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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. Remixer names: The Vagrance, Wild Real Name: Samuel Day, Marcus Wild E-mail: Samuel.day@gmail.com Website: Soundcloud.com/fli OCR ID: 15461 Name of Game Arranged: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Name of Individual Song: Stickerbush Symphony Name of the Remix: Breathe Deep Comments: My whole point was to create an atmosphere similar to the original in a typical DnB song structure, as opposed to trying to follow along the melodies; I wanted the whole arrangement to glide. I got one of my friends Marcus to play sax over the track and I took his takes, basted them in reverb and did a bit of stretching and tuning to create the sax part in the song. The breakdown in the end has very little to do with the rest of the track but I enjoy it too much to take it out. So yeah, no TED talk samples, no rapping, just another boring submission. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Contact Info: ReMixer name: AMT Real name: Austin Thresher Email: athreshe@nmt.edu Website: none UserID: 9241 Submission info: Name of game arranged: Donkey Kong Country 2 Song: Hot Head Bop Song Title: Can't Stop The Hot Head Bop Info: I've always loved the DKC2 soundtrack and being a bass player this song is one that really stood out to me. Bass is my first choice of instrument, so I figured I'd give this one a shot. I hope you enjoy it! ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KR3hE0_6Nk
  3. Yeah, I think my source breakdown jives with Jill's (rowr). Unfortunately, I gotta call this too liberal. NO
  4. Here's a submission for you, my dear! Your ReMixer name: Brandon Strader Your real name: Brandon E. Strader Your email address: oinkness@gmail.com Your website: http://brandon.rainwound.com/ Your userid: 3123 Name of game(s) arranged: Sonic the Hedgehog Name of individual song(s) arranged: Staff Credits, Special Stage, Drowning Name of remix: A Hog In His Prime This is a PROJECT TRACK -- Sonic, Sound of Speed Hi! This is one of the first remixes I made after returning to the community in August 2009. I saw that the track was open on the Sonic project so I asked halc if I could try it. I hadn't really written electronica up to that point, and they were looking for electronic music with guitar in it. As a result, this song was very experimental for me, and I wrote it a part at a time, fleshing out each different source used in the Staff Credits. Trying to find a way to incorporate guitar, but also have a strong electronic sound in there. I still don't know a lot about electronic music, but I'd say this is something like trance-rock... I don't know. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it. Probably my two favorite things about this remix are the 3xOsc I created in FL Studio that has a ridiculously strong vibrato the longer you hold down the note, and the 'Special Stage' R&B breakdown that I just added for fun as a bit of a bridge between parts. Thank you very much! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Staff Credits,
  5. Gonna co-sign with Andy on this one. Very nice arrangement, and the source is there nearly the entire time but is obscured by the uneven mixing. I think enough of it does poke out but the mixing problems are pretty severe. The plucked guitar sound, the EP - too loud. It hurts the production, it hurts the connection to the source. I was gonna call this a conditional because the mixing is literally the only thing I think needs to be changed about this, but with so many NO votes that can't hear the source, maybe it's best to let Damon do another pass on this entirely. NO (resubmit)
  6. Aww, it was cool meeting you and everyone else too! I'm sorry we didn't have time to find you all for one last goodbye. Tomorrow we're heading to Yosemite, which is sort of the inverse of Las Vegas.
  7. All the best, Wes. Your friendship and the significant work you've done for the site will be missed.
  8. Happy birthday to the best dang video maker on the site! (That I'm aware of.)
  9. Can you break it down for me, Jill? Pwease?
  10. dio and I made it here in one piece. After getting here last night, we walked around a bit, got dinner, and crashed early (well, late for EST). All ready to actually do stuff with people today!
  11. With two borderline votes, it'd be nice to get at least one more YES on this.
  12. Very reminiscent of Sole Signal's D&B mixes: high-energy, playful, but still kicks you in the ass. Good arrangement overall, maybe a little overuse of glitch though still within the boundaries of good taste. The intro was not a good start, the flute and bell samples aren't that strong and they are very exposed. In fact, in general, the arrangement on this is much stronger than the production. The song is pretty overcompressed for starters, making it hard to make out individual components and wrecking havoc with the dynamics of the quieter sections. A lot of the leads sound too buried, though with compression so high, it's hard to identify whether the mixing needs to change. I also think some of the instruments just don't sound that great, like the plain synth lead at 0:43, and the muted trumpet at 3:00, in addition to the ones in the intro. I think this needs some real work on that end before this could pass. It's really not up to the production level of songs on the site, as cool as the arrangement is. NO (resubmit)
  13. Toughie. I love the ideas and production here but this just seems to have the wrong balance of sections. The intro was cool, but the slowdown/speed-up got overused, since it lasted more than 30 seconds. The 1:16 section worked best for me since it combined the two sources and played a little with the L4D melody. Then the uh wanking section. Again, in a small dose, this kind of stuff is fun to hear. Once I realized it was stretching past eight measures, I started to worry a bit. It's just not interesting enough to carry that long, and definitely not past sixteen measures, though from there it gets more melodic though still somewhat at odds with the chords. The organ part came out of nowhere and didn't fit too well, especially since it kicks right back to more soloing. Yeah, like OA, I'm just not feeling this enough. The soloing is impressive, even the weird stuff, but it carried on too long. The DMC riff doesn't change that entire time and that's your one link to a source. I'd say focus more on that stuff that is working: the L4D melody, the piano break. I think you could rejigger this into a passable sub pretty easily, and heck, it could still pass anyway. Best of luck. NO (resubmit)
