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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. And I must have you have it. In other words, it's yours.
  2. Cool. I'll mark you as interested and keep the track from the list of open ones for a while. Let me know when you've found someone.
  3. All I hear is a jumbled mess of denoiser abuse. That's not how we remix. Dunno what your plan with the remix is, but if you're thinking of making ocr-type music (as if there is such a type) with Audacity, an audio rip and a denoiser you're not gonna get far. In any case, you'd probably do better with a sequencer. You were already suggested Reaper, you'll probably do better with a sequencer than with an audio editor.
  4. Your host doesn't let me listen. Use another host, like Tindeck or Mediafire.
  5. Careful with the bass, there's some low lows here that don't need to be ARGHLOUD. Otherwise it's quite well mixed, but the sound design is plain and kind'a weak. See what you can do to make the sounds thicker. Add stuff, it needs more harmonic content, I would recommend a thick pad with some interesting filter motion. Doesn't even have to be very loud, it just has to be there and fill out the frequency range a bit. Are you remixing this for ocr or otherwise? Cuz ocr wants more source than this. The intro first seems to reference the bassline part of Theme of Samus Aran, same with the piano (tho just barely), but even counting that as source the judges would hardly find the source overall dominant here. I guess they'd rule it as an original track with part of the Intro overlaid. You've got a cool idea here, a good start, but you should develop it more, both sonically and compositionally. By develop I don't mean to just add length, the parts you have need more depth. If you're planning to sub it to ocr, you'll also need more source. If I can hear the aforementioned intro parts as referencing a source (despite that it's a bit of a stretch atm), you know there's a source you can tweak them into using.
  6. 16 days... Things are starting to happen now. That may sometimes be a subjectively semi-good thing, relatively speaking. For us it's awesome. Thatis, I got some new wips, some new claims, stuff like that. You know, the little things that makes me happy. And I want MOAR!
  7. Oh right, but I don't count it as a collab yet, haven't done the choir parts yet and have barely started mixing it.
  8. I'd say I've got two collabs worth mentioning. One failed, one worked fine. The one that failed did so because we couldn't agree on what we wanted to do with the track. The one that worked did so because we divided the tasks between us before starting, and we were both pretty much ok with how the other one was doing his tasks (with occasional exceptions that we discussed and compromised with). the biggest problem during that collab was deciding on a name we both liked. What we did in both cases as we were using different DAWs was to send the midi back and forth with additions and changes. The successful collab was written by my collaborator (he sent me the midi once, no back and forth there), and I did the sound and mixing. There was a few of my sounds he wasn't happy with, so he bounced wavs with his sounds on those and sent them to me to mix with the rest. The biggest obstacle is human. The solution is to compromise somehow, whether by dividing the tasks up beforehand (whether those are tasks, tracks, or parts (as in write/mix, guitar/drums, intro/B-part) or by discussing and making a decision when you find yoruselves disagreeing.
  9. AFAIK they're not disallowed, but they aren't high quality so you'd have trouble making a remix that sounds good enough using those. I would advise against it and suggest free synths and soundfonts instead (or better yet, commercial synths and sample libraries).
  10. Not everyone has FL. Not sure trackers are the best either. Not that I haven't used them, but I'd be more interested in competing using GarageBand, actually. Against whatever everybody else wants to use.
  11. I think it's an interesting idea, albeit with the slight flaw zircon pointed out. However, remixers could send whatever data they want and feel are the most useful, whether that's a midi, a project file (with mostly built-in/free sounds), audio files (separate, rarred/zipped mp3s, not wav (wavs are huuge)), a pre-mastering mp3/wav, just the vocal/guitar/melodica performance or whatever. On a related note, a "came with the program" competition would be cool. The cheapest, most limited, most entry-level tool you can use (and use only that) to make the coolest remix/original/something. No samples imported unless they came with the DAW, no effects that didn't come with the DAW, no external editing, none of that. After the competition, the project files could be released so ppl can examine them, learn from them. Not the same as learning from posted stuff, but there's probably stuff to learn from there too.
  12. Three weeks until the wips are due. I'm holding myself to this deadline too. Some people are just sitting on their almost complete tracks, doing nothing about them. Won't you feel better when you're finished with the track and have handed it in? Yes you will. Finish them and send to me. Always great to see a new pm or two, with a wip update, a wav link, a track claim... You know, certain remixers* are gonna end up with a disc of their own on the album otherwise. *I got a new wip today. I like it.
  13. Hi and welcome, new ones! Your works-in-progress can be posted in our feedback forums and music/mixing questions in the Workshop. Custom avatars can be suggested in this thread which Liontamer apparently ignores. They're not custom in the sense that you can upload anything you want, they're more like additions to the avatar gallery.
  14. It's not the first time I've answered the question, and it won't be my last, either. That's the internet for ya. Welcome to ocr, if you haven't done so already, say hi in the introduction thread.
  15. Get the torrent files you want, get a torrent program (aka client) (like BitTorrent, µTorrent, Transmission...), open the torrent file with the torrent client, leave it on for a while, and it'll start downloading. It'll take a while to get everything, but fortunately you can quit and next time you open it it'll start where you left it.
  16. Dude, don't forget I'm also still learning. And thanks. This. Anyway Tydin (and anyone else for that matter) you're welcome to pick my brain over IM, but I would advise you to make friends with others here too, pick theirs as well. Some have more experience, some have more knowledge, some have more skill, some are friendly.
  17. Always include any relevant information when you're posting for help, dude. What "big boy program" are you using, what kind of budget do you have (as in, should we recommend EWQL products or soundfonts), what's your music experience so far (music theory, played an instrument, "small boy programs", that kind of stuff). If you're in the GarageBand-Logic family of "big boy programs" I can probably help you out, but otherwise you'd probably have more use of someone familiar with the DAW (digital audio workstation, ie "big boy program") you've got.
  18. A reminder for those of you whose tracks we've got a final version of: We also want a brief bio (formal or informal) and some of your thoughts on the source and your remix. No hurry, but before you disappear on us, plz.
  19. Here's a useful link. Ok arrangement skills, but you gotta work on the mixing and effects use, half the instruments here are ok, half of them terrible. Learn to hear which ones aren't up to par, and why (the synth at 2:58 for a different reason than the "guitar"). When handled right, you should get by with FL-included tools, tho it wouldn't hurt to get a few sets of soundfonts, synths, and effects from the net. There's lots of freebies out there. Anyway, learn to use velocities, timing, pitch bend and modulation as part of your writing, learn to use the synth or sampler's built-in features to control how it responds to the writing, learn to use EQ, reverb, delay, compression and other effects to shape the sound after you have what you want out of the sampler/synth. If it's not a vgm remix, it goes here. Mods can move this one when they notice it, but now you have no reason to make the same mistake again.
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