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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. "The Portrait of Mario Gray"? Just kidding ^^ I hope to see something soon, this is one of my most-anticipated album on OCR! =)
  2. I'd like to request "Murderer" by Helloween. Hansen's vocals are great on this song.
  3. This cover is really nice! With a little more work, it can be very very good.
  4. Lyrics and vocals are allowed in ReMixes, even if the original doesn't have vocals.
  5. I'm interested. Will you only train you/us with death metal vocals or will you make other types of metal vocals (like power metal, etc.)?
  6. The Metal Gear Solid Theme (MGS 2 and 3). Some Zimmer works too.
  7. Best news of the day! Thanks a ton! =) edit : The news design is really cool, great job!
  8. I got time to finish my video, I'm doing the final rendering and I'll wait for the second party!
  9. Great vid! Can't wait to hear the full version of the track! And, you're not bad at fighting Mother Brain
  10. I'm really sorry to not be able to show my video, I didn't have the time to finish the whole editing. I'll be able to upload it in a week or so!
  11. I thought everyone would wait a little more to see more vid... Well, I'll post my vid when the second viewing party will be announced.
  12. I'll need one week or two more before being able to show something good.
  13. Well, let's wait before releasing our videos. I need a little more time to complete my editing. And other people may do videos with more time.
  14. Best post ever. I'm sure I was good with all those planets at school because of this attack.
  15. Okay, I tried to change the synths at the end, sounds way better IMO. Now I think I just need to change a little the piano loudness, as Gario said it. Maybe one more update and I'll change this to Mods Review, yay! Feedback always appreciated! =)
  16. Wow, never saw this before! Great idea, looking forward your top list! Good luck!
  17. Orchestral? In a prog metal album? If so, I'm interested.
  18. OverClassic ReMix. But awesome arrangement.
  19. I'm fine with the actual deadline but if it is extended, no problem.
  20. Yeah, thank you neblix, I was concentrating on the arrangement until now and not on the production yet. So I need to up the volume of the orchestra in the first(s) parts and to up it for the drums during the last part.
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