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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Great news! It's been a while since the beginning of this project, I hope it'll be completed soon. Good luck, guys, I know you can do it!
  2. So, now we're near the final deadline, who has a finished video? Mine is done BTW.
  3. The game looks really fun to play! I don't have enough skills to enter a such competition, so good luck to every one who will make music! And congrats to your team, zircon!
  4. I can do something like that. The song inspires me a lot. However, I'd need some SotC footage you'd like to see (because I've never played this great game, don't blame me ).
  5. Yeah, I've already listened (and enjoyed) to this cool mix. Now, if it's remixed in a westen-movie-soundtrack way, it would be awesome!
  6. I really love the way you're singing during the video recording ;) Great vid, thanks!

  7. Thanks Emunator! Now, I know what to do, and I think it'll be really good next time!
  8. What kind of music video are you looking for? I'm interested, I have enough time to make some videos now.
  9. Alright, I corrected and changed a lot of things, I hope this time it'll be good. =)
  10. Hey, thanks! I must admit I didn't expect is to be completed so quickly! (but it's still open!) And it's thanks to you too! =)

  11. OCR inspired me to make music. And it also inspires (and help) me to write stories or scenarios. Great music make you do great things.
  12. YouTube This song is just amazing. I wonder how it could sound if it was remixed like a western or in a "Ennio Morricone way". With harmonicas and guitars. It would be so cool. Thanks =)
  13. Good job, Brad! Now we just have to wait until the release! Congrats!
  14. Yeah, 4GB of RAM isn't enough for huge project files. And it happens with specific VSTs, so I can easily try to avoid them. Thanks starla and neblix!
  15. Brandon, you've written this name on your "To-do list", so every one can see it ^^ BTW, I just finished the GBA version of DKC2 and DKC3 (and they are fantastic!), so I except a lot for it! =) Good luck everyone!
  16. We're still open for recruitment and accept two takes on tracks!
  17. Happy birthday to SMB! BTW, the vid you posted is epic.
  18. I've a 4 Go of RAM. The VSTs don't take too much time, but since I use like 20 at the same time, it takes a long time to open the whole project.
  19. I've a little problem while exporting my song: when I hit the button "Export", FLS shows me a message "Out of memory", the program kinda "freezes" and I just can't export the track. I tried with different exportation formats (mp3, wav, etc.) but nothing works. The only way to export the whole thing is to delete some instrument tracks and then export, but as the VSTs need long time to launch on my computer, this is a big waste of time... Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
  20. I may see if I can do something for you! =)
  21. Hey, I asked FoxxDragon (the artist who will do artwork for "Vampire Variations") and he will be able to help you with art for the website. So, when we'll start speaking about making it, you will be able to ask him about what you need! ;)

  22. I'll try to do "Underground". But your idea is good, Brandon! =)
  23. Thank you, Rozo! And yeah, you are right about the source coverage, even during the slow version of the battle music!
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