  14. I'm going to have to agree with myself too, despite me not actually voting yet. If it was just the melody following the source verbatim that would be one thing, but the guitar also follows the source very closely, so you've pretty much got 2/3 of the song sounding like a cover. The lead synth even sounds not that far from the source. There are times when the guitar strays, and during the middle section the melody briefly plays off the original, but by and large, it feels like a cover. Sorry gents! I do love the atmospherics in this. NO (resubmit)
  15. Feeling sort of a "Running Up That Hill"-vibe on this initially, but once the piano comes in, it becomes its own thing. Very nice mood, good combination of instruments. I'll be the third vote in a row here to echo that the kick and snare sound pretty far back which takes away some drive. I also think the song goes a while without a driving beat and it might be better to bring it back sooner. Better articulations on the piano and flute would help out a lot too, they are sounding pretty fake at times. Fix those issues and I'd almost definitely pass this, the arrangement works. NO (resubmit)
  16. Before the 1:19 mark, I was ready to agree with Jesse's vote, but it really took off there and started clicking. The soloing isn't ornate but it works, and the section following it has an interesting take on the melody line. The voicings in the song are great. The problem is that the intro section is definitely weaker than the rest. The piano sounds dry which causes dead space at times, and the instruments are a little too loose. But after a couple listens, even that starts to click a little more, and overall I think it's a close pass. It's not on the level of Neskvartetten but few jazz remixes on this site are. There are some things that could have been done to improve this, like more reverb, more intricate playing, but it's just good enough. YES (borderline)
  17. Can't add any more to what's been said. This sounds very nice, perhaps could use some more sparkle. The major problem is that this is underdeveloped and needs more length to it. NO (resubmit)
  18. I have a new favorite song of yours, Alex. I think the sound design and background writing in this track (especially the piano runs) are a huge step up from previous subs of yours. In fact, this is the first track of yours where I don't think any of the arrangement needs to change. Seriously! OK, the ending is a little abrupt and it might have been cool to go back to the intro section, but otherwise, fine work. There's just a few production issues to iron out. The mixing is definitely off, as Jesse pointed out. Play with the EQ and volume levels of that lead at 1:22, it shouldn't be overpowering the drums so much. This song also has an issue of the drums never ramping up to full power. I like the layering you did, but in the climax parts the drums don't have the right power. They should be hitting harder to match that lead you bring in. The sample quality could also be better on some of the drums. Sequencing on some instruments is too mechanical. I urge you to resubmit this because I think this is seriously 90% there (at least, for me). NO (resubmit)
  19. I didn't hear any source in the last 40% or so of this song. I might be missing something but since it's over 50%, I'm cool either way. This is my first time hearing this song and I really like the arrangement ideas. It's very pleasant and a nice way to arrange the source. The biggest problem is definitely the difference in production between the initial section and the rest of the song. Really sounds like two different songs, and the transition between them is clunky too, like something you hear on the radio. The chiptune stuff doesn't blend in very well either. Now is that overlookable given that I didn't have any other issues with the song? I'm willing to say YES. I didn't feel like it hampered my enjoyment of the track very much. Good luck with the rest of the vote! YES
  20. Greetings OCRemix I love you guys, been an enjoyer of the many mixes available for ample years now, I finally thought I'd submit my own. I've done my best to follow the instructions on your site, if I have made any mistakes, please let me know and I'll correct them. I know you prefer to audition one at a time so here's my first - a jazz remix of the flying battery zone. I have some more to submit if this one has fallen short for some reason. A few Command and Conquer remixes and some more Sonic related stuff. Get in touch if I can help in any way, and I hope you enjoy the music. Thank you once again for the awesome work you do! Link to song: www.myspace.com/xijmusic - song name: Minton's Battery Contact Information Your ReMixer name: Xij Your real name: Jack Oughton Your email address: jackoughton@googlemail.com Your website: is broken Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: n/a e.g. djpretzel (http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=1) has the userid of "1" Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Name of individual song(s) arranged: Flying Battery Zone Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: The first of two arrangements I did of the Flying Battery theme. It was a lot longer and had a massive trumpet solo in the middle, but it sounded like crap so I got rid of it. I'd like to submit the other mixes when you review this one. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  21. ReMixer name: ProtoDome Real name: Blake Troise Userid: 25246 Name of game arranged: Pokémon Diamond Name of song arranged: Hearthome City Original Composer: Junichi Masuda, Hitomi Sato Original Sound Track: 'Kay, here's yet ANOTHER Pokémon remix from the project. I thought I'd go for a Trad. Jazz/Bebop style for this source because the chord sequence is just gagging for it. You do know the reason I'm sending all these is because The Damned makes us don't you? The original problem I had with this was making the saxophone 'mesh' with the other instruments- I hope that now all the instruments fit together pseudo-realistically in the soundscape. Cool, that's all. ~Proto -----------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Contact Information Jakerno Jake Dragash No Website 26285 Submission Information Pokemon Red Into The Palace Jun'ichi Masuda Original Song: http://drp.ly/yf13m Enjoyed Pokemon as a kid, looked through the Red & Blue OST Soundtrack, and came across a song I thought would be nice to remix into a kind of rock/energetic genre. Used Logic, a guitar, a a bass, and my brain. ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icxKz-IF1IU
  23. It's in the To Be Judged section, though next update you'll be seeing it in Approved.
  24. We all have access to do it, and we try to keep it updated weekly. It only takes 5-10 minutes so usually it's a case of forgetting or assuming that someone else will do it, rather than busyness. We tried to work out a system of who updates it when, but inevitably somebody will miss a week and then we're back to the same system.
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