannon! \m/Love how all the electro stuff was mixed with the metal stuff. Also, some weird moments not so necessary but adding a lot of fun to the track (I thought my PC was broken AGAIN lol) 13 - Link Funny thing I listened to The Amazing BrandO's stuff on his website recently. This rap version of TLoZ is so cool and groovy I wanted to dance around my table (*dances around the table*) 14 - Ganon The intro reminded metal albums intro (like Rhaposdy of Fire stuff). Vocals were a bit strangely mixed, but the take on the theme ins very strange and interesting to listen. Cool guitar stuff before the end. 15 - Ryu zircon. One of my biggest ReMix heroes. And this track was great, loving the ethnic stuff and the calmness of the mix. 16 - Sagat Yeah, acoustic track. Loving the way it was interpreted. Nothing to add to this, I enjoyed the track. 17 - Kirby halc and Ben Briggs. This is an epic combination. Chiptune goodness pushed to the maximum. I lol'd at the Kirby SFX used, very fitting to the track. 18 - King Dedede So, it's a chiptune-oriented battle, huh? I loved the way the brass + piano were mixed with the chiptune and electro stuff. The lead is a little bit muffled but the track very was enjoyable! 19 - Simon Belmont Awesome. I thought SnappleMan was doing a metal cover of this one, but Mustin's version is sooo enjoyable I'm very happy with it! Simple but cool track. 20 - Dracula Western/Morricone intro, the 'Illusionary Dance' (or is it 'Poison Mind'?) theme was very well introduced (reminds me a lot of virt's ClockWork DoD entry). And then METULZ! \m/ Slow metal, digging the 'Walk with Death' atmosphere. Nice ClockWork cameo at the end. Awesome track! I'm really surprised by the quality of all these tracks. I was hopping for a great album... I got an epic one. Congrats and good job, everyone!
  6. No, it is Dragon Warrior. EDIT: BTW, Bahamut, you should update the first post!
  7. A good thing could be to flag it as 'Inflicts my Rights'.
  8. I don't do animations because I actually suck with all animation software and stuff. I'm only good with video editing programs and a bit of AE. Maybe we should collab on a cool video for next OCRMV? And yeah, go ahead, I'd like to see what you can do with this Bowser!
  9. Send Liontamer, he's the best when it has to deal with YouTube comments. *looks at Hurry! album* Seriously, this guy has really no shame. Or no brain.
  10. I found this hilarious prank call on some CV forums and loled hard for 5 minutes. I was wondering if anyone else found other funny prank call with VG characters' voice.
  11. As for promotion, if someone can make a trailer-like video ad, it could be posted on YouTube to attract more people. As for deadlines, I don't know. I make videos when I'm inspired by a song. 2 months can be enough IMO, but 4 are great too. Maybe 3 then?
  12. I'm not a rap fan, but this thing is really funny.
  13. This was seriously one of the best trailers evar. Very good job!
  14. Wow, the acoustic part was a true surprise! Solid arrangement. Very good job!
  15. I finally posted a new version of my Paper Mario track! Go check it! ;)

  16. Little bump, but someone should really do a cover/arrangement of for Volume 2 or else. This track NEEDS and WANTS to be ReMixed!Also, Joe and I are going to re-work our track
  17. Dude, where do you find time to make awesome mixes + your EP + projects? XD Nice job!
  18. Just a little post to remind to all artists that next deadline is soon. Also, as it is Castlevania's 25th Anniversary, I'd like everyone to write a little text about Castlevania and its music, how and why you like it, which are your favorites and if it had influences on your own music, etc. We may release a little booklet with the album.
